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Thread: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

  1. #101
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    3 seconds at a minimum. 10 sec/Hz is even better since many hits are felt 1 to 2 Hz away, so that means that there are 30 to 50 seconds to feel the frequency. Also, running 10 sec/Hz often proves therapeutic in itself. -- turf

    Quote Originally Posted by Hans Gimpelj
    Can anyone tell me what the optimum time is for each frequency when you are performing an initial scan to find the ideal frequencies

  2. #102
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Hans Gimpelj's Avatar
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    Cool Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Brian,

    Thanks for the reply but I am alittle confused by your answer

    Do you mean 10 seconds for each frequency or 30 - 50 seconds EG;

    1604Hz - 10 sec or 30 sec or 50 sec
    2008Hz - 10 sec or 30 sec or 50 dec
    2128Hz - 10 sec or 30 sec or 50 sec

    or are you talking about sweeping each side of primary frequencies

    I am still a little new to this idea of Scanning, you may need to explain in more detail please Brian

    Kind regards

  3. #103
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I use the terms scan and sweep interchangeably: running a range such as from 300 - 800 or 2000 - 2600 Hz by 1 Hz to find new frequencies. But I now see you mean running a non-sequential frequency set for a condition. This is hard to say. 10 seconds per frequency is still a good period if running through a large number of them since most of the time a hit can be felt this quickly, although sometimes people don't feel anything for 1, 2, or 3 minutes, and sometimes longer, into the frequency. -- turf

  4. #104
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Hans Gimpelj's Avatar
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    Cool Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Brian, (Turf)

    Thankyou very much, this explaination makes it much clearer but scanning seems rather problematic if the effect may not be noticed straight a way.

    Thus, I could in effect use 48 frequencies @ 10 sec each over an 8 min. period, get a response on the second-last frequency, believing it to be the magic number, when in fact it could have been one of the earlier ones in the sequence.

    So then how can scanning be effective unless you only try one frequency at a time, every 30 mins. or so

    Kind regards

  5. #105
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Hans,

    A sweep can be effective even if you never know exactly which frequencies were needed. Some people run a broad sweep, such as 300 - 3,000Hz in 1Hz steps. You can set the duration for each step at 1 second (as example).

    This would equal a total of 2700 seconds or 45 minutes. This range covers most of the common frequencies used, so it's likely that in many cases you would get results (although in some cases the duration for each step may need to be longer).

    Of course you can run the sweep more than once if needed.

  6. #106
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Hans Gimpelj's Avatar
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    Cool Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Bil,

    Many thanks for your answer but my main concern still is as I posted in my previous message.

    Just how affective is scanning if there is a posible delay in the response to any one particular frequency, you would never know which frequency the patient responed to. This could take a very long time and terminal patients don't often have this privalige.

    Kind regards

  7. #107
    Specialist Chat with me Daniel Bergman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?


    I think you are under the impression that a person could have run one good effective frequency earlier and feel it later when running a noneffective one. I believe that you will ether feel it at the time it is running or not at all. In another words if 666 is an effective cancer killing frequency and you run it for 30 seconds and nothing is felt then nothing will be felt later either. You may have to run it longer for a sensation to be felt but it will not produce a sensation after the fact. At least I have never heard of that happening or experienced it personally.

    If you are doing a sweep which is quite easy with the GB, just note the displayed frequency if something is felt. Then narrow your sweep to a few Hz below and above the noted frequency and sweep again to home in on the actual frequency felt and to confirm the "hit". It is not a perfect system but better than none at all.

    If you sweep around the listed cancer frequencies this should make the search much faster. You will have to builds on your own experience since you are in effect a pioneer whenever you use these devices to treat something this difficult. It is very much a treatment that involves the response of the person being treated. Once you learn the individuals responses and what duration of time produces a response you can use that as a guideline for future reference.

    I do not envy the position you are in treating such a serious condition. But I am glad you are so diligent in your research. I just wish there was some real good solid protocol available for you. But cancer has been a tough nut to crack for any treatment. Frequency treatments are no exception.

