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Thread: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

  1. #121
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    Thumbs up Timing

    I have been using the minimum time of 5 minute the GB-4000 Automatically programs on entering Auto Codes, and up to 15-20 minues per group of 8 frequencies on followup sessions. Most often a 'hit' or reaction can be felt after and with the slighly longer times.

    Not all Auto Codes produce the same reactions. Therefore a number of different sets os Auto Codes are used per sessions of 1-3 hours.
    But I have a stronger structure and feel stronger sessions are needed.
    For example, I felt the Detox Box was too 'weak' for me.

    If I feel a stronger reaction with a feeling of sensitivity or even mild soreness occurs after, I skip a day or two. The timing of a days sessions are often determined with intuition/experience and plays a role in the timing per session.

    Interesting, I met a very bright Chinese couple in their 80's here. The husband looked ashen grey and laid in bed sleeping most of the time with multiple serious problems and what I felt was inadequate medical treatment. While the wife was using a variety of nutritional supplements based on her extensive reading, which I am totally familiar with after many years of experience, he was not getting some important support. For example, he had serious lung congestion and coughing extensive aounts of mucous, but was RXed antihistimines and decongestants, which I felt were counter productive. No wonder he looked like death warmed over.

    With tweaking of his supplement program and with some dietary changes he has made major improvements. First, a rosy color was visible facially, and now he has a golden glow. Also, standing up straighter, walking faster, even talking more, and especially noteworthy waking up earlier.

    Most interesting, when we met I learned that she had a Rife unit for about a year, that she never used. I was curious what it was and offered to read the ProWave manual and explain how it worked. A well made in America unit, but simple to use at too high of a price. Cost more then the GB! It has been used for several months now and the results are most evident, as I stated above. Though it is weaker then the GB-4000, it is simple to use with easy one button programming. She uses a variety of the Auto Coes as she feels are indicated.

  2. #122
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    hi, Iam wondering where did we get 50.000 people in this forum??I just saw about 50000 people view this post. that is amazing.

  3. #123
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Seroj Gharibian View Post
    hi, Iam wondering where did we get 50.000 people in this forum??I just saw about 50000 people view this post. that is amazing.
    As this thread is in a public section (can be read by non-members), that is why there are so many views.

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  4. #124
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Walker View Post
    Rife claimed that his original machines cured cancer. We have no reason at the present time to doubt this claim but it has not been absolutely proven. We don't know exactly how the original machines worked and so the modern machines probably don't work in exactly the same way. Some modern machines have been shown to have been useful in the treatment of some cancer patients but it would be misleading to claim that they represent an absolute cure for cancer.

    In general it would be fair to say that Rife type machines have been extremely useful in the control and management of many diseases including many serious ones that haven't responded to conventional treatment but it would be wrong to say that these machines in their present form are a cure for any specific disease.

    The Hungarian Company OncoTherm have done several clinical studies in Europe on treating cancer with their Oncotherapy device which uses a Rife frequency modulation. These trials did show a significant improvment in health and a reduction in tumour size.

    All serious Rife researchers recommend that you should seek professional medical advice before considering any form of medical treatment with a Rife type machine.
    I think it is fair (and accurate) to say "Yes - the machine can get rid of cancer (as opposed to cure) IF you have the correct frequency of the particular cancer that you are trying to eliminate." How you ensure that you have the correct frequency is the trick that I don't have an answer to.

    It is important also, to realise that cancer is a symptom and if you don't take care of whatever caused the cancer (stress, poor diet, toxins, candida... whatever) then it will almost certainly return.

  5. #125
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I have been using a frequency generator (Rife machine) for several months for 2 small malignant tumors in one breast. They have diminished in size to the point that we can't feel them any more, even though a follow-up biopsy indi-
    cates that there are still viable cancer cells at the sites. I am convinced that continuing the use of this healing device would eliminate all cancer cells at some point in time. My surgeon has been doing frequent breast exams, and
    he is afraid to continue, so I have agreed to a lumpectomy. However, if any-one can dissuade me of this, because he/she has had the experience of total
    healing - no cancer cells at site - I would appreciate it, because my husband and I don't know if we're making the right decision. Judith Dew

  6. #126
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Turner View Post
    I would Like to put my two cents in as well. First of all I was looking for a machine 2002 2003 and found the site of the B-3 ultimate rife and also found the first balanced explanation of all the aspects of the Rife story pad plasma pros cons etc. without any bias! Just the facts, no one had been as informative up to this point. Mr. Garff has shown more true concern that any one else that I have looked into and talked to. The GB4000 is a benchmark that everyone will eventually have to honor.

