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Thread: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

  1. #221
    Specialist Chat with me Russell Shipp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stanislaw Chmielarz View Post
    You can think how you want and what you want but the remote frequency interaction works. I built my own generator set and a remote transmitter and carried out the trials on the nails of several people with health problems. It is just as effective in a longer period of time as the treatment with contact electrodes and the effectiveness depends mainly on whether the correct frequency was used. Rife did not know this phenomenon and therefore he did not use it, and besides, there was a completely different state of knowledge and technique, and I personally do not intend to go back to historical times but use currently available knowledge and technology. I don't think that this technology can cure all the diseases alone.

    Oh I dont think anything I know its a hoax. A hoax being perpetrated to discredit and devalue legitimate Rife Therapy. I mean if what was said about remote therapy was true youd be hitting millions of people based on skin cells in dust particles alone. Remote healing is quackery.

  2. #222
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Russell Shipp View Post
    Oh I dont think anything I know its a hoax. A hoax being perpetrated to discredit and devalue legitimate Rife Therapy. I mean if what was said about remote therapy was true youd be hitting millions of people based on skin cells in dust particles alone. Remote healing is quackery.

    I am hesitant to wade into opinions... but...

    I have used the three versions of Rife therapy, plasma - (Resonant Light - 'Perl'), Contact ('Rife Medic') and what has acquired the title 'Quantum entanglement'.

    The 'Perl' was effective, fast and comfortable and relatively expensive. If I had a serious issue, I would get or rent one. By the time I got my first 'Rife Medic', contact was passe, so I used it as a QE device and have had many excellent results. Prostate (normalization), Liver (Alanine transaminase normalized), arthritis (gone), hypothyroid (normalized), canker sores (eliminated), and a number of other successes. Lots of misses also.

    In my experience, all therapies whether allopathic, or what is referred to as alternative are effective or ineffective mainly due to the healer's talent and care. In the 2000 year old Ayurvedic texts, they say the same thing.

    The Caraka Samhita (2000 year old medical texts) list the qualities necessary to affect a healing as ;

    Good Doctor,
    Good Nurse,
    Good Patient
    Appropriate and quality tools, preparations, herbs and diet.

    The remark "youd be hitting millions of people based on skin cells in dust particles alone", is an opinion based on not following the method. The DNA samples required to get results have to be specific and solid, i.e. finger or toe nails. Blood, urine, snot, semen, tears, hair, saliva, etc. do not work.

    Referring to anything as quackery is pretty strong and in my world requires strong proof. Please do present yours.
    Best regards!

  3. #223
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    "sleeping on a complete metal-free bed"

    What about sleeping on earthed/grounded metallic bed?

  4. #224
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    I'll share some technical info and lab research from my group.

    We have to distinguish among 3 types of machines:
    1. Original (pre-Hoyland) machines
    2. Post-Hoyland machines, clones and replicas
    3. Other machines

    Machines type #1 on cancer:
    - they can help with some specific type of cancers (mostly lung/breast related), not all
    - they work very well in vitro, and to a certain extent in vivo on exposed areas (if they are not exposed, it has to be done through surgery)
    - they work little to nothing with inner cancers
    Mechanisms involved:
    - cancer is sensitive to temperature. Thermal shock contributes to cell apoptosis
    - EM shock by high voltage spikes. This cleans up the environment by mechanical induction (shaking, rotation, etc.) and can disturb the operation of cancerous cells
    - it alters proteins and DNA in cancerous cells (as well in normal cells); when cancerous cells, which have an already altered DNA, become too compromised and cannot photoreactivate, apoptosis is triggered. Normal cells can recover, but can also go mad. Statistically, with the right doses, they recover
    Targeted chemical constituents: Benzene, Anthracene (Benz(a)anthracene-7.12-dione), Naphthalene, and Styrene to clear up the environment (mostly tobacco-related). O-O bonds in the cell, which involves mitochondria and the breathing process of the cell (cancer is oxygen hungry; when you target the source it feeds from, the cell dies)

    Machines type #2 on cancer:
    None of those machines is currently properly tuned up according to original machines. Therefore, without clear electrical and lamp parameters, it is not possible to predict how well they will operate.
    In general, they should have no effect on cancer, but there are certain variants that might. For example, a Rife/Bare system could be made to work against cancer with some modifications (using multiple frequencies at the same time, choosing the proper lamp, etc.). Same with a Bedini RPX Sideband Generator, if it is properly amplified and fed to a proper lamp.

