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Thread: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

  1. #41
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hello Jim,

    I am new to the forum and have a question about some lines in your 4/06 post>>>See quote below<<

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Berger
    Hello Everybody,

    I thought I would add my two cents worth on the subject "Can a Rife machine cure cancer?"

    I have been working with a friend with advanced stage ovarian cancer almost 3 years now and we have tried a number of different Rife units on the market with little success and in some cases detrimental effects (where the cancer dramatically increased). In particular, we tried a unit called Magnaphase, that had been identified as curing lung cancer in one patient, but dramitically increased the ovarian cancer of my friend. Analyzing the signal from the Magnaphase, I found that there was a ringing of frequencies through 17.034 MHz (17 meter wavelength), the setting of the 1934 device used to treat carcinoma during the very successful clinic held in La Jolla, CA in the summer of 1934. I suspect that there was enough power to destroy cancer in the lungs (being much easier to pentrate), but not down in the heavy organ area, where my friend's ovarian tumors thrived. If you don't get enough power at the right frequency to the tumor, you end up stimulating the cancer into growing more, rather than killing it, just as Rife said.
    The question I have is about the optimal use of the pad devices in terms of their placement. The woman who recommended my Rife device has had a remarkable success in treating her breast cancer. She told me that she places the pads between her upper arms firm against her breast area above the tumors. It seems that from what you are saying above that the placement could be very important. What would be the ideal placement for prostate cancer? One I have been trying is laying down with one pad on my groin and one on my lower back. That has symmetry. How important is symmetry of placement I wonder. For example in analogy to the breast cancer example I gave above one would think that placing one of the pads on the crouch area would be called for. But there does not appear to be any symmtrical area for placement there.

    Thanks in advance for any ideas here.

    Hap Crater
    Last edited by Peter Walker; 10-15-2006 at 15:59. Reason: Fixed quote formatting

  2. #42
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hap, what device are you using? Don Richards

  3. #43
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Rob Cassteele's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    According to the book Blast It (by John Crane with information about pad use on prostate cancer the positive pad should be put about a fist above the coccyx. So you could lay on one pad, and hold the other pad (neg.) a fist below the belly button. According to the book Barley Green can also help restore cells and purify the blood stream so that oxygen can reach all parts of the body.


  4. #44
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Thanks Don and Rob for your replies. The device I own is a PFG-100.
    I assume just like my starter jump cable links that red is positive and black is negative.

    Another question: I have been using one of the 6 or so prostate frequencies 4 days a week for about 6 minutes a session. On a fifth day I spend about 1/2 hour cycling through all of the frequencies (it spends about 1 minute then goes to the next). I am not sure if it is known which is more effective. It seems that focusing on one frequency at a time would be more likely to have the desired effect as 1 minute may not be enough time for the virus to be destroyed. Do Crane or Rife give any indication on this?




  5. #45
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Rob Cassteele's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Important Considerations
    We like using electrode pads as outlined in Blast It! Book 2. However,
    if you are experimenting with bare electrodes (
    which is not recommended), and if you decide to cover
    them with damp cloths or sponges, be sure to use separate cloths for each electrode. If this is not done,
    and one cloth is placed over both electrodes, the frequency will pass directly from one electrode to the
    other through the damp cloth or sponge, and bypass entirely the tissue that is the intended target of the
    This same principle applies when using pans of Epsom Salt water, using either the recommended
    electrodes in Book 2 or bare electrodes. Do not place both electrodes in the same pan of salt water. If
    both electrodes are placed in the same pan of salt water, you are shorting the electrodes through the
    Epsom Salt water, and the frequency will pass through the water, and not through the intended tissue.
    Do not touch bare metal electrodes together while the frequency is turned on, or you risk damaging
    your equipment.
    Many experimenters do not realize that it may take 60 to 90 days to reach most or all of the
    targeted microorganisms in the case of chronic infections with an experimental electrode system.
    If more information on pad placement is desired, refer to any literature regarding electrode
    placement of galvanic stimulators. (From Blast It.)

    The basic time used is 5 Minutes, but in some cases 30 minutes to over 1 hour are mentioned. Using a Zapper, every day use is recommended, untill real tests in a hospital (blood tests etc.) show you are free from the parasites you treat for.