    I for one am tired of the bitching about price for something that can free anyone who wants from all disease! Most of you are using a computer that costs more than the price of the BG4000!!

    I have been using this machine and have had nothing but great results!!

    and I don't Dick around when it comes to finding the real thing!!!

    I guess you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink

    Did it occur to anyone that someone has rediscovered the Rife Effect????
    I agree totally with you - I am an (ex) radar, radio, and audio technician/designer and I did at least two years of research before buying the GB4000. A friend of mine who is a scientist and a healer has traditionally been using laser systems (of his own design) with incredible success in curing cancer but he was so excited with the GB4000 that he bought two. I believe he uses them more than his laser system now and is still curing cancer of varied types. My recommendation to anyone attempting this however is that you try putting your body in an alkaline state as well (1Tspn of baking soda a day will usually do that) and take at least five drops of FOOD GRADE (don't use anything else!!) hydrogen peroxide once or twice a day. Cancer supposedly can't survive in an alkaline environment, and cancer cells (I understand) don't like oxygen. There are many additional things that you can do but this is a great place to start.

  7. Thanks Tom Basilio:

    Rhonda Giles (04-19-2011)

  8. #127
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    Default Can rife with Natural medicine beat cancer?

    If there is anyone out there in any country who has cured any kind of cancer with rife and natural therapies please let me know. A lady who is like family already, wants to know this. She is considering rife and natural therapies if she can only talk to someone who has successfully treated this way. I am happy to pay for any call from any country. Please contact me so I can set up a call with her and pay for it.

  9. #128
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I have been doing all the recommended protocols, including using a frequency
    generator (Rife) since last summer. A recent biopsy indicates that I still have
    viable cancer cells at the site of the tumor, but the malignancy is virtually
    undetectable by palpation. I continue to get the information I need through
    the Forum, so this is a long, ongoing process, but I could help from a lay-
    woman's point of view. There are products through companies that offer
    alternative approaches to healing the body as well as killing the cancer. If
    you would like to know what I have done, I would be more than willing to
    help. My phone is: 831 274 2303. Email:
    I live in Santa Cruz, CA, and I intend to be following the changes I've made to my
    diet, PH, and daily detoxing for the rest of my life. I'm sure you will be re-
    ceiving professional guidance from other members of the Forum as well, but
    sometimes it's helpful to talk to someone who has found his/her way through
    networking and researching via the time-consuming way. Judith Dew
    Last edited by Judith Dew; 04-05-2011 at 20:44. Reason: line errrors

  10. Thanks Judith Dew:

    Mark Colligan (05-02-2013)

  11. #129
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    [QUOTE=Hans Gimpelj;6526]Hi Terry,

    I do believe that there are some differerences in the frequencies that are used between a beam device and a pad device, I may be wrong about this but I have somefrequency specs that I downloaded a couple of weeks ago and some refer to "beam" and others to "pad". I haven't had time to study and cross-reference them yet.

    You mentioned the frequency 666 Hz, ( ) this one seems to pop up quite a lot, also used in Pain Manegment.

    2128 Hz also comes in to play quite a lot for cancer treatment but I think that this is one of Rife's original frequencies.

    Kind regards [/Hans I have been using the GB4000/SR-4 combination for over a year now and have had one cancer success (the only one I've had to work on) with a friend who was scheduled to have both kidneys removed. I am an electronics technician and also have strong spiritual healing capabilities (replaced ten inches [25Cm] of dead colon having been given a max of 7 days to live in 2005. Having studied multiple Rife machines ovr the past 20 years, I very happily chose the gb4000. The photon tube devices I really don't have a huge amount of faith in to be honest and a friend who has two - one of which cost 7 times the amount of the Gb4000 agrees with me. It is ALL about finding the right frequency and that is the biggest limitation of all of these machines. When you find it - it WORKS. I would NEVER rely on any ONE thing though - cancer is an environmental disease - it can't exist unless you provide the environment for it to do so and from my research, cancer (supposedly) cannot exist in an alkaline state. So as well as the GB4000 treatment, I had my friend take 1 teaspoon of baking soda a day to get his body into an alkaline state. Was it the combination, was it the GB4000, was it the baking soda? Who knows and who cares - all that matters is that the urgent surgery that he was scheduled for in March of this year has been postponed indefinitely and he is feeling better than he has in years.]