    The thing is more complex, but I think this guideline can be helpful. Many variants and machine #2 seem to help with long exposure times. But right for that reason, as they cannot achieve a timely killoff, they only display initial good results. Then, the cancer cells adapt and become more virulent than before, leading to a quick death. Thus, you can talk about an improved quality of life for a time, but not about healing. However, this is not the original Rife principle.
    Last edited by Peter Walker; 04-29-2018 at 00:29.
    Researcher at Rife Lab.
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  5. #225
    Specialist Chat with me Stanislaw Chmielarz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Your message has a serious errors;
    "it alters proteins and DNA in cancerous cells (as well in normal cells); when cancerous cells, which have an already altered DNA,"
    Cancer cells have not an altered DNA. If they have, an immune system have to kill them.
    "O-O bonds in the cell, which involves mitochondria and the breathing process of the cell (cancer is oxygen hungry; when you target the source it feeds from, the cell dies)"
    Cancer cells are not an oxygen hungry because they do not burn glucose in oxygen but in the lack of oxygen they carry out glucose fermentations to achieve an energy.
    There is a fundamental knowledge about cancer cells vs healthy cells which You don't have.
    Who is the inventor? This is a man who does not know that everyone says that something can not be done and he just does it .
    Most people are like mice who see cheese but don't see the trap behind it.
    Thinking does not hurt .Stupidity kills .

  6. #226
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    Maybe you have different sources and the only error is your thread spamming and agenda.

    My point is DNA alteration, for which there is plenty of studies.
    If the immune system would intervene every time DNA is altered, many viruses would not exist (those that alter DNA), which is not true.
    Concerning the role of mitochondria, there are different studies. Some say that che cancerous cell is always in starving mode because of the increased need for oxygen and that mitochondria become hyperactive. There are many threads of study.
    And it is common knowledge that cancer cells have an altered, crazy DNA.

    I invite you not to discredit the work of others and spam my posts. I studied pharmacy by the way. I ask politely that you remove your personal attacks torward me and cease with this attitude. If you don't like or don't understand what I contribute to this forum, nobody forces you to be rude or intolerant. I will also remove these lines as we find again reciprocal respect, as this forum deserves.

  7. #227
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    If somebody is curious about the need for oxygen of cancerous cells, here is a study:

    Studies that just say the opposite can be found. For example, it was proposed to kill cancer cells with an excess of oxygen.

    When two diverging solutions are both true, it just shows that cancer is very sensitive to preserve its artificial environment. Any change can affect it. The issue is how to induce reliably those changes.

  8. #228
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Stanislaw Chmielarz, let's see who this guy is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stanislaw Chmielarz View Post
    You can think how you want and what you want but the remote frequency interaction works. I built my own generator set and a remote transmitter and carried out the trials on the nails of several people with health problems. It is just as effective in a longer period of time as the treatment with contact electrodes and the effectiveness depends mainly on whether the correct frequency was used. Rife did not know this phenomenon and therefore he did not use it, and besides, there was a completely different state of knowledge and technique, and I personally do not intend to go back to historical times but use currently available knowledge and technology. I don't think that this technology can cure all the diseases alone.
    Spamming threads and bashing other people. He even says he does not follow Rife research because Rife is not the answer to all the diseases. That's because he ONLY has the absolute truth, made his own perfect system and uses people as guinea pigs with no clue of scientific protocols.

    "Nails of people with health problems". Oh... nails are a health problem. Which of Rife's evaluated microorganisms is causing problems in nails? Anthrax? Spinal Meningitis? Typhoid fever? He does not even know, because he does not mention it. But his bogus machine (show me your certifications and real lab tests) can cure all.
    Certainly, with "the correct [magical] frequency" that he is the only one to have. He will surely sell those frequencies abusing the medical profession and doing unproven (and dangerous) claims.

    I must especially praise him for using people as guinea pigs. He really deserves a prize: To see the sky behind bars for the rest of his life. But he knows it all, because even "Rife did not know this phenomenon". I need to bow to his intelligence.

    So, he comes to this forum to promote his machines and frequencies, bashing all other people who do not think like him or can be a danger to his business. He has no clue of lab protocols, biology, but he is ready to discredit scientists and anybody who gets in his way. Oh.... a business of bogus and dangerous machines. Who wants to be the next guinea pig?

