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Thread: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

  1. #241
    TM: Author Chat with me Nenah Sylver, Ph.D.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fabrizio del Tin View Post
    All currently produced Rife machines are just light boxes. Even the MOPA, a good reproduction of a Rife machine, is not tuned to the right plasma tube and will therefore achieve nothing.
    Manufacturers fail to produce any evidence or scientifically acceptable proof.

    The only 2 bets that may be considered, in my view, are the MOPA and Rife/Bare machines, but they need a proper tuning to increase efficiency.

    Nevertheless, there is some serious research, but to my knowledge only experimental setups.

    The best thing that resembles a Rife machine and works is the old violet ray. Plenty of documentation on that.

    If the violet wand is refurbished and optimized, it can also dissolve cancer via electroporation and species, just google.

    Fabrizio, I heartily disagree that "all currently produced Rife machines are just light boxes." I have observed and experienced, first-hand, plenty of cures and reversals of symptoms. I don't understand why you want to be on a list whose participants have often experienced good to excellent results with Rife Therapy, if you don't think that the CURRENT technology is valid.

    I state this in many places in my new Rife Handbook, but will repeat it here: The reason that (in your words) "Manufacturers fail to produce any evidence or scientifically acceptable proof" is that at least here in the United States, manufacturers and sellers are legally prevented from making any claims. That aside, it's not quite true that ALL manufactures "fail to produce any evidence." For example, Pulsed Technologies has a research arm in Romania and has verified that its P3 Pro unit has killed Candida albicans when certain frequencies are used. (The frequencies are in Chapter 5 of my book and are available with every machine that Pulsed Technologies sells.) Whenever I do speaking engagements, I show the Candida slides from Pulsed Technologies. This company does lots of medical research, in fact, but they can't publicize it in the United States because anyone who does real medicine is muzzled. Only Big Pharma, with its poisonous chemicals, is allowed to flourish.

    Many people wish to claim that only they have the true answer to cure/heal/prevent [fill in the blank with your favorite disease], but there are many ways to induce healing. I think you are doing a disservice to people--especially to newcomers who don't yet have information--when you claim that modern equipment doesn't work. This is not what I have heard from Dr. Loyd, who has given Rife Therapy to plenty of people with cancer using a variety of machines, when he constantly reports results. As for myself, I have used both the P3 Pro from Pulsed Technologies and the PERL-M from Resonant Light with good results--for me personally, for human and animal members of my family, and for friends. This includes a doctor couple who several years ago borrowed one of my machines and left it running for several days on 40,000 Hz. She had the best night's sleep she'd had in three years.

    So please, Fabrizio, don't speak for me and I won't presume to speak for you about your own personal experiences. Agreed?

    Nenah Sylver, PhD
    Nenah Sylver, PhD
    Author, the NEW *Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Ed*
    *The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy*

  2. Thanks Nenah Sylver, Ph.D. (3x):

    Ali Rosener (12-08-2020), Stanislaw Chmielarz (12-08-2020), Yuriy Vladimirovich (12-08-2020)

  3. #242
    Specialist Chat with me Ali Rosener's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?


    Peace be upon Yours All.

    Sometimes people are not sensitiv or skilled enough to tune there systems.
    For some people, it will be only a fancy lamp, but some people are able to take benefits even from a Aurorasky Plasma Ball, just knowing how.
    Some People own a Ferrari, it donīt mean that they know how to drive it better than a Fiat 500s.
    To know which one is the best, give me the money and some more time i will find it out, if The Most High is willing.

    ** Ali **
    Who turns his back on the light of the Creator, will walk in the darkness of his own shadow.

  4. #243
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Shore View Post
    So I've been aware of and been reading about Rife research for 20 years. However, I have 2 full time jobs while simultaneously caring for 2 disabled family members and not had the time nor science background to delve deeply into all the complexities and evaluate them myself. Is there some kind of "Rife Treatment for Dummies" manual or thread that very simply and concisely:

    1. Reveals the current "best" device or devices for diagnosing diseases.
    2. Reveals the current "best" device or devices for treating diseases diagnosed in the above machine.
    3. Provides the simplest, most concise protocol for diagnosed diseases.

