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Thread: Throw-Away and Anonymous Email Accounts are NOT permitted!

  1. #1
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Exclamation Throw-Away and Anonymous Email Accounts are NOT permitted!

    Throw-Away Email Accounts are NOT permitted!

    AT&T Problems!

    Although our IP address is not listed on any major blacklists, AT&T is blocking our legitimate emails from this website. Attempts to have our IP removed from their block list have failed. If you are an AT&T customer, please use a different email address with this forum. AT&T are currently blocking ALL emails sent from this forum, although our IP is not blocked on all other blacklists. If you have an email address from any of the following domains, you need to use another email account with this forum:,,,,,,,,,
    Registered users can change their email address here.

    We are also blocking all new registrations from these domains.

    Our outgoing E-Mail system uses SPF and DKIM systems to verify our emails are legitimate.

    If you are currently using an AT&T related account, we strongly suggest using a different eMail provider with this forum. User accounts with bouncing email addresses are deleted without warning.

    Throw-Away Email addresses!

    We have had a number of people who have been trying to register for membership to this forum using so called throw-away or highly anonymous Email accounts. These are for example temporary Email accounts that are only used to complete registration and are then never used again.

    The only reason anyone would be using a throw-away Email account is to send people spam or post spam on their website. NOT HERE!

    Highly Anonymous Email addresses!

    Highly anonymous email accounts have often been used by trolls and spammers wanting to make trouble. There is no need to use such accounts with the Rife Forum as other members cannot see your email address and we do not pass your email address to any third parties. We understand that some people use accounts like Proton Mail to protect their privacy, but so do trolls that cause problems so we had to ban these accounts and realise this also affects legitimate users.

    We will NOT approve any membership requests to this site for anyone using a throw-away Email account or any other Email service designed specifically for spammers.

    The forum has been setup to automatically reject any Email accounts from any throw-away Email services we are aware of (see list below).

    Please note that a valid Email address is a requirement for membership and invalid and bouncing Emails can lead to us deleting your account without warning or notification.

    Our main goal is to protect the privacy of our forum members. We will take every step to insure that we do this. This is why only members of this site can post articles or comments here. Any members posting spam to our website or caught sending spam to any of our other members will have their account deleted and ip address banned from accessing our site.


    The following Email domains will NOT be accepted when registering or changing Email addresses:

    This is a serious forum and when it comes to health matters, being able to trust who people are is an important aspect to establish the correct atmosphere.
    You will find that all members use their real names on this forum, yet only other approved members can see them so you do not need to be concerned about non-members seeing your posts here unless you post in one of the following public sections:

    Rife FAQ, Forum Polls, Rife Forum Newsletters, For Sale or To Buy.

    So as you can see, this forum is not a public forum and only approved members can see the posts and membership lists. You do not need to be concerned about any posts you make appearing in Google searches, etc (except in the above sections). Only other approved members will be aware you are a member. On request, I can also make you invisible from the membership list as well which effectively means other members would only be aware you are a member if you make a post yourself and even then only if they are reading the post in question.

    Using our forum is much safer than say using Facebook for example. Our servers are physically based in Germany, where data protection laws are much stricter than in the USA and where Rife therapy is perfectly legal. We do not sell or pass on your info to third parties, either, unlike Facebook and co.

    We have found that the advantages of our real name policy far outweigh the perceived advantages of anonymous names. This forum has been active since 2002 and we have yet to receive a report of anyone being disadvantaged through being a member of this forum.

    All we are asking for is that members use their real name and give their state and country. Your email address is not seen by other members, they can only see your name, state and country.[/FONT]

    These policies were designed to safeguard our members from spam, trolls, etc. as well as to improve the integrity of the forum. We have also found that those trying to disguise their identity often do not have an agenda compatible with our forum.

    We do have very good reasons for this as people behave much better towards others when they are using their real names. If people hide behind pseudonyms, they tend to be much more aggressive and negative towards others. That is why most "sceptics" and trolls always hide behind false names and those are the kind of people we do NOT want in our forum. This real name policy has gone a long way towards improving the quality of posts on the forum and we stand by it. The alternative would be to moderate every new post and I honestly do not have the time to do that for every post.[/FONT]

    More info:
    Last edited by Peter Walker; 05-20-2022 at 14:21. Reason: May 2022 - Updated list of banned domains.

  2. #2
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Throw-Away and Anonymous Email Accounts are NOT permitted!

    Why is ProtonMail not permitted?

    We often get asked why ProtonMail is not permitted as an email address. There are many reasons and the top one is that those wanting to hide their identity when registering for our serious forum have something to hide and they often turn out to be trolls or troublemakers. Such applicants then often try to register with false names and false locations and letting such people on the forum will simply degrade the high quality of trust amongst the members.

    There is no need to use such email addresses with this forum. Other members do not see your email address at all and we never pass on members details to third parties. Only other members can see the membership list and except for the few public sections, all other posts are only seen by other members.

    When you post on the forum, all others see is your username, which is made up of your first and last name, and your state and country - in smaller countries, just your country. Only the admins can see email addresses, nobody else.

    Many people claim they use ProtonMail because it is "secure and anonymous"

    Sorry to disillusion you, but ProtonMail is not either - as hackers have discovered. If that is your reason, you need to change your email address to, for example.
    It's the only e mail Edward Snowden used.
    Peter Walker
    Administrator = Rife History and Rife-related Research website = Replacement for YahooGroups with full migration. = New way to improve your cell-wellbeing with an app! = Directory and reviews of Rife related websites = Largest serious Rife Related Online Community = Rifeforum Email distribution on Info. = Health-Related YahooGroups Archives - 70 Groups archived. = New home for the former Rife YahooGroup = Peter Walker's Online Shop for Gadgets = SeeNano Microscope, successor to the Ergonom - Available in 2020 = Star Trek New Voyages Fan-Film Series - Peter runs the website.

    We now live in a world where doctors destroy health,
    lawyers destroy justice,
    universities destroy knowledge
    governments destroy freedom
    the press destroy information,
    religion destroys morals,
    and the banks destroy the economy.
    - Christopher Hedges

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