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Thread: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

  1. #181
    Mark died in May 2016. Chat with me Mark Le Huray's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Russell Shipp View Post
    YES high alkaline. .. Ozonate, Rife and colloidal silver...

    THANK GOD you were there... Losing an eye is like... NOPE NOPE NOPE.

    Great on you being aware and awesome!!!
    I read that you shouldn't take ozonated water at the same time as rife therapy but that it should be done afterwards?

    Has anyone tried doing MMS and rife as part of a full cancer treatment? It seems like that would be pretty potent.

  2. #182
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Le Huray View Post
    I read that you shouldn't take ozonated water at the same time as rife therapy but that it should be done afterwards?

    Has anyone tried doing MMS and rife as part of a full cancer treatment? It seems like that would be pretty potent.

    You should enjoy some ozanted both before and after a Rife session for maximum results.

    I avoid MMS like the plague. Some swear by it but the same folks that swear by it use it daily because they are always sick. Hypercondria. ugh. So personal experience has seriously biased me against it ...

    I believe it could be useful as a once in a while thing just like Rifeing once in a awhile is good but I aint sure it should be done every day. If you are doing something every single day and still not getting better double check what your doing.

  3. #183
    Mark died in May 2016. Chat with me Mark Le Huray's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Russell Shipp View Post
    You should enjoy some ozanted both before and after a Rife session for maximum results.

    I avoid MMS like the plague. Some swear by it but the same folks that swear by it use it daily because they are always sick. Hypercondria. ugh. So personal experience has seriously biased me against it ...

    I believe it could be useful as a once in a while thing just like Rifeing once in a awhile is good but I aint sure it should be done every day. If you are doing something every single day and still not getting better double check what your doing.
    Okay that is what I thought just wanted that cleared up that it should be used before or after a session.
    With the colloidal silver how and how much do you recommend someone takes?

    I have never used MMS but have heard good reports about it from a German doctor who reckoned it cured her malaria when she was in Africa.

  4. #184
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Le Huray View Post
    Okay that is what I thought just wanted that cleared up that it should be used before or after a session.
    With the colloidal silver how and how much do you recommend someone takes?

    I have never used MMS but have heard good reports about it from a German doctor who reckoned it cured her malaria when she was in Africa.

    I always use a store bought brand "Source naturals Wellness" 30 ppm or 30 Parts per million. Some recommend mega does like 200 ppm but I find 30 ppm plenty. I use the throat spray exclusively. I believe the mist spray allows for rapid absorption through the pallet and throat and thats what I want when rifing clients. I always ask that they use the colloidal spray first before we start rifing.

    I'm big about the silver because of what I have seen. I was rifing a friend for psoriasis on her neck. She did not want to remove her grand mothers silver necklace and I said OK. I did not expect immediate results. IT was the most dramatic thing I have ever seen. Directly where the necklace rested on her neck the skin went from patchy irritated pink and normal peach clean skin. So she still had alot of patchy red skin... But their was a peach line cut right through it... and the rest of it looked seriously better..... I was looking forward to finishing her off and completely curing her with multiple treatments but that was the only one she ever did.. she had to move out of state a week later. REGARDLESS after witnessing this i've always insisted on clients doing the CS throat spray first. 2 to 4 squirts .... They could do more too I don't mind.. but on occasion I do get those clients that want to just keep on squirting till they empty like a fourth of a bottle... I try to discourage that sillyness. I want them to get some inside them but they don't need to take shots of this stuff... A little is plenty.

    ON MMS..... I hear good things about it too... I understand what it is made of and how it works, and YEAH it will do alot as a great body disinfectant. But it should be treated like serious medicine and not vitamins. Meaning those folks that use it every day are abusing it at their own risk to there health. I see it promoted like crazy and the exaggerations of its unlimited potential are there. I don't use it for my clients myself. And .. I don't discourage it.. but I dont encourage it either .. I just see too many people over doing it it like crazy.

    A sick person only needs medicine when they are sick , healthy folks don't need medicine.
    Last edited by Russell Shipp; 07-13-2014 at 21:50. Reason: fixing weird thingee.