    Now I am curious who will join the chorus to defend their bogus machines and bow in front of Stanislaw. I'm ready to examine their threads and help people understand any unscientific claim I can find.
    Researcher at Rife Lab.
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  9. #229
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stanislaw Chmielarz View Post
    Your message has a serious errors;
    "it alters proteins and DNA in cancerous cells (as well in normal cells); when cancerous cells, which have an already altered DNA,"
    Cancer cells have not an altered DNA. If they have, an immune system have to kill them.
    Another evidence that Stanislaw talks nonsense. It is known since the 50's that cancer is caused by DNA mutations.

    Stop ridiculing science and bashing people. You are only mocking yourself and your ignorance.
    Researcher at Rife Lab.
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  10. #230
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Fabrizio del Tin and Stanislaw Chmielarz, let me remind you both that this forum is open for the respectful exchange of ideas. It is not permitted to make any personal attacks on this forum.

    You can argue the merits of ideas, methods and devices, but not use derogatory talking points against your opponent. Those that persist in such behaviour can be removed from the forum.

    One has to allow for progress and there are plenty of modern day units with proven track records.

    There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance.

    "He who heals is right", is more relevant than ever,
    Last edited by Peter Walker; 04-29-2018 at 00:30.
    Peter Walker
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  11. #231
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    Peter, thanks for intervening. I asked Stanislaw politely to remove his personal attacks and find again reciprocal respect (above in this thread), but he didn't do. Just short ago you already warned him and a group of posters and peace seemed to be restablished, except for Stanislaw, who persists.

    It is not possible to have somebody chasing your threads and discredit you all the time in anything you say - and also with completely wrong claims. He does not put it in the tone of information sharing, but he is just bashing people. I invited him, if he does not like what I say or has something against me, just to avoid me, but it didn't work.

    I need to point out that this affects my name and image. I always avoided confrontation, but what stays in this forum after personal attacks are those same personal attacks that do not get deleted.

    I decided to comment on Stanislaw's threads to show that others can be rude too - when it is enough, it is enough. But I have no interest in continuing a confrontation. So, for me it's over now. But I don't think it's over for Stanislaw, as it keeps happening. I feel limited every time I want to do a post here, because I feel haunted, so one can not even feel free to say/share something.
    I think there should be a way to remove offending content.

    Concerning the other devices, maybe I have to change the naming to "devices that do not follow the original Rife protocols, but are improperly called Rife's". I don't deal with those, so I didn't expand on that. I didn't mean to include all frequency devices in that definition. I followed my path to modernization too and I think there is plenty of space for improvement of Rife's systems.
    Last edited by Peter Walker; 04-29-2018 at 00:31.
    Researcher at Rife Lab.
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  12. #232
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fabrizio del Tin View Post
    Peter, thanks for intervening. I asked Stanislaw politely to remove his personal attacks and find again reciprocal respect (above in this thread), but he didn't do. Just short ago you already warned him and a group of posters and peace seemed to be restablished, except for Stanislaw, who persists.

    It is not possible to have somebody chasing your threads and discredit you all the time in anything you say - and also with completely wrong claims. He does not put it in the tone of information sharing, but he is just bashing people. I invited him, if he does not like what I say or has something against me, just to avoid me, but it didn't work.

    I need to point out that this affects my name and image. I always avoided confrontation, but what stays in this forum after personal attacks are those same personal attacks that do not get deleted.

    I decided to comment on Stanislaw's threads to show that others can be rude too - when it is enough, it is enough. But I have no interest in continuing a confrontation. So, for me it's over now. But I don't think it's over for Stanislaw, as it keeps happening. I feel limited every time I want to do a post here, because I feel haunted, so one can not even feel free to say/share something.
    I think there should be a way to remove offending content.
    Fabrizio, some of your comments about him were problematic as well. Stanislaw reported a number of your posts to me and he also has a point.

    The only people who use the term "Quack" are those in the pay of the pharmaceutical lobbies trying to destroy alternative medicine. We do not need such terms here, they serve only to hinder new research and development. You can say a device does not follow Rife's original protocols, but that does not mean it is wrong or bad. It is much more important to see if it works and actually helps people. If users are reporting it cured of their conditions OR as we had some time age with a certain device, that lots of people report they were worse off then before.

    The topic of naming devices that are not following Rife's original protocols has long been discussed and we came to a definition that was agreed on:

    In Germany, where I live, there are tens of thousands of resonance therapy devices using pad electrodes and they have an excellent track record. I am currently translating the book of one of Germany's leading medical doctors using this method, into English. It is an excellent well researched book that will be released in English and Spanish later this year. The devices he uses (BW21 and BW77) are fully medCE certified, so doctors can officially use them.
    Last edited by Peter Walker; 04-29-2018 at 09:22.
    Peter Walker
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  13. #233
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I tried to edit my post to delete the term "*****" and specify better what I was meaning, but it seems I cannot do it anymore. The button "Edit Post" disappeared. I see it for more recent posts, though.