    After all these years there must be some kind of simple consensus about either "the best" machine -- or at least the top 3, and why.
    First of all, the analysers are superfluous "fancier" gear that just does the same sweep and machine will and makes very detailed and elaborate reports about the frequencies they picked up. $100 toy going for 33,000 on the basis of more detailed reports and more things identified better, I am given to believe.

    We are scanning and comparing results to physical diagnosis. Its a matter of the way the unit detects and takes some intuiting to put ones finger on it - tentatively. The analyser we have has 4 "therapy" settings which consist of buttons 1, 2, 3 & 4....with a lower/higher description in the manual, but no live readout of the frequency list or what frequencies the buttons run.

    I am US and grew up in the "show me" state and I have to have, like that other fellow doing his dissertation, as many examples of what can be replicated by others to see for their selves. Doctors technically are not endorsers of what they have not "seen with their eyes and held in their hands" because most all literature now in the States is pure pay to say sales and social manipulating. One has to dissect everything to rule on every point. They had US giving out cholesterol "gimmick" like candy and then it became the trickery of "anti depressants". Covid is the most glaring example of predatory exploitation and patient meaninglessness i have lived to see? It destroyed my attachment to commoners and plebes, because the sense of "fair" and "advantage guilt" were almost as big to me as my success record and own further upping*

    But I digress
    The current best diagnosing device that is least theoretical is the sweep of hits the selfsame treatment units perform and looking up those for further reference. The analysers are luxuries and some are a nice looking unit, but if I took it to the hospital, its status is "fun curious gadget?" Until i see those 200 scans that were even close and physically verified.
    I do believe there is a future....we are far from there and in the realm of learning and primitive machines.
    It is "best" because you already paid for and own it and usually has a "run hits" feature. Best also because the others are essentially the same and its our enjoyment of screen displays and reading details that chooses?

    I want to lay the frex16 scan results, this analyser results and one of these $30,000 units....I need to see and compare what the difference and its value for the gap of 29,899? Then i can say something more than "seems like" and "what's the puzzler is.."

    The best is not easy to define.
    Power and bulbs? Spectrotek, bill's lovely art bulbs and frex16 or other, Dr Bare's table top unit... I have never had or seen in person the GB/MOPA but it had a good reputation
    Utility and accessories? BCX Ultra is like it was made for drs directly treating bodies one after the other.

    User friendly? Aliixor, spectrotek - looks are not much and dang if they don't make them all look slick

    Best pre sets and protocols - Hymbas, BCX ultra deluxe so far? I pick it up and go "Hmm HMMM!" like precious pup with a biscuit. There was one on ebay half price.

    People with shorter budgets see the spectrotek/bill's/frex16 - much more power than the $100 generators from that one bunch.

    Sorry for these ramblings. I see as i go that all "do something" it is the person and the power/application they desire. I've got BCX and buying is the particulars of aesthetic, portability & etc?

    The other "user friendly with all the gadgets I will not endorse even though we have a pile of it here and utilize it* - the company is rapacious, awkward when spoken to by adult and my main concern has always been accuracy. I have heard more than one "bit of a time getting frequencies accurate".....i lack trust there altogether of the whole hippie fronted communist source. I dislike being spoken to as if i was 10 and learning obedience too and there is a HUGE gap in business or partnering with any of that lot, by their clumsy greed and attempts to rake you good with that particular aspect of their "authoritarianism" and you "obey!"
    I just very clearly told them what terms were acceptable and call me back when they get that.
    3 well spaced call backs with another volley....stubborn and not paying them that for $5 of radio shack in a groovy plastic case? Can keep answering calls "oh thank you very much!" but already pursuing an American made line of the same thing? Not equipment
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  5. #244
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Nenah, I never speak for you, I just speak from my experience.

    Usually, I use a very precise wording. Scientifically acceptable does not mean showing a slide that a supposed frequency killed a pathogen, or that one "feels" better.

    You know the placebo effect and microbes have a very short lifespan anyways. So, was it really the frequency or something else? Where are the results of the control? How do we know that it was exactly that frequency and another frequency does not work? What is the mechanism? What is the success rate demonstrated with a blind study? Is it replicable?

    I truly don't believe much in the conspiration theories. Just do the things how they should be done and they will be accepted.
    I'm not aware of papers on cold plasma or electroporation that are forbidden, hidden or rejected in the U.S. Indeed, there are many new patents on Rife related technology.