  5. #185
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I am looking through all of your input, and surprised how many different gadgets are called Rife machine.
    In my understanding none of what I see here are to do anything with Rife, and his works! I do not deny that some make good result in many cases, but is a difference to get some result, and to claim that it is Rife technology. First : Rife used tube oscillator, tube amplifier and Phanotron tube probably filled with argon, or a mixture of it. until I build my gadget according to my filtered out research I can not comment on cancer cure, apart from the historical records that Rife did cure cancer probably with 100% result.
    If any of you can do more research I appreciate.
    A STORY is circulating : once a machine in Rife's laboratory was malfunctioned, and the result was that ALL specimen in that laboratory DIED ! --but nobody wants to talk about the details, or nobody know?

  6. #186
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    Yes, it is remarkable the wide variety of machines that are labelled Rife. I think today people call anything that is a frequency generator a Rife machine. But it is difficult to peg down precisely what a "Rife Machine" is. Even those machines that Rife himself was involved with in some fashion differ substantially. People who have researched these in depth like Jeff Garff and Jim Berger, both of whom posted to this thread early on, would probably go so far as to distinguish between particular models of Rife's early machines when discussing technical merits of a "Rife Machine". see

    Since this thread seems to wander and you're building a machine, a side note about plasma tube gases and electrodes might help you when you choose a plasma tube. Rife used helium but I think he said it didn't matter. However, it may matter over the long term, particularly with an internal electrode style tube. Helium is apparently much more resistant to degradation over time. The ionized gas (any noble gas mixture) is incredibly caustic and rips apart anything it touches including internal electrodes and glass walls. The elements that are torn off these surfaces combine with the noble gas(es) and reduce conductivity to the point of failure.

    Helium is apparently the most resistant to this phenomenon. This probably matters most with internal electrode tubes. I believe Rife used helium in his tube. Possibly for this reason. With an external electrode tube the fouling problem appears to be much less significant, so it's probably not a big deal there. I believe Garff said somewhere on this forum that he has 3 external electrode tubes having mixed gases he uses a lot and they are at least 2 years old with no darkening.

    Even helium filled tubes will darken though with enough use. However, apparently Rife said even when completely dark they continued to work just fine. The loss of visible spectrum frequencies didn't matter in this case, at least according to Rife. This is in contrast to a tube having anything else. A dark tube in that case will indicate increasing resistance which will mean a decrease in output and possibly distortion, and eventual failure of your amplifier if you're not careful.

    So, as I build my machine, at the moment I've settled on helium for internal electrode tubes and anything for external electrode tubes. External electrode tubes can support much larger outputs since the electrode is bigger and isn't subjected to the terrible environment. Internal electrodes can convey signals more accurately. So it depends on your goal. There is apparently no perfect solution for all situations.

    This information is largely by private correspondence with Ralph Hartwell who builds pad and plasma tube amplifiers and Jeff Garff who builds the GB4000 system. They've both been active contributors to understanding and using Rife technology a long time and are both very helpful.

    I hope it helps you, too.


  7. #187
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    He was using colloidal silver in the eye before the worst happened. Should he be using it orally? I'm so on tilt I haven't thought about it since then. Thanks for responding. It means a lot.

  8. #188
    Specialist Chat with me Russell Shipp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Judith Dew View Post
    He was using colloidal silver in the eye before the worst happened. Should he be using it orally? I'm so on tilt I haven't thought about it since then. Thanks for responding. It means a lot.
    Both. I'd recommend both.

  9. #189
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    You would recommend colloidal silver in the eye that was removed?
    He couldn't tolerate that I don't think. What about colloidal silver in
    DMSO suspension applied all around the eye? AND orally?

  10. #190
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    Dang.. I thought he was able to save his eye.... In that case yeah I'd recommend Orally only.