  12. Thanks Tom Basilio (2x):

    Lisa Herbst (10-18-2011), Manjit Singh (11-24-2011)

  13. #130
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by William Smith View Post
    You must have a frequency generator that produces a square wave with harmonics to be of any value. Dr Bare can tell you were to get a good one its approx $500+. Believe it will cost around $1500 to $2000 to build a good one.
    God Bless
    Bill I only partially agree with you on this. Personally I believe the reason there are so many frequencies and why so much emphasis is placed on harmonics is because no one is really sure of the EXACTfrequencies that do the job. Harmonics are no different to any other frequency - they are just multiples and generally are weaker than the core frequency.
    It is also the reason for the emphasis on power - if you are close but not exact in frequncy then with enough power you are going to do the job anyway. I totally agree with the use of square wave - not because of the harmonics generated but because it is an incredibly destructive waveform.
    That's my two cents anyway and i speak from being an electronics technician - previously involved in electronic warfare in the military and via my ability to "see" energy in all things. So I get both sides of the spectrum - scientific and spiritual.
    Thanks to all for the wonderful heartfelt intent in these messages.

  14. Thanks Tom Basilio (2x):

    Gillian Koorey (04-27-2015), Manjit Singh (11-24-2011)

  15. #131
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhonda Landry View Post
    How many different auto programs can you run in one day? My husband has leukemia and there is one auto program for that and six other cancer programs that you're supposed to also run. Each program has several frequencies, which would probably take perhaps two hours to complete all programs. Should he just do one different code per day? How long can you stay on that machine at one time without any adverse reactions?
    Rhonda - I don't know if anyone has a "right" or "wrong answer to this unfortunately.
    I have had a 100% success rate in curing cancer (with my one only patient haha) using the GB4000 and that was using the main unit only - I was not able to take the SRT-4 with me. I treated using auto codes 538 / 436 / 410 / 359 / 242 / 115 and i also ran the codes for candida albicans - apparently no cancer patient has been found who did not also have candida and it is assumed there is some connection there. I ran the codes for the standard 5 minutes - building to 20 minutes after the thrid treatment and moving to treat every day (I only had ten days before I had to return to Canada).
    A friend who now has TWO Gb4000s says he is finding better results running only one or two frequencies at a time. What works is what counts and how the patient is feeling in the course of treatment is paramount. There's a lot of intuition required it seems.

  16. Thanks Tom Basilio:

    Alan Faulkner (02-13-2012)

  17. #132
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Annie Andrey View Post
    Hi Chris

    I really did do my best to try and source that lady's true success story regarding treatment for her son's brain tumour (using Laetrile / Vit B17) but unfortunately without success. You try: -which once gave a link to her personal website / blog (Something like Jenny's story or Jenny's Blog?)

    However, I managed to source the lady's case which I mentioned above ... as initially received via email in 2004:

    "Regretfully, my uncle passed away. A week prior we bought some cesium
    chloride from the States but it was too late, although we gave it to a very
    sick lady riddled with cancer and with 1 week to live and she is now a
    living testament. Within 4 weeks of treatment her stomach tumour reduced by 70% and her tests have not shown up any cancer to the amazement of all. We are keeping it hush as the medical profession does not approve."

    I'd definitely be tempted to go the Cesium Chloride route, plus any others which RESONATE with you! Ask for divine guidance ... it's only a whisper away. I personally believe that electrotherapy, be that Rife related or Dr. Clark's or any others, require some time at least, and much patience, and if time is supposedly crucial here ...


    SEE more on Cesium Chloride here:

    Great advice Annie - I love the energy that you put into this. Another thing worth looking at is hydrogen peroxide (again to oxygenate the blood). In Europe ozone and/or hydrogen peroxide taken intrvenously has been creating great results for years.

  18. #133
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Did you ultimately get a machine Hans? If not i can definitely guide you - if so - how has it worked out?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hans Gimpelj View Post
    Hi guys, my name is Hans and I am intending to purchase a Rife machine to help my mother who has two cancerous tumors, the one that concerns us at the moment is the one that she has between her wind-pipe. and Sternum. It is causing her servere breathing difficulties as it is placing pressure onto her wind-pipe as its growing. Doctors were unable to sucsessfully obtain a biopsy via an endoscope. Why they didn't do a needle biopsy beats me.
    She has had tumors removed before via surgery a few years ago and now she only has 50% lung capacity, therefore the Doctors say that it is too risky to operate and she refuses Chemo. She is not yet in pain and the Doctors say she has between 3 - 9 months left . She has however agreed to go along with the Rife treatment .
    It is up to me to find the best machine available, the one that I first came across is the Global Wellness Model G+ at can anyone comment on this machine, or unbiased alternatives please with explanations as to why (I am ready to purchase this week).