  6. #46
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    The reason Rife only treated patients every two or three days, was so the person could detoxify the body. Most therapies that kill virus or bacteria require that you drink lots of water and take some herbs that aid in the detox process.

  7. #47
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I just went to that website and was dumbfounded! I am so greatful for this information! Thanks a million times for forwarding on this important info!
    God Bless you!
    Monica Vinci

  8. #48
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Sounds like a very interesting proposition. But what about a Faraday cage? A faraday cage prevents any electromagnetic waves from entering inside it due to the unique properties of metal and the effect electromagnetic waves have on it.

    My question is...if we stuck someone in the above said cage, we would literally cut all external sources of electromagnetic radiation and may generate this electrosmog poor environment that has been mentioned. Would this make the person get better? Or would the thought of being a caged chicken make them worse?

    Taking it to a higher level, lets say we have the person in the faraday cage BUT this time, we have the person with the Rife machine in there with the person. There would be no other sources of interference. Would this be a better way of treatment?

    Thank you for your attention. I really would like to know, I haven't yet read everything on this forum but I wish to develop a way using the rife machine to help fight the HIV virus. So far, my suggestions have frustratingly fallen on deaf ears.

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Claessens

    I would like to place a warning.

    The radiation of the mobile phones, phone masts, cordless DECT phones, WLan (wireless internet), Bluetooth, etc. do harm.

    Not so directly on healthy people, but on unhealthy people, it works like a catalyst.
    Every item in the body, that has a flaw, will be inflamed and starts to explode.
    So people, with for instance cancer, no matter what stage, no matter what therapy, will have the greatest trouble in curing, when they remain in an electrosmog rich surrounding.

    A hospital is not a good place to be, because they almost all do have antennas on their roof, and they have metal beds, with electrically lifting systems, which can be an electromog burden all along.

    So the first thing to be done is moving to an electrosmog free- or poor surrounding. And sleeping on a complete metal-free bed.

    This advise is not only for cancer but for a lot of illnesses.
    People sometimes wonder why a Rife treatment does not have the immediate success they expect.
    It may have to do with the electrosmog surroundings.

    Charles Claessens

  9. Thanks Peter Bui:

    Tom Basilio (10-19-2011)

  10. #49
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Rob Cassteele's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    A car is a cage of faraday, yet you can use a mobile phone from it.
    I think a cage of faraday only keep you save from lightning and high tension bursts.
    Electrons like to travel on the outside of spheres, and the major reason that you are save from high voltage bursts.
    I have been experimenting with this concept, but not yet been able to create an EM wave free space.
    I hope to be able to find any owner of a sea container, to do some experiments.
    The only alternative you have is try it yourself.


  11. #50
    Normal Chat with me Karl Jacobs's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?


    Reducing Exposure - using your existing phone

    Use your phone only when necessary, and keep the call short.
    Where possible, try to only use your phone in areas with the best signal, as this can reduce the emissions by up to 500 times.
    Indoors, use your phone near the window and make sure it is between your body and the window.
    Hold the phone away from your body immediately after dialling, as the phone uses maximum power until the call is answered.
    Where possible, do not hold the phone next to your eyes, breasts, testicles, kidneys, liver or abdomen if pregnant - ideally, keep the phone away from your body (such as in a bag) when it is not in use.
    If you have to keep it next to your body, a location such as rear trouser pocket will help keep it away from major organs, and try to make sure the antenna is on the outer side.
    Using a mobile phone in a car or train traps the fields inside the metal frame of the vehicle, and should be avoided except in an emergency.
    If you are not imminently expecting a phone call, you can greatly reduce your exposure by having the phone switched off when you carry it around instead of just on standby, as your phone contacts the nearest mast every time you move into a different masts coverage, and also checks regularly even when you are stationary - This contact is always made at the phone's full power.

    Buying a new phone and / or its associated protective equipment.