  11. #191
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    The story you are speaking about, I believe, has to do with the Hoyland sweep. The Rife machine did not malfunction. It was just an experiment in searching for the M.O.R. for two forms of cryptomyces pleomorphia, as seen below. Here is the link if you care to read the STORY:

    DR. JOHNSON: “Last summer, in hunting for the M.O.R. for the other two reproductive forms of the cryptomyces pleomorphia, we ran into a new band of oscillations which introduced itself to us by killing all three forms - those that we called BX, our filter-passing form; then a transitional form such as you found in the monocytes in the blood; and then the third or highly developed form coming from the sporangius forming from the hyphas of the mycelium. At the same time that this new wave band arrived, we broke all the glass in the laboratory of a certain shape, not only in the room where we were working but in all the other rooms...we had been troubled a great deal with a mold because in the microscope room there were no windows, but this band not only destroyed that mold, which was growing on the leather objects in the room, but every bacteriological culture that we had in the laboratory! It cleaned us out completely so we had to start from scratch and replace our losses. In fact, we were all so surprised that we began to feel each other’s pulses to see if we were still alive. As no harm had been done to us, we proceeded to test the new band out on mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs and dogs. So far as we were able to discover, it is not at all destructive or injurious to normal cell tissue. While we have been forced to modify our machine so as to produce this new band, still it is so much more effective clinically that we look upon it as a very advantageous discovery. However, our experience has forced us to do all of our experimenting with the new ray [Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument] completely outside of our laboratory building or abandon all form of bacteriological experiments, because it instantly kills them all."

    bacteriological experiments, because it instantly kills them all.

  12. #192
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi everyone, the frequency for the GB-4000s against cancer can be inquired at:


    Both emails are affiliated with the Independent Cancer Research Institute which specialized in these cures.

    Best regards!

    Also, generally, the website is highly recommendable for everyone researching how to cure cancer!

  13. #193
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Eye cancer is getting to be wide spread occurance ,, any Ideas what is causing this type of cancer to manifest?

  14. #194
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Kristal
    You just replicated accidentally what Rife experienced at one occasion. I was actually searching the details of that "accident" would you explain what machine you have, what was actually coming out of your machine at that time? what frequency, or what combinatins, what carrier, and approx. how much power???
    Sorry for tis messy imput, I did not figure out how to separate my writing from the quotes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Krystal Dionne View Post

    The story you are speaking about, I believe, has to do with the Hoyland sweep. The Rife machine did not malfunction. It was just an experiment in searching for the M.O.R. for two forms of cryptomyces pleomorphia, as seen below. Here is the link if you care to read the STORY:

    DR. JOHNSON: “Last summer, in hunting for the M.O.R. for the other two reproductive forms of the cryptomyces pleomorphia, we ran into a new band of oscillations which introduced itself to us by killing all three forms - those that we called BX, our filter-passing form; then a transitional form such as you found in the monocytes in the blood; and then the third or highly developed form coming from the sporangius forming from the hyphas of the mycelium. At the same time that this new wave band arrived, we broke all the glass in the laboratory of a certain shape, not only in the room where we were working but in all the other rooms...we had been troubled a great deal with a mold because in the microscope room there were no windows, but this band not only destroyed that mold, which was growing on the leather objects in the room, but every bacteriological culture that we had in the laboratory! It cleaned us out completely so we had to start from scratch and replace our losses. In fact, we were all so surprised that we began to feel each other’s pulses to see if we were still alive. As no harm had been done to us, we proceeded to test the new band out on mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs and dogs. So far as we were able to discover, it is not at all destructive or injurious to normal cell tissue. While we have been forced to modify our machine so as to produce this new band, still it is so much more effective clinically that we look upon it as a very advantageous discovery. However, our experience has forced us to do all of our experimenting with the new ray [Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument] completely outside of our laboratory building or abandon all form of bacteriological experiments, because it instantly kills them all."

    bacteriological experiments, because it instantly kills them all.

  15. #195
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I have a good friend who uses a Global Wellness machine and swears by it. She has had a very aggressive brain tumor for the past 8 yrs and has stopped it in it's tracks, She is 75 and like an energizer bunny!

    This is not her only tool. She drinks Kangen 9.5 water, watches her diet very carefully, and constantly checks her urine to insure it is slightly alkaline (since cancer can't live in an alkaline environment!)