    Please guys help me out here

  19. #134
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    Hello Hans
    Firstly let me congratulate you - you are a son any parent would be proud of, and I believe you have chosen the best Rife device available. I have a friend who tests these devices for a major coproation here and the GB4000 beats units costing more than ten times the price.
    I'm not going to give you more cancer advice - you've had more than enough and I don't want to confuse you except to say... when using the SRT-4, I would not go above quarter past the hour on the power control - at least until your Mum indicates she can handle it. You DO need power when dealing with cancer but too MUCH power can also be harmful.

    It has been interesting to observe your concern re scanning which I share in fact. In the GB4000 it is called "Channel Sweep" and you can sweep from 10 to 1000 Hz either side of your selected frequencies. Personally, I would NEVER go more than 20Hz either side because who knows if you are now taking out healthy cells in the process? I'm not saying it's wrong - I just feel there could be considerable risk in doing so.

    You will note that teatments are advised to be spaced every two days and I support that but I would also run auto channels for detoxification, and ESPECIALLY candida. New research is showing that virtually all cancer patents have candida and the possibility of a link is being questioned. And I also think it is critical to run the auto channels for inflammation, and boosting the immune system.

    With that out of the way, it is important to appreciate that a person's mental state is perhaps more important that any of the above. Whatever you can do to take your Mum to a place of not being a victim of the cancer and instead believing she can BEAT it will help in the extreme. In order to beat cancer - you have to believe it CAN be beaten.

    And finally - cancer LOVES sugar - get your Mum off all sugar if possible - I don't know if Stevia is available in Aussie but if it is, it has been named as the best substitute and some of the powdered Stevia brands have virtually no taste. The best (other) substitue which you have plenty of over there is honey. As supplements Coriolus versicolor (1,000mg three times daily on an empty stomach), and Maitake (0.5-1gm per Kg of body weight divided into 3 applications/day on an empty stomach) have all been cited by Dr. James E Balch [MD} as being specifically helpful for lung cancer.

    I wish you and your mum all the very best in this battle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hans Gimpelj View Post
    Hi Dan,

    Thankyou for your response. I know that this is not an exact science and a lot of time is spent on trying to find the right frequencies, I also appreciate that many other people in similar circunstances have spent a great deal of time looking for the right frequencies, some with success and some without. I supose I am trying to narrow the "waste-time" as I am not sure how much time I have with my Mother to be able to help.

    My GB-4000/SR-4 has left the states and is now on its way over here. I expect delivery in a few days. I have quit my job and next Friday I will be moving 300 Klms south to be with her for this treatment, for however long it takes.

    In between packing it is great to know that all of you are out there trying to help and this is of great comfort to us.

    I have set-up a file on my PC and every detail of the treatment starting from day 1 will be recorded to enable me to share the results with others.

    Kind regards

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    hi tom,can i ask you a question as i get no response from the suppliers of my machine,i bought a gb4000 with amp to primarily treat diabetes type 2 and tinnitus,i felt quite good after a trip to a clinic in philli from the uk,and thats what made me purchase a gb4000,after doing various frequencies i dont seem to see any improvement,i try the rf obviously you cant feel it(makes me wonder if my machine is working)when on audio mode i do get pulses through the handhelds,but no pulses on audio @freq 10000 (which is a popular frequency)is this the same on your machine?is there any way i can check the outputs on the handhelds on rf,as i say i am from the uk and bought the gb4000 from the usa off the manufactures i had a problem with the power supplies which they replaced,also have you had any success with diabetes type 2 or tinnitus,i have heard so much about the gb4000 just so disapointed with mine at the moment

  21. #136
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    Hi Anthony,

    An audio signal will give you 50% power because it is active during the 'high' part of the signal and inactive during the 'low' part. If you use the RF carrier, the active 'high' pulse is further reduced by 50% because of the carrier switching on and off at a 50% rate. Therefore you only get 25% overall power, however the frequencies are still there and they are still doing the job of penetrating body tissue.

    Whenever I want to check for RF signals, since I can't feel them so easily, I quickly touch the handhelds across my tongue (lower power setting). Like testing a 9V battery. I don't have a GB4000, but I am pretty sure that it works the same way. Rgds.