    I have nothing against pad devices. I use some too. It's just not my subject of study, so I cannot say anything about that. It's good that any direction of research is explored and I clap to your translation.
    Last edited by Peter Walker; 04-29-2018 at 00:32.
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  14. #234
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    I have corrected your posts for you.
    Peter Walker
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    We now live in a world where doctors destroy health,
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  15. #235
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Thank you, Peter

  16. #236
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    Peter Barta sent you a message

  17. #237
    First Posts Chat with me David Shore's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    So I've been aware of and been reading about Rife research for 20 years. However, I have 2 full time jobs while simultaneously caring for 2 disabled family members and not had the time nor science background to delve deeply into all the complexities and evaluate them myself. Is there some kind of "Rife Treatment for Dummies" manual or thread that very simply and concisely:

    1. Reveals the current "best" device or devices for diagnosing diseases.
    2. Reveals the current "best" device or devices for treating diseases diagnosed in the above machine.
    3. Provides the simplest, most concise protocol for diagnosed diseases.

    After all these years there must be some kind of simple consensus about either "the best" machine -- or at least the top 3, and why.

  18. #238
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    I second this question. For those of us who don't work in this field and are looking to see if it's a device that offers any benefit. I mean at this point I'm not even asking to see a video of frequencies killing pathogens cuz I know it's never going to happen I'd settle for somebody proving to me it's something beyond just a box with lights. Just when I'm about to spend the cash I always wake up cynical wondering in this day of litigation and liability and restriction is anybody really producing a device that transmits a viable source of energy at a therapeutic level. Thank you for your input.

  19. #239
    Specialist Chat with me Ali Rosener's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Peace be upon Yours All.
    Strange, a 100 years ago, german health insurance company, paid also for ordenary labors treatments with the so called violet wand.
    Early plasma devices, i still have some sets with many electrodes still working.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	High Frequency.jpg 
Views:	9718 
Size:	40.6 KB 
ID:	5036Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0291.jpg 
Views:	9676 
Size:	132.0 KB 
ID:	5037
    My wife uses the comb and the roll, it produces also ozon on the skin.
    personally, i am 65 and donīt take any pills, except holy thistle capsules.
    Good for my liver, because i had 20 years back hepatitis C.
    Some people are sceptical of acupuncture, even it is since 1000thīs of years approved.
    Some people try with chemo, donīt change much on livestyle, others see the things holistic and understand the complexity.
    It might be rare or maybe impossible to get cancer just today and tomorrow it will be diagnosed.
    It is a longer process and can have different sources, it is important, to find out wether poisons (also destructive waves) in the environment or some organism, fungi or other.
    Sometimes they play all together after some time.
    I only can preach it to everyone, that pure water, at least clean water, is essential to get cured.
    Maybe the following post is also helpful to trust more in that type of therapy
    ** Ali **
    Last edited by Ali Rosener; 12-08-2020 at 18:06. Reason: link added
    Who turns his back on the light of the Creator, will walk in the darkness of his own shadow.

  20. #240
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Shore View Post
    So I've been aware of and been reading about Rife research for 20 years. However, I have 2 full time jobs while simultaneously caring for 2 disabled family members and not had the time nor science background to delve deeply into all the complexities and evaluate them myself. Is there some kind of "Rife Treatment for Dummies" manual or thread that very simply and concisely:

    1. Reveals the current "best" device or devices for diagnosing diseases.
    2. Reveals the current "best" device or devices for treating diseases diagnosed in the above machine.
    3. Provides the simplest, most concise protocol for diagnosed diseases.

    After all these years there must be some kind of simple consensus about either "the best" machine -- or at least the top 3, and why.
    All currently produced Rife machines are just light boxes. Even the MOPA, a good reproduction of a Rife machine, is not tuned to the right plasma tube and will therefore achieve nothing.
    Manufacturers fail to produce any evidence or scientifically acceptable proof.

    The only 2 bets that may be considered, in my view, are the MOPA and Rife/Bare machines, but they need a proper tuning to increase efficiency.

    Nevertheless, there is some serious research, but to my knowledge only experimental setups.

    The best thing that resembles a Rife machine and works is the old violet ray. Plenty of documentation on that.

    If the violet wand is refurbished and optimized, it can also dissolve cancer via electroporation and species, just google.
    Researcher at Rife Lab.
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