    Best Regards

    Dan Bergman

  8. #108
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Hans Gimpelj's Avatar
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    Cool Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Dan,

    Thankyou for your response. I know that this is not an exact science and a lot of time is spent on trying to find the right frequencies, I also appreciate that many other people in similar circunstances have spent a great deal of time looking for the right frequencies, some with success and some without. I supose I am trying to narrow the "waste-time" as I am not sure how much time I have with my Mother to be able to help.

    My GB-4000/SR-4 has left the states and is now on its way over here. I expect delivery in a few days. I have quit my job and next Friday I will be moving 300 Klms south to be with her for this treatment, for however long it takes.

    In between packing it is great to know that all of you are out there trying to help and this is of great comfort to us.

    I have set-up a file on my PC and every detail of the treatment starting from day 1 will be recorded to enable me to share the results with others.

    Kind regards

  9. #109
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    [reply=Byron Robinson]
    I've used 30/45 seconds scans on my wife (who has metastatic breast cancer) and have documented that she noticed a sensation within 20-seconds on most of the frequencies termed 'hits' but, on some frequencies, of longer scan periods (90-seconds), she noticed a sensation after 60 seconds has expired. However, I have also noted that on a pulse frequency of 37Hz the time of initial sensation is much shorter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Bergman

    I think you are under the impression that a person could have run one good effective frequency earlier and feel it later when running a noneffective one. I believe that you will ether feel it at the time it is running or not at all. In another words if 666 is an effective cancer killing frequency and you run it for 30 seconds and nothing is felt then nothing will be felt later either. You may have to run it longer for a sensation to be felt but it will not produce a sensation after the fact. At least I have never heard of that happening or experienced it personally.

    If you are doing a sweep which is quite easy with the GB, just note the displayed frequency if something is felt. Then narrow your sweep to a few Hz below and above the noted frequency and sweep again to home in on the actual frequency felt and to confirm the "hit". It is not a perfect system but better than none at all.

    If you sweep around the listed cancer frequencies this should make the search much faster. You will have to builds on your own experience since you are in effect a pioneer whenever you use these devices to treat something this difficult. It is very much a treatment that involves the response of the person being treated. Once you learn the individuals responses and what duration of time produces a response you can use that as a guideline for future reference.

    I do not envy the position you are in treating such a serious condition. But I am glad you are so diligent in your research. I just wish there was some real good solid protocol available for you. But cancer has been a tough nut to crack for any treatment. Frequency treatments are no exception.

    Best Regards

    Dan Bergman

  10. #110
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Byron Robinson
    [reply=Byron Robinson]
    I've used 30/45 seconds scans on my wife (who has metastatic breast cancer) and have documented that she noticed a sensation within 20-seconds on most of the frequencies termed 'hits' but, on some frequencies, of longer scan periods (90-seconds), she noticed a sensation after 60 seconds has expired. However, I have also noted that on a pulse frequency of 37Hz the time of initial sensation is much shorter.
    Hi Byron,

    My husband, Glyn Holdich, is a new member to the forum. He's read your entry indicating that your wife has metastatic breast cancer. I've also got metastatic breast cancer that has gone to my bones. You've indicated that you're using Rife treatment on your wife. May I ask whether you've had any success and if so, are you able to provide any details of the machine you've used and the specifics of the treatments you've given her? We're looking to use a Rife machine, but as I'm sure you aware there are many different versions out there and it's a challenge just knowing which to try and worrying also, since some can even make things worse.
    Kind Regards,
    Lesley Holdich

  11. #111
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Rife machines as we know them today do not cure disease including cancer. What they do, however, is to break up the structures of the disease pathogens by taking advantage of the common characteristic of viruses, bacteria and fungi in that the cell walls (ie., membranes) become crystallized rather than remaining pliable. Resonant frequencies mechanically synchronize with the triangular shapes specific to each disease pathogen and sets up a standing wave within the mass of the structure which causes an expansion of the intracellular fluids which subsequently rupture the protective coating that holds the structure together. Rife type machines as we know them today are of great value to be sure, however, in order to rid the body of the disease the milieu must be changed to a pH condition that is hostile to the organism. Diet and hygiene habits are critical factors in getting rid of any disease. A machine alone is not enough.