    Buy a phone with a long 'talk time', this means a more efficient phone.
    Phones with external antennas are more likely to focus the radiation further away from your head, and are favourable to internal antenna models.
    Buy a phone with a low SAR, but don't rely on that to guarantee your safety. SARs vary by a factor up to about 5. Some high SAR phones are actually very efficient and normally work at low power, some low SAR phones are inefficient and normally have to work at high power. The smaller phones often have higher SARs and therefore are likely to produce higher exposure levels.
    Check, if you can, if it has a working DTX (discontinuous transmission - they don't all work even when they say they do) capability.
    Your exposure can be greatly reduced by using a hands-free kit, such as those provided by rf3air.
    Do not rely on unscientific 'gizmos' to give you the protection you need. If you wish to use one, use your common sense as well
    Karl Jacobs Dip Ac/TCM, MD (MA), PhD
    Personalised Inner Cleanse Retreats
    Infinite Awareness Mentoring
    Holistic Consultations

  12. #51
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Hans Gimpelj's Avatar
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    Question Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi guys, my name is Hans and I am intending to purchase a Rife machine to help my mother who has two cancerous tumors, the one that concerns us at the moment is the one that she has between her wind-pipe. and Sternum. It is causing her servere breathing difficulties as it is placing pressure onto her wind-pipe as its growing. Doctors were unable to sucsessfully obtain a biopsy via an endoscope. Why they didn't do a needle biopsy beats me.
    She has had tumors removed before via surgery a few years ago and now she only has 50% lung capacity, therefore the Doctors say that it is too risky to operate and she refuses Chemo. She is not yet in pain and the Doctors say she has between 3 - 9 months left . She has however agreed to go along with the Rife treatment .
    It is up to me to find the best machine available, the one that I first came across is the Global Wellness Model G+ at can anyone comment on this machine, or unbiased alternatives please with explanations as to why (I am ready to purchase this week).

    Please guys help me out here

  13. #52
    TM: Rife Merchant Chat with me Annie Andrey's Avatar
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    Wink Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Hans
    So sorry to read about your Mom's condition ... but never mind, 'collectively' we'll get her back to her former glory somehow.

    Although on the opposite coast, do please research whatever you can about the most amazing Dr. Holt ... whom Peter has become personally acquainted with.

    The ADVANCED forum search facility will lead you to even more info on this remarkable man and his incredible work DownUnder.

    Also, take other renowned 'therapies' / 'alternatives' into account, but I guess that if you intend visiting Dr. Holt's clinic, it may be worth hanging-ten until he and/or his practitioners can advise you appropriately. If I were in Australia, that would be my first STOP with either self and/or a treasured one! (God forbid!)


  14. #53
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Hans Gimpelj's Avatar
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    Question Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Guys, me again, and of course more questions .

    Can anyone explain to me why there are so many frequencies for any one type of condition. Could it be because none of the manufacturers really know the correct frequency, thereby using a 'hit or miss' aproach . Or is it for some other reason.

    Please keep in mind that I do not yet posess a machine and I am still learning the ropes.

  15. #54
    Specialist Chat with me Daniel Bergman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Sorry to hear about your mother's condition. I hope you use several non-toxic methods to help her recover. There is too much at stake to "put all of your eggs in one basket". Results are mixed with modern Rife devices where cancer is involved.

    There are many types of cancer and what frequency works in one case may not work for another. There also could be cases where the frequency is not directly hitting the cancer but may be boosting some immune response.
    With the GB-4000 and many other machines you can run sweeps and hopefully some sensation will be felt when you hit an effective frequency. I remember a post here not too long ago where good results were achieved with 666 Hz.

    There are quite a few posts on the subject in this forum. Do some searches and compile a list of frequencies to try.

    Curcumin, Ginger and Green Tea interfere with the growth of cancer and would be in any cancer program, if I had the disease. I use all three as a preventative.

    I hope you can help your mother beat this. Please let us know how it all works out. There are many people here that can make suggestions, but remember that most of us are not doctors or health care professionals.
    Just people trying to find a better way of staying healthy.

    Best Regards

    Dan Bergman

  16. #55
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Hans Gimpelj's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Dan,

    Thanks for your response, I have done a great deal of research already by talking with some of the members of this Forum as well as reading just about every post ever placed into this Forum. I have also been to many other websites belonging to Rife technology uses and suppliers.

    At this stage, I am seriously considering purchasing a GB-4000 along with the Amplifier, as it appears to be the most proficient and versatile piece of equipment available on the market to date.

    As for supliments, other than water, I can only suggest to (but not force) my Mum to take, the ultimate choice is hers. At this point in time she has only agreed to the Rife machine and I am happy that she has chosen to come this far.