    I kindly disagree that am doing a disservice to people, as pointing out a lack of scientific evidence should bring up those questions that are for the benefit of all.
    I don't have a conflict of interest either, as currently I just do pure research. I sell no books, no machines. If you claim that someone is doing a disservice, you must see your conflict of interest first.

    So, we will just live with different opinions. I have found valid people in this forum with whom I share some research and opinions. Others have different ideas.

    I had the idea, some day, to develop a website where everyone could contribute his lab tests, healing protocols, results. Forms and questions should be developed so that it may have scientific value. As you understand, "I feel good" or it heals my "nail, insomnia, itch, pointy nose, fill in the blank", which unfortunately seems to be the preferred way of most manufacturers, can actually harm people.

    Research must follow protocols, people are not Guinea pigs. So, that's why I just do research and shared a lot of results on this forum freely. I see so many people claiming such unbelievable results and showing none. Or showing nothing that is scientifically acceptable, as I said.

    Finally, just to point out a subtlety. Research needs a lab. That a doctor uses Rife therapy, it does not contribute much to research, as he does not have the facilities to do it. Of course, it can give an indication for further investigation, but that's it. Then, there are those who are satisfied, and those who want to understand more. My opinion, of course.
    Researcher at Rife Lab.
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  6. #245
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    lord anybody near alamogordo, just come play with them all a bit and get a feel for the differences and all would be clear. I am working on a showroom for drs now that the FDA doesn' t smash us for it. I can put together turn-key setups for them by specialty and speak the language in our terms? Companies are a little slow to pick up on that....but less partners, more for me is ok too?
    It is always a bit of a struggle explaining well and the question is frequent here
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  7. #246
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Taylor View Post
    I second this question. For those of us who don't work in this field and are looking to see if it's a device that offers any benefit. I mean at this point I'm not even asking to see a video of frequencies killing pathogens cuz I know it's never going to happen I'd settle for somebody proving to me it's something beyond just a box with lights. Just when I'm about to spend the cash I always wake up cynical wondering in this day of litigation and liability and restriction is anybody really producing a device that transmits a viable source of energy at a therapeutic level. Thank you for your input. look down page for parameceum murder video has a lot of info that might help
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  8. #247
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Russell Shipp View Post
    Oh I dont think anything I know its a hoax. A hoax being perpetrated to discredit and devalue legitimate Rife Therapy. I mean if what was said about remote therapy was true youd be hitting millions of people based on skin cells in dust particles alone. Remote healing is quackery.
    I did find this?
    It is a rebuttal attempting to comb the issue out
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  9. #248
    First Posts Chat with me David Shore's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Well that's fairly depressing. So even a Bare can't do the job unless it's hacked properly? That's how far we've come?

  10. #249
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    In my opinion, yes, Rife's machine can beat cancer.
    There can be no protocol, since cancer is a strictly individual disease. If you take two identical people with the same diagnosis, then the disease in each will proceed differently. This depends on what kind of symbiosis of pathogenic microbes caused the disease and what kind of immunity and state of the body a person has at the moment. A tumor is a symbiosis (cohabitation) of different microbes together.
    Cancer is a parasitic disease. And this was proven at the beginning and middle of the last century. As Professor M.M. Nevyadomsky, oncology is just a branch of parasitology!
    For successful treatment, a complete diagnosis of the body is needed for pathogenic microflora. And this is the main problem. For example, the SV40-virus cannot be diagnosed either in Ukraine or in Russia. And it (SV40) is found in many tumors and leukemia and lymphoma.
    The same problem with pathogenic fungi. I have about 30 species on my list. And there is no way to diagnose them all.
    In my opinion, in terms of technical characteristics, I would choose GB-4000 and MOPA + CP-4 would not be superfluous either.
    This is not an advertisement - this is just my opinion!
    After diagnostics, we first destroy parasites and protozoa, then fungi, bacteria and viruses. Also daily detoxification and a lot of other support programs.
    That's the whole protocol.

  11. Thanks Yuriy Vladimirovich:

    Stanislaw Chmielarz (12-09-2020)

  12. #250
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    I can not honestly say? The reason is because i use plasma/rife in conjunction with 12-15 other cancer or infection agents and never tried to completely discern.
    Like the Italian fellow said, we talk great and have a use for each others notes - but my goal is the patient (making me look good) and i imagine for someone trying to write down that music, it would be impossible. Just like trying to keep a patient alive in a research model would be.

