Discuss the technologies, developed by Rife, and their implementation today.
This is where new members can introduce themselves. If you have a specific question, please place it in the appropriate forum.
The life of Rife and what happened to him and his technology in the past
The Rife Microscope and modern counterparts of similar capabilities like the Ergonom, etc.
Rife frequencies (MOR) and what they can do.
The Pros and Cons of the different methods.
The Rife conference held yearly in the USA, Medica in Germany and any other Rife related events.
For discussing Rife related technical and scientific issues. Sub-Forum: Molded bread test project,
For discussing Recreation of Aubrey Scoons Molded Bread experiment.
For research into the original methods used by Royal Raymond Rife.
Other Rife related topics not covered elsewhere.