    I am greatfull to all members who are here to help my Mother and I through this venture and I sincerley embrace your support.

    As far as the GB-4000 treatment is concerned, it seems to me that it should not be used every day (like some distributors recommend) as the body needs to recover from each treatment for a couple of days to expel all the dead tissue, therefore I will only use it every three days. As for the actual frequencies that I will use, depends on a combination of my research and what is to be found in the manual, including carrier, harmonics, and cleansing (detox) settings etc. But I am still open to suggestions at this stage.

    Kind regards

  17. #56
    Specialist Chat with me Daniel Bergman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hello Hans,

    The GB is a fine machine and easy to use.

    I agree that every day would be too often, especially at first. It varies with age, disease, and reaction of the treated individual as well as other health issues involved.

    It is kind of obvious that a 16 year old would be able to tolerate much more treatment than a 70 year old. I do not know why the any blanket statement as to how often to use one of these machines is given. My wife could only tolerate one treatment for Lyme every week at first. Now that the bacterial load is minimal she could do it every day. We still only do it once every two weeks when no symptoms are present. If she is having symptoms we have done two days in a row one one occasion. I think you need to go by the reaction of the person more than anything. Everyone detoxes at a different rate.

    Since you are obviously a thinking person, you will figure it all out. You would not be here otherwise. Maybe you can get your mother to like green tea. Just do not tell her it is a treatment. I am not to fond of it either, but coffee is too hard on my defective guts so I will have to get used to it. I hope it works well for you. I am sure everyone here will be interested in your progress.

    Good Luck.

    Dan Bergman

  18. #57
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Hans Gimpelj's Avatar
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    Cool Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Daniel,

    Yes, going along with how the patient feels would be a good benchmark to work by.
    With what I have read about using the GB-4000, it mentions that you need to wet the cotton covers for better conduction, of course this makes absolutely good common sense but then I read a post on this Forum (could have been from Annie) that one should use salt water.

    Now we all understand that salt water is a much better conductor than water by itself. I am just wondering why it was not mentioned in any of the information on so many websites that I have read regarding 'Pad' units. Is it mentioned in the manual that comes with the GB-4000

    As for getting my Mum to drink green tea, or any tea for that matter will see my work cut out for me because she is, and has always been a coffee drinker. I can't even remember a time that I ever saw her drinking a cup of tea. But hey you never know, leopards have been known to change their spots

    Kind regards

  19. #58
    Specialist Chat with me Daniel Bergman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    The GB-4000 manual just says to use the wet cotton covers. This is how we have used it also.
    I think salt water is occasionally mentioned for the very reason you have given. I suppose if you were using distilled water or water with no impurities salt would be called for. It is the impurities that make water a conductor to begin with and I doubt any tap water would be so pure as to be a poor conductor of electricity. In any case a bit of salt will not hurt anything and then you can be sure of a good circuit. Some even put the grounding wires in a pan of salt water with the feet in it to make sure of a good ground.

    I sympathize with your mother. Coffee is far superior to tea in my book.
    I feel like I am drinking my own bath water when I down a cup of green tea. If it is any consolation we can both drink that weak substitute and hate it together. Misery loves company they say.

    Best Regards

    Dan Bergman

  20. #59
    TM: Rife Merchant Chat with me Annie Andrey's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hey guys ... you should try SA's ROOIBOS tea it really is healthy and tastes wonderful too. I believe the folk in Asia go mad over it.
    It's REALLY inexpensive here, but I noted that buying thru' the Net is almost 10x the local price. It's still worth it. Hans, I'll put you in touch with a SA importer to Oz ... remind me if I forget. Her prices are very reasonable too. Here we go:
    You'll LOVE it ... black ... well a golden colour actually.

    Hans, have you visited ELECTROHERBALISM website yet? It's a mine of valuable info, and easy to miss some info too.

    Dr. Hulda Clark's always recommended a pinch of salt in the water into which one wets ones wraps for electrodes.

    Good luck!

  21. #60
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Hans Gimpelj's Avatar
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    Cool Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Annie,

    Thought I had disapeared didn't you, but you get that when you send people off to websites that takes them all day to read

    Kind regards

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