    Plasma/rife i love for life....but I throw every lightning bolt and cascade of weaponry i have that applies to that case.
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  13. #251
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nenah Sylver, Ph.D. View Post

    I have observed and experienced, first-hand, plenty of cures and reversals of symptoms.

    Pulsed Technologies has a research arm in Romania and has verified that its P3 Pro unit has killed Candida albicans when certain frequencies are used. Whenever I do speaking engagements, I show the Candida slides from Pulsed Technologies. This company does lots of medical research, in fact, but they can't publicize it in the United States ...

    Nenah Sylver, PhD
    With all due respect, in 25 years I saw no collation of clinical data for frequency devices online or in published literature. I got the impression the old Baytah project fizzled out, and the uninformed gossip I heard was some devices had good reports on Lyme, but a dud for cancer.

    If somebody wants to share data with me to contradict that sceptical gossip, don't be shy !!!!!

    Your paragraphs on Candida sound like a breakthrough. The gossip I heard was we had nothing but failure. There are plenty of countries outside USA where the Candida work could be investigated in replication experiments. Sometimes outsider labs don't do the protocols correctly. So by all means get your colleagues to instruct the correct methods by video or on zoom.

    A sceptic here might say it's all about selling yet another expensive book or device and that's all it's about. So prove them wrong !!!!! Get it into Nature journal or Lancet or any journal at all.

    If your collabators just fried these bugs using a wire inserted into the sample, I won't be impressed with that unless a nearby frequency is demonstrated to fail. Putting a manufacturer in charge of an investigation is like putting a fox in charge of the hen house, hence the proposal to outsource that work.

    How to find a collaborating lab willing to pay their own costs ??? Put up a project description on researchgate site. But the manufacturer must be willing to loan or donate the frequency device.
    Last edited by Alan Blood; 12-09-2020 at 04:16.

  14. #252
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Buchanan View Post
    I can not honestly say? The reason is because i use plasma/rife in conjunction with 12-15 other cancer or infection agents and never tried to completely discern.
    Like the Italian fellow said, we talk great and have a use for each others notes - but my goal is the patient (making me look good) and i imagine for someone trying to write down that music, it would be impossible. Just like trying to keep a patient alive in a research model would be.

    Plasma/rife i love for life....but I throw every lightning bolt and cascade of weaponry i have that applies to that case.
    Life is a terminal illness with 100% mortality rate. The prognosis for many cancers is so poor, it would not matter if cured patients had 20 different therapies, provided you also show all the data for your dead patients too. 80 % mortality is twice as good as 90% mortality.

    Meta analysis was applied to the old data of Holt here in Australia on microwave hyperthermia. It can be done on any good collation. I understand chiropractors and casual therapists are not in a position to do that alone. Many rife practicioners express fear and loathing of GP doctors. But if professionals sign off on the standard 2 year and 5 year survival data, all the meta analysis needs to do is divide that into age and sex cohorts and bingo you have a publishable result. But some of us hate and fear researchers and peer reviewed journals also. Ok not all practicioners need to participate. 2 and 5 year data in collaboration with a family doctor is a lot to ask, I get that. And it doesn't disprove Spirulina is the cure, unless you can analyse notations on the extra therapies tried.

    Even with a standard proforma it really is too much to ask in this Tower of Babel forum. Actually medicos had no data 200 years ago but they did have grapevine gossip. Lancet journal was full of anecdotals on individual cases. If some therapy worked well, the efficacy was obvious. But if it's a subtle improvement of survival score, you need modern statistical methods to prove your claim.

    Btw this was done with oncotherm in Germany. But it was run by pros thus easy peasy.

  15. #253
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Shore View Post
    Well that's fairly depressing. So even a Bare can't do the job unless it's hacked properly? That's how far we've come?
    Bare has a line of research with Antony Holland and can prove things to work, but exact frequencies and modalities are not published, as obviously research costs.

    Does it work like original Rife machines? No. Does it have 100% success rate? No. Not even 90%. It has enough that it may show interest though. It's just in the research phase.

    What happens with Rife machines is that devices with big claims are manufactured before a research is completed. Science requires just the opposite. Otherwise, you do not really knowing what you are doing.