  12. #112
    Linda Singer
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Jim My uncle has acute leukemia myelodysplastic syndrome. He had two chemo treatments in ten weeks kept at the hospital in isolation. They let him go home last thursday telling him that he may not be here by christmas and that their is nothing to do. Please can you help us out with whatever research you have. I have found natural supplements to build up his immune system which was given to me by someone who has had lung cancer and he claims it truly helped him. I am also giving my uncle a Beetle nebulizer inhaler machine with a liquid (714x) is inhaled with this machine and is also suppose to help build the immune system. Now on Friday (again through a friend) he will be seeing this person who has the "PERL VIOLETWAVE MACHINE" to treat my uncle. This man helped my friend who has the lyme disease and she was so bad she ended up in a wheel chair and had to give up her kids to her x husband because she could no longer take care of them. Today she is walking back to work and gets her children every weekend. Please help us with any advice possible. God bless you and all.


  13. #113
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Linda,

    Please feel free to call me this Saturday or Sunday afternoon or evening. 847-740-6864.


  14. #114
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I finely got back on the internet. When I was able to get to my firends place to get the frequency's and write then down he had tossed the books with all the information as he said so many people were coming to use his machine is was running all day long and sometimes late in the evenings. I can tell you this that the system is a rife/bare tube type and it puts out between 140 to 145 watts of power. Drink lots of water before you start the treatments and then start in on a gallon of water when you start the treatment and drink the whole gallon of water before you go to bed and so far all the people that use his machine had had no side effects that I know of. It will cost less than $2000 USD to build one more like around $1600. Also no metal on you no watches, rings etc. and you sit on a plastic chair or couch or wooden chair
    I can only say the frequency's were taken from the CAFL list
    I don't recommend MFJ products for this system!

  15. #115
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    Question Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    This has been a fascinating thread.

    Thank you so much to everyone who contributed from their experiences.

    I myself am just beginning my exploration in this area.

    Does anyone know how this research and battle with cancer turned out?

  16. #116
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hello Charles,

    Is there a device to eliminate e-smog?


  17. #117
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    No, such a device does not exist.

    However, some nasty VLF frequencies in the mains electricity net can be eliminatee by some filters, but first the amount of dirt must be measured.

    Elektrosmog attacks the body, and only people with a damaged immune system are prone to these attacks.

    Therefore, the best thing to do is reinforcing the immune system.
    There are a number of things to do here.

    With a R.I.F.E. machine, a frequency of 99.5 and 657 Hz are good for that.

  18. #118
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian McInturff View Post
    I use the terms scan and sweep interchangeably: running a range such as from 300 - 800 or 2000 - 2600 Hz by 1 Hz to find new frequencies. But I now see you mean running a non-sequential frequency set for a condition. This is hard to say. 10 seconds per frequency is still a good period if running through a large number of them since most of the time a hit can be felt this quickly, although sometimes people don't feel anything for 1, 2, or 3 minutes, and sometimes longer, into the frequency. -- turf
    Brian McInturff "I use the terms scan and sweep interchangeably: running a range such as from 300 - 800 or 2000 - 2600 Hz by 1 Hz to find new frequencies. But I now see you mean running a non-sequential frequency set for a condition. This is hard to say etc."

    Brian my name is Moshe Kerr I live in Israel and am a Talmudic Rabbi. I am in the process of bringing a Rife GB4000 with amp to Israel. Having read some of the questions and responses on this post I thought a proper introduction would be to discuss an attempt to define the nature of disease. I am clearly not an expert on Rife and frequencies b/c I have yet to ever use a machine. But I have given a nickel's worth of thought upon healing.

    This particular blog asks: Can a Rife machine cure cancer? My immediate response centers upon the obvious: just as a Rife machine did not invite the cancer attack, in similar fashion it lacks the ability to "impose" a Road Map Peace Plan upon the warring factions within the body. Human disease and political conflicts among societies, I believe share certain similarities which adds a certain depth in attempting to investigate complex problems; and clear as the sun in the sky "Caner" qualifies as a complex conflict within the body.

    The human body has its own defense systems and the amazing ability to repair damage. A disease damages the body, a terminal disease occurs when the body can no longer cope or repair damaged tissue to the point where the essential functions of life cease to exist and death occurs. Being a Talmudic Rabbi, my training causes me to define life as Soul. It's a substance form relationship, the physical body serving as the "forms" through which the "Soul" expresses life in this world.

