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Thread: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

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    TM: Author Chat with me Nenah Sylver, Ph.D.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fabrizio del Tin View Post
    All currently produced Rife machines are just light boxes. Even the MOPA, a good reproduction of a Rife machine, is not tuned to the right plasma tube and will therefore achieve nothing.
    Manufacturers fail to produce any evidence or scientifically acceptable proof.

    The only 2 bets that may be considered, in my view, are the MOPA and Rife/Bare machines, but they need a proper tuning to increase efficiency.

    Nevertheless, there is some serious research, but to my knowledge only experimental setups.

    The best thing that resembles a Rife machine and works is the old violet ray. Plenty of documentation on that.

    If the violet wand is refurbished and optimized, it can also dissolve cancer via electroporation and species, just google.

    Fabrizio, I heartily disagree that "all currently produced Rife machines are just light boxes." I have observed and experienced, first-hand, plenty of cures and reversals of symptoms. I don't understand why you want to be on a list whose participants have often experienced good to excellent results with Rife Therapy, if you don't think that the CURRENT technology is valid.

    I state this in many places in my new Rife Handbook, but will repeat it here: The reason that (in your words) "Manufacturers fail to produce any evidence or scientifically acceptable proof" is that at least here in the United States, manufacturers and sellers are legally prevented from making any claims. That aside, it's not quite true that ALL manufactures "fail to produce any evidence." For example, Pulsed Technologies has a research arm in Romania and has verified that its P3 Pro unit has killed Candida albicans when certain frequencies are used. (The frequencies are in Chapter 5 of my book and are available with every machine that Pulsed Technologies sells.) Whenever I do speaking engagements, I show the Candida slides from Pulsed Technologies. This company does lots of medical research, in fact, but they can't publicize it in the United States because anyone who does real medicine is muzzled. Only Big Pharma, with its poisonous chemicals, is allowed to flourish.

    Many people wish to claim that only they have the true answer to cure/heal/prevent [fill in the blank with your favorite disease], but there are many ways to induce healing. I think you are doing a disservice to people--especially to newcomers who don't yet have information--when you claim that modern equipment doesn't work. This is not what I have heard from Dr. Loyd, who has given Rife Therapy to plenty of people with cancer using a variety of machines, when he constantly reports results. As for myself, I have used both the P3 Pro from Pulsed Technologies and the PERL-M from Resonant Light with good results--for me personally, for human and animal members of my family, and for friends. This includes a doctor couple who several years ago borrowed one of my machines and left it running for several days on 40,000 Hz. She had the best night's sleep she'd had in three years.

    So please, Fabrizio, don't speak for me and I won't presume to speak for you about your own personal experiences. Agreed?

    Nenah Sylver, PhD
    Nenah Sylver, PhD
    Author, the NEW *Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Ed*
    *The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy*

  2. Thanks Nenah Sylver, Ph.D. (3x):

    Ali Rosener (12-08-2020), Stanislaw Chmielarz (12-08-2020), Yuriy Vladimirovich (12-08-2020)

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