    Bursting a paramecium in vitro is cool. But again, where is the blind study, the control, the verification against other frequency?
    For example, it is my opinion that all frequencies would work same. Can someone prove that's not the case?
    Researcher at Rife Lab.
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  16. #254
    Specialist Chat with me Stanislaw Chmielarz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    We have two supporters of conducting certification research for frequency machines. I would like to read what standards will these researchers refer to and what test procedures during the research and evaluation of results? I happened to prepare the device for testing before obtaining approval and a patent, but I knew exactly what scope of measurements would be performed and under what conditions. Please provide me with such standards for testing the effectiveness of cancer treatment when there are so many factors involved, which the previous speaker (Yuriy) wrote about, such as the physical condition of the patient, the mental condition of the patient and how it will affect the test results. Of course, you can choose for example lung cancer patients, only each case will be different for the reasons described above and the type / type of cancer. I propose generic tests, such as the in vitro test performed by Doug Coil's creator on a Petri dish for Lyme spirochete, which test and its method of execution can be described in detail. Unfortunately, this test, due to its pleomorphic properties of a spirochette, does not guarantee complete recovery after the first in vivo treatment. So I do not see any possibility to reliably test the frequency device in the treatment of cancer. When it comes to single parasites, pathogens, it can be done in vitro, which unfortunately does not translate into in vivo results for many reasons. The human body and the organisms of laboratory animals is not an airplane and a miniature airplane tested in the aerodynamic channel and there is no exact translation of the results of such tests.
    As I wrote earlier, it is possible to perform in vivo tests with the use of computerized Vega-test equipment, only if it is reliable can only confirm the results of therapy with a given device and the frequency of emission. As it results from my information from the therapist working, this method with the emission made by contact electrodes and induction loops and the patient (my daughter-in-law), the therapy is effective, but not immediate.
    Who is the inventor? This is a man who does not know that everyone says that something can not be done and he just does it .
    Most people are like mice who see cheese but don't see the trap behind it.
    Thinking does not hurt .Stupidity kills .

  17. #255
    Specialist Chat with me Ali Rosener's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Peace be upon Yours All.
    I suffered from fibromyalgia, this was diagnosed in a university hospital.
    My condition was so bad, that i needed two hours every morning to get my bones moved.
    It was not possible for me to open a bag or a bottle. No power and too much pain in the muscles.
    I could walk 50 m distance, i had to sit down. My live started to dimmish.
    I prayd to The Most High: "Please take away this evil what i feel and what i see.
    The feedback was: "get a microscope and look into your blood".
    I learned to see and how to act with frequency and plasma therapy.
    Now i am free of fibromyalgia.
    We say in germany: "wer heilt hat recht" (who cures is right).
    I donīt have anything to sell.
    Science, HA HA HA, In the DSM5 Dictionary for mental sickness is written, that people believe in The Most High or in the hereafter are mental ill.
    Some are so ignorant and arrogant, they believe in such dictionary.
    This type of corrupted science, sorry, i give a big pile of shit on it.
    I showed in this Forum videos with organism, looking like red blood cells and able to throw threads like caterpillar.
    Even doctors i showed, but the only reaction is "interesting".
    This type of organism can cause big damage to the body, when they agglutinate, under stress.
    Why are people so ignorant and donīt understand that the invivo observation with the microscope is essential.
    How could mankind become so stupid and blind, just trusting labs? Is it scientific to send a sample only to one lab? sorry i would not trust.
    Short time ago, we sendet a stool sample into a lab.
    The consistence was like a stone.
    When we got the results, there was written about the consistence of the sample was soft.
    Signed by a doctor.
    This was not the first time i came across such curiosity.
    You canīt trust!!!! in that kind of science. Sorry.
    Here the video, tell me what organism, my opinion, a adult plasmodium.
    The Video is in 1080p please change the settings

    ** Ali **
    Last edited by Ali Rosener; 12-09-2020 at 09:40.
    Who turns his back on the light of the Creator, will walk in the darkness of his own shadow.

  18. #256
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    Ali, you might feel that a frequency cured you, but you cannot be certain. Science is your friend to help you know if it was really due to the frequency.

    I will enumerate just a few points that make your account doubtful.