  22. #137
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    Hi Anthony
    Congratulations on the GB4000 - it is an amazing machine. With regard to "feeling" - typically, the body's ability to feel something happening starts to drop off around or before 4000Hz so even if you are using Audio mode on the GB4000, you won't feel the higher frequencies. The main indicator then is the red lights on the two machines.
    I love Hanks suggestion of testing by the tongue but holy ****! I think I would be more inclined to wipe one arm with a damp cloth - hold a cylinder in that hand and then touch the other cylinder further up the arm and move it slowly down towards the cylinder in the hand until you feel something.
    In my experience, if the GB doesn't have an effect then it is purely because we don't have the right frequencies - with the right frequencies in fact it is not possible for it (or any frequency machine really), not to have an effect.
    I have not had anyone with diabetes or tinnitus to treat so can't comment there but I think it is important to state that as much as I am in love with the GB, I would not (and do not) rely on it to be a cure all - partly because of the frequency issue. So I CAN tell you that I cured a friend of tinnitus by a neck adjustment (I studied spinal manipulation as part of my martial art training) so it might be worth talking to a good chiropractor (if you can find one).
    I would absolutely continue with treating the diabetes with the GB (maybe researching more frequencies) but other things that have proven to be very helpful include Alpha Lipoic Acid, Astaxanthin, Bitter melon (type 2 in particular), Chamomile tea (can lower blood sugar by 25%), Clove oil (2-3 drops in tea or coffee apparently can be amazing), Gymnema Sylvestre (also amazing), and food grade hydrogen peroxide (make sure it is food grade - apparently particularly good for type 2 diabetes).
    A couple of references that might be worth pursuing include: "There is a Cure for Diabetes" by Dr Cousins, or check out the video Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" at Might require you to go "raw" for a month (yikes ) but both claim that diabetes can be reversed.
    For the tinnitus - aside from a good chiro the only other thing I can suggest is acupuncture.
    In acupuncture, it is believed that tinnitus can be linked to sinus, kidney, and/or liver issues so running the normalising frequencies for those organs and perhaps the sinus program might also be worth a try.
    Hope that answers some of your questions and helps.

  23. Thanks Tom Basilio:

    Manjit Singh (11-25-2011)

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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    thanks tom,thats a brilliant reply and thanks for your time,i am trying different things re the tinnitus and the diabetes type 2,i have had accupunture,i visited the usa and had cranial massage,gb4000,and the new indigo treatment,initially i had improvement,not so sure about the indigo though,had my bite aligned,probably if i could have afforded a long stay i may have seen a vast improvement,i have also tried scenar treatment but i found that painful and wasnt doing anything for me,i think its just a case of trial and error with the frequencies,but i am managing an hour every other day now and dont have any herx,i think i will do this for 3 months and see what comes up.

    ps,i skipped the cylinder on tongue bit.

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    Glad you found something useful in my post Anthony. I would be surprised if cranial massage would help the tinnitus - the two cervical vetebrae at the very base of the skull were the culprits in my friend's case (but hey - i'm no expert). The problem with chiros and acupuncturists is finding really good ones - how do you tell? It took 35 years to find a chiro here in Calgary who fixed my lower back issue and he did it by working a muscle in my leg... figure THAT one out! He's absolutely amazing.
    And I don't know HOW many acupuncturists I went through before I met my friend Ken who was possibly the best in the South Pacific - incredible what he could do.
    Anyway I wish you the very best in finding solutions for your own issues and... on behalf of your tongue "THANK YOU!!!"
    Last edited by Tom Basilio; 11-25-2011 at 15:54. Reason: Grammar

  26. #140
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Basilio View Post
    Glad you found something useful in my post Anthony. I would be surprised if cranial massage would help the tinnitus - the two cervical vetebrae at the very base of the skull were the culprits in my friend's case (but hey - i'm no expert). The problem with chiros and acupuncturists is finding really good ones - how do you tell? It took 35 years to find a chiro here in Calgary who fixed my lower back issue and he did it by working a muscle in my leg... figure THAT one out! He's absolutely amazing.
    And I don't know HOW many acupuncturists I went through before I met my friend Ken who was possibly the best in the South Pacific - incredible what he could do.
    Anyway I wish you the very best in finding solutions for your own issues and... on behalf of your tongue "THANK YOU!!!"
    Hello! I successfully solved the problem with pain in the spine using the frequency of the muscles. Complexes was the system of bodybuilding. Included in the complex frequency structure of the muscles. Phenomena radicular syndrome were at least 14 days. Gave physical activity, pain never returned.

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