    She has been told by two separate sources that her tumor is still there but crystallized (in remission). Whatever is working is doing a great job


  16. Thanks John Harris (2x):

    Aditya Tuli (07-21-2015), Russell Shipp (07-21-2015)

  17. #196
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Crystal
    thank you for the quote,
    Is anyone know how was the experiment set up, what frequency package, or sweep was used, and with what carrier ?

  18. #197
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    Hello John.

    Can you please find out about the model number for the Global Wellness machine?

    Also how much 9.5 water does your friend drink?

    I am doing my research for my Dad who is on oral chemo and really new to this kind of therapy.


  19. #198
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    I swore by my global.wellness too...and i used many other devices and the high ph water, ozonated. ...rife stuff works great when good protocols are followed.

  20. #199
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    I had read that it doing cancer sets of frequencies that they got better results running them every 3 days rather than every day so I put a scheduler into my program just in case people want to use this method.

  21. #200
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Russell Shipp View Post
    I always use a store bought brand "Source naturals Wellness" 30 ppm or 30 Parts per million. Some recommend mega does like 200 ppm but I find 30 ppm plenty. I use the throat spray exclusively. I believe the mist spray allows for rapid absorption through the pallet and throat and thats what I want when rifing clients. I always ask that they use the colloidal spray first before we start rifing.

    I'm big about the silver because of what I have seen. I was rifing a friend for psoriasis on her neck. She did not want to remove her grand mothers silver necklace and I said OK. I did not expect immediate results. IT was the most dramatic thing I have ever seen. Directly where the necklace rested on her neck the skin went from patchy irritated pink and normal peach clean skin. So she still had alot of patchy red skin... But their was a peach line cut right through it... and the rest of it looked seriously better..... I was looking forward to finishing her off and completely curing her with multiple treatments but that was the only one she ever did.. she had to move out of state a week later. REGARDLESS after witnessing this i've always insisted on clients doing the CS throat spray first. 2 to 4 squirts .... They could do more too I don't mind.. but on occasion I do get those clients that want to just keep on squirting till they empty like a fourth of a bottle... I try to discourage that sillyness. I want them to get some inside them but they don't need to take shots of this stuff... A little is plenty.

    ON MMS..... I hear good things about it too... I understand what it is made of and how it works, and YEAH it will do alot as a great body disinfectant. But it should be treated like serious medicine and not vitamins. Meaning those folks that use it every day are abusing it at their own risk to there health. I see it promoted like crazy and the exaggerations of its unlimited potential are there. I don't use it for my clients myself. And .. I don't discourage it.. but I dont encourage it either .. I just see too many people over doing it it like crazy.

    A sick person only needs medicine when they are sick , healthy folks don't need medicine.

    I get throat cankers from herpes simplex 1, which if untreated develop into serial mononucleosis. While managing stress prevents them, the only thing I've found to touch them is silver. A long time ago an MD put me on to silver nitrate, but I can't buy the stuff, so I use colloidal silver. After trying many brands, some at high concentrations, I tried Mesosilver by Purest Colloids Inc.. It's only 20 ppm but they claim an extremely small particle size, resulting in more area of silver available to work. It isn't the most expensive, but I've found it works best for me.

    I mentioned this to my chiropractor/nutritionist when we were discussing health fads— Consumer Reports put colloidal silver on their top ten list of quackery a couple years ago and I was ripping them apart. I've tried a lot of things and silver is all that has worked for me.

    He said that his problem was with people who ingest the stuff (I apply it directly to the cankers, then gargle and spit). With silver's ability to kill any and all microorganisms, from virii to bacteria to mycoplasmas, ingesting silver will indeed decontaminate your intestines. Problem is, intestinal flora makes up the vast majority of your immune system. Silver takes them all out, paving the way for imbalanced gut flora, leading to medical complications.

    This is such hot science that you would not believe the number of recent (last 2 years) patent applications for devices and procedures for poop transplants— it seems a near instant cure for lupus, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, diabetes, obesity and many other impossible-to-treat modern conditions. Your mileage may vary, but I wouldn't go swallowing silver needlessly until we know a heck of a lot more about optimal intestinal flora.

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