    The Rife Machine truly interests me, b/c of it's employment of radio frequencies. The popular book Harry Potter, he whose Name is never spoken, divided his "Soul" into 6 parts. This is a fascinating idea b/c it fits with Jewish tradition! A cube has 6 faces, salt forms cubes. Shine a light through a cube at the right angle and it will work like a prism and make a Star of David ie 2 interlocked triangles, the 6 lines transpose the 3D faces of the cube into a 2D double interlocking set of triangles! Salt functions as an absolute essential for life. A Torah sacrifice requires salt.

    The Torah qualifies as a revelation of the Soul/life; Torah speaks in the language of man. And man employs metaphors to understand deep ideas. Hence the Torah compares "Life" unto Fire and Brit/(an alliance which joins different and opposing interests). Biblical translations call brit covenant, but it seems to me that translating languages distorts as much as it communicates. Hence I brought the prism reality of the 6 planes of a cube being "translated" unto the 6 lines of 2 interlocking triangles. Translating a 3 dimensional substance into a 2 dimensional form creates huge distortions of reality. This represent the most clear example that I have yet to communicate which distinguishes between substance and form. Healing requires a philisophical mind.

    And this perception causes me to challenge limiting Rife scholarship and research unto simple frequencies as if such simplistic notions could solve immensely complex realities. Curing disease requires understanding the brit relationship between a frequency generator and the spiritual "substance" (which the Torah calls Nefesh). On a side point which might provide a bit of depth, a sacrifice makes a "k'para" unto the Nefesh through the dedication of the blood. K'para translators call atonement, but I'd prefer to avoid translations as much as possible. From an outside view, a sacrifice resembles a fine Sunday Bar BQ! But the substance/form relationship of the sacrifice centers upon the Nefesh dedicated upon the altar. The initial blood that shoots out of the cleanly cut jugular vein and aorta artery spews out of the wound from the power of the beating heart of the animal. This "blood" is called Nefesh blood. After the heart dies, it ceases to function, blood drains from the wound but this blood does not have the name Nefesh. It's the nefesh blood that's dedicated upon the altar. The Talmud understands prayer in this context. Specifically, (poor translation of the Talmud: The ambassador of a man possess the authority of the man who sends him. A more modern comparison being a man giving power of attorney unto his lawyer) The intent of prayer the Talmudic sages learned from the Torah worship of sacrifices: Sacrifices dedicate the substance of the Nefesh as found in the forms of the blood in like manner a person who prays must dedicate his/her soul unto the Brit Name. (Which like Harry Potter can not be pronounced). The standing prayer called "shemone-esray", has 19 parts 3 fixed parts in the beginning and 3 fixed parts at the end or 6 faces of the oath/brit nefesh. The 13 middle parts affix themselves unto the 13 attributes of the Elokim revealed unto Moshe at Sinai. Attributes being an incredibly bad translation for "middot".

    Middot function as the interface between the Nefesh which exists beyond or more accurately "not limited" by the 3 dimensions of physical reality. Attributes by contrast focus, making a Rife comparison: upon particular frequencies. Once a person contemplates upon middot, such a philosopher has entered into the wisdom of healing other people. Wisdom and knowledge have a fundamental distinction. A person can know and study a trumpet, but becoming a musician with the physical trumpet requires the wisdom of "soul".

    As said above, the Torah commands 6 yom tovim (poor translation: festivals) where it commands: do not appear before the face of Elokim empty. Meaning just as the Elokim 3 dimensional reality does not limit so too when a person approaches the face of the Elokim on the yom tov this person should dedicate a face of the nefesh soul! But even more holy(a dedicated substance) than the yom tovim, shabbot. What represents the wisdom of this dedicated 7th soul? Now things start to get to the point of this blog and really cool, play that trumpet man, cuss I like my jazz HOT!

    Human health as a direct correlation with human emotions. There exists buckets and loads of theories afoot, but I give you a Jewish theory that's in my book Talmud Moderny. Avraham 13 years after cutting a nefesh brit performed an operation upon his zyan; a incredibly bad translation being "penis". The letter zyan is the 7th letter in the aleph-bet/"alphabet". King David build the 1st Temple upon "Zion". See how translating deep ideas into other languages just distorts the communicated wisdom out of all proportions?