    1. Illnesses have their due course. Maybe you healed because it was time to heal and not because of the frequency. Where is the control subject to figure this out? That is more people with similar illness, some untreated, some treated in different ways, etc.
    2. The fact that you are so hyped about Rife is already a strong placebo effect that may influence outcome. We need subjects that are not biased to get data that are certain.
    3. Your healing conclusion is already flawed, as you did not just use a frequency to heal. You also used prayer. We know that prayer is a powerful healing tool that can surpass medicine. Was it a frequency or prayer? What else did you do or take that could influence the outcome?

    Unless we have pure and verified data, such accounts contribute nothing, unfortunately. We need a protocol so that all can follow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ali Rosener View Post
    Peace be upon Yours All.
    I suffered from fibromyalgia, this was diagnosed in a university hospital.
    My condition was so bad, that i needed two hours every morning to get my bones moved.
    It was not possible for me to open a bag or a bottle. No power and too much pain in the muscles.
    I could walk 50 m distance, i had to sit down. My live started to dimmish.
    I prayd to The Most High: "Please take away this evil what i feel and what i see.
    The feedback was: "get a microscope and look into your blood".
    I learned to see and how to act with frequency and plasma therapy.
    Now i am free of fibromyalgia.
    We say in germany: "wer heilt hat recht" (who cures is right).
    I donīt have anything to sell.
    Science, HA HA HA, In the DSM5 Dictionary for mental sickness is written, that people believe in The Most High or in the hereafter are mental ill.
    Some are so ignorant and arrogant, they believe in such dictionary.
    This type of corrupted science, sorry, i give a big pile of shit on it.
    I showed in this Forum videos with organism, looking like red blood cells and able to throw threads like caterpillar.
    Even doctors i showed, but the only reaction is "interesting".
    This type of organism can cause big damage to the body, when they agglutinate, under stress.
    Why are people so ignorant and donīt understand that the invivo observation with the microscope is essential.
    How could mankind become so stupid and blind, just trusting labs? Is it scientific to send a sample only to one lab? sorry i would not trust.
    Short time ago, we sendet a stool sample into a lab.
    The consistence was like a stone.
    When we got the results, there was written about the consistence of the sample was soft.
    Signed by a doctor.
    This was not the first time i came across such curiosity.
    You canīt trust!!!! in that kind of science. Sorry.
    Here the video, tell me what organism, my opinion, a adult plasmodium.
    The Video is in 1080p please change the settings

    ** Ali **
    Researcher at Rife Lab.
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  19. #257
    Specialist Chat with me Ali Rosener's Avatar
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    Hi Fabrizio, Peace be upon You and Yours All.
    You canīt imagine how many bloodsamples i have examined, how many hours i sat on the microscope.
    I know how to make the organism visible, chase them out of there hiding.
    Of course i did not work thru like a egoshooter.
    No, i learned, that frequency therapy can weaken pathogens and immune modulate the system.
    What do You think why this leucos so behind that i call the plasmodium in that video?
    Only because they got informed and instructed.
    My goal is not to kill, but to clean and regenerate. Everything in the Universe matters, also the so called pathogen.
    This fields do exactly what i whant. Not from today to tomorrow but some days later.
    My prayer and its feedback, was the inspiration to look into my own blood. With other words, to take a much deeper look inside.
    Not to look into the body liquids of a patient is somehow ignorant.
    The modern doctors are blind, they donīt no anymore, just take labs away. Nowadays, You will not find much doctors anymore, taking a look into the eyes or tongue, they donīt know to read the skin and the nails, many of them donīt know.
    So what, science is just a other kind of religion, having many believers and followers.
    They are good in prophecy, that the cancer rate will encrease till 2025, even how much %, so what.
    UN Agenda 2030 how it shall come together?
    ** Ali **
    Who turns his back on the light of the Creator, will walk in the darkness of his own shadow.

  20. #258
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    "Btw this was done with oncotherm in Germany. But it was run by pros thus easy peasy."

    Well....easy is a little nervy driving that train? "Controlled cooking" them is a nimble affair for what can happen. That one made me laugh. I got their brain in my hands waiting for the train to derail on me and trying to watch 5 gauges at once in a self-generated trance of focused intent. Haha. But? I do make it "look" easy peasey?
    For me it a nascar race kind of way...but that tickled me
    There is not a day that goes by where I remember to thank God enough

    "Remember, if you can beat the devil's get to."

  21. #259
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    "The prognosis for many cancers is so poor, it would not matter if cured patients had 20 different therapies, provided you also show all the data for your dead patients too. 80 % mortality is twice as good as 90% mortality."

