Welcome to the The Rife Forum.
Info on how to join and use the Rife Forum
Your chance to add your vote to a range of topics (Public).
We sometimes send a Rife Forum Newsletter to all our members via eMail. Previous Newsletters can be found here (Public).
Discuss the technologies, developed by Rife, and their implementation today.
For discussing Rife related technical and scientific issues.
Molded bread test project,
How this technology can help
Do you have a true story to tell about how Rife treatment actually helped you personally? Tell us your story and help others!
Use of Rife to treat Cancer.
Sub-Forums: Brain Cancer, Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer
Lyme disease and its treatment.
Sub-Forum: Lyme and Rife Information
Discuss the various devices and how to use them
For discussion of Rife Pad type devices.
Alchemist Rife,
ResIWave (BioWave)
For discussion of other electrotherapy devices.
Sub-Forums: Bob Beck, Doug Coil, Hulda Clark Zapper,
For all non-Rife health related discussion...
This area is for all PRIVATE advertising of equipment, etc. as well as looking for like minded people
This area is for members with a premium subscription only. Access to Audio, Video, Reviews, Special Reports, Downloads, etc.
Special section containing videos on the Covid-19 pandemic and vaccines.
Online Audio Library
Online Video Library
Independant Reviews of Electrotherapy devices
Various high quality reports
241 Spammers Denied Registration
19 Spammy Posts Automatically Moderated
Welcome to our newest member, Gloria Gil Mañero
Latest Blog Entry, How to Find the Frequencies to Use! by Gary Scott in Blog Aqua Cronic Hydro