    Zion represents the 7th face of the soul, which the UN calls racism! Zionism studies the emotional behavior of bnai brit. If your not smiling now stop and smile, the worst diseases occur when people take themselves tooo seriously!
    The interface between the soul and physical body Talmud Torah expresses through the language of heart and soul. The heart houses the 2 yazirot; a worse translation the good and bad inclinations. Yazir means a former or shaper. The building blocks of the human yazir being tohor and tumah middot. I am not even going to bother translating these 2 fundamental concepts of wisdom. The Torah calls the yazir "very good". Sacrifices require water. The chemical structure of water being H2O, hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen compares unto the tumah middot of the yazir haRa ie a poison and oxygen compares unto the tohor middot of the yazir haTov ie a necessity of life. Combine the 2 and you get water or to quote the Torah "very good". This maturing of middot the Talmud calls a developing the spirituality of derech eretz. Derech eretz comes before the Torah! It's comparable to a Royal King who stops to visit you in your home and farts, eats his slimy buggers slurping them down like spaghetti! His majesty might be king but he surely most definitely is NOT Royal! Religious people who lack emotional development/derech eretz, compare to such a king visiting your or my home! The Talmud calls such crude people, even though they keep all the commandments of the Torah - am ha aretz. The Torah teaches that a mamzer, the off spring of a incestuous sexual union, could never join the bnai brit community even after 10 generations! The Talmud teaches a contempt definition of am ha aretz as the obligation to give honor to a mamzer Torah authority over and above a High Priest(image the Pope) am ha aretz!

    Where to emotions come from? By the way I learn, the 10 internal organs of the body. I am highly influenced by the wisdom of Jin Shin Jyutsu as Japanese healing wisdom developed following the 2nd world war. This wisdom has strong linkages unto chinese acupuncture points/frequencies. The learning follows a prat/clall approach or "specific/general". The individual being the individual and the solar system with its 10 "planets" representing the general. And Rife radio wave frequencies functioning as the sod mishutoff or common denominator.

    The brain stem orchestrates through the spinal column radio antena, the middot combinations the 10 internal organs emotional production; the brain stem orchestrates and organizes these emotional middot and combines them making new and different emotions through their primary tohor/tuma middot compounds (picture letters forming words which communicate ideas)! Now we approach the Zion nefesh. Through Divine Names this gets into heavy kabbalah sorry, a person can cut a brit between the middot, better translation measurements of the individual or prat unto the middot gravitational middot relationship between the 10 mazelot of the Milky Way and create thereby a living Zion soul!

    Disease occurs when a tissue goes "out of context" with the surrounding tissue. I believe the Rife frequency devises could be employed with greater effectiveness if researchers explored putting the middot of the prat individual back in context with the middot of the 10 mazelot clall. I have affixed and mapped out 26 middot points within the human body and linked them unto the 10 major internal organs. I oppose the Chinese emphasis upon the gall bladder and replace it with an emphasis upon the pancreas. I speculate that the GB 4000 should be used together with a Rife Bare tube machine. Because the Zion nefesh requires a brit context relationship between the prat and the clall.

  19. Thanks Moshe Kerr:

  20. #119
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    Exclamation A gallon of water seems excessive even on a scorching day!

    The problem with a gallon of water is the DILUTION of the blood cells resulting in dizziness and faintness, since there is a decrease in the amount of oxygen being circulated in the thinned blood.

    Certainly a half of gallon of fluids would be acceptabel, but not all at once. Sipping Some before and after the sessions would be indicated, since many people do not get enough fluids in general.

    Look up hyperhydration.

  21. #120
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    Exclamation A gallon of water seems excessive even on a scorching day!

    The problem with a gallon of water is the DILUTION of the blood cells resulting in dizziness and faintness, since there is a decrease in the amount of oxygen being circulated in the thinned blood.

    Certainly a half of gallon of fluids would be acceptable, but not all at once. Sipping Some before and after the sessions would be indicated, since many people do not get enough fluids in general.

    Look up hyperhydration.

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