    Not in our country?
    The "and you get 5 years!" gaffe is atrocious. That is because they destroyed them with rad and chemo and never clean em up.....SCAM and insult too.

    I tell them there is no limit known and check often. If they have any trouble, they come back.

    But ALL of what you present is "pubmed" = sh*t con job

    None of that is even relevant in private care, because it is just narrative to support an industry - and clearly? A population management method that competes with ours.

    I do not have a lot of dead patients? I have always enjoyed high success rates and some? I do not know? If they do not respond rapidly to me, i do not "treat them unto death" I talk to them about conventional measures, the "5 years!" and that i will make sure and take the chemo and rad back out.....boom! 20 years?

    So do not even try to pass off canadian chicken chucking as reliable medical information to me and think I am a poor hopeful potato. Most all that is not true at all here....unless they go to "free care" and what did they expect?
    There is not a day that goes by where I remember to thank God enough

    "Remember, if you can beat the devil's get to."

  22. #260
    TM: Author Chat with me Nenah Sylver, Ph.D.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan Blood View Post
    With all due respect, in 25 years I saw no collation of clinical data for frequency devices online or in published literature. I got the impression the old Baytah project fizzled out, and the uninformed gossip I heard was some devices had good reports on Lyme, but a dud for cancer.

    If somebody wants to share data with me to contradict that sceptical gossip, don't be shy !!!!!

    Your paragraphs on Candida sound like a breakthrough. The gossip I heard was we had nothing but failure. There are plenty of countries outside USA where the Candida work could be investigated in replication experiments. Sometimes outsider labs don't do the protocols correctly. So by all means get your colleagues to instruct the correct methods by video or on zoom.

    A sceptic here might say it's all about selling yet another expensive book or device and that's all it's about. So prove them wrong !!!!! Get it into Nature journal or Lancet or any journal at all.

    If your collabators just fried these bugs using a wire inserted into the sample, I won't be impressed with that unless a nearby frequency is demonstrated to fail. Putting a manufacturer in charge of an investigation is like putting a fox in charge of the hen house, hence the proposal to outsource that work.

    How to find a collaborating lab willing to pay their own costs ??? Put up a project description on researchgate site. But the manufacturer must be willing to loan or donate the frequency device.


    I don't have the time to pursue this in the exact manner that it appears you are asking for. However, I suggest you contact the owners of the various equipment companies and ask them if they have done research, where, and by whom, etc. Explain why you want such research and what you plan to do with it.

    Please keep in mind that your demand for a "collation of clinical data for frequency devices online or in published literature" from the manufacturers themselves (or sellers) is illegal in the United States. The FDA, owned by Big Pharma, has prohibited this. Any manufacturer or seller of frequency equipment can be fined and/or imprisoned for making claims and providing scientific evidence, even if those studies were done by an independent third party laboratory. Your demand for "a collation of clinical data . . . in published literature"--if by "published literature" you mean medical journals--is likewise problematic. Medical journals have been taken over by the pharmaceutical companies, which don't want anyone to publicize non-invasive and effective competition with their drugs. It's very difficult to get a valid scientific study of frequency therapy published in a medical journal. Many journal editors are outright hostile to frequency therapy. I recall that years ago, a study conducted on a frequency machine was about to be published in a medical journal, and then at the last minute it was pulled. (Don't ask me for any more information because this was a long time ago and I simply don't remember the details.)

    Nonetheless, there are thousands of studies that have managed to make it into medical journals on the use of electromagnetically delivered frequencies, electricity, and magnetic fields in medicine. Most of them concentrate on pain relief, and on healing tissue and bone. Occasionally, they do discuss disabling microbes but it's usually in conjunction with the use of pharmaceuticals. These studies avoid using the terms "Rife" or "Rife Therapy" because that would certainly mean a rejection of publication. Appendix D of my Rife Handbook lists just a few of these studies, according to year--one of them dating back to 1968. Plus, some really interesting books on electromedicine date back to the 1800s. For your convenience, I have attached it to my reply.

    Nenah Sylver, PhD
    Author, the NEW *Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Ed*
    *The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy*

  23. Thanks Nenah Sylver, Ph.D. (2x):

    Stanislaw Chmielarz (12-09-2020), Yuriy Vladimirovich (12-09-2020)

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