I will say briefly; read letters in this forum but know that this is not the only knowledge for today. Around the work of Rife arisen many legends of so-called "urban legends" and several facts are certain: the original Rife machine healed cancer and other diseases but such machines no longer exist. Each of the creators of their product praises like a fox tail. The worst, of involuntary R.R.Rife some use of his name in the name of their product, which have nothing to do with the Rife machine. Frequency for BX, then how can you claim is 1604kHz. I built an analog generator from 10kHz to 30MHz and recently purchased chinese DDS module from 1Hz to 50MHz (sine wave) and to the 10MHz (square wave). Remember also that not for every case (patient) can be used a frequency method.
Continued discussion in the relevant thematic threads or write private.