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Thread: Rife Forum News - October 2002

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    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default Rife Forum News - October 2002

    R i f e F o r u m N e w s
    first of all, let me welcome the many members of the Rife Forum who have just joined us.
    If you have been wondering why the forum has been quiet recently, it is mainly due to the fact that I have been on vacation in Florida, USA.
    I am now back and will continue working on, improving and adding to the forum. I have a lot of plans and so you can expect more news, device reviews as well as many technical improvements to the forum, etc.

    Forum Members
    When I first started this forum in September, I expected most of the members to come from my existing Rife mailing list on Yahoogroups. In fact, I have been surprised by the number of new members who did not come from my Yahoogroups list and I extend a special welcome to all of you. E-Mail
    I have been having a lot of problems with E-Mail sent to addresses as they have all been bouncing. I have contacted the people at Juno and they said that the automated messages from this forum had tripped their spam filter. They tell me that the problem has been fixed so I hope all the members will receive this. If you belong to this group and were wondering why you were not hearing anything from us - now you know!

    Other E-Mail Problems
    This "juno" problem has also been occuring with a few other E-Mail accounts as well like,,, etc.
    There have also been E-Mails bouncing due to Email accounts being over quota or "user unknown". If I get a "user unknown" message, then I will write directly to that account again and if the problem persists, I will delete the respective username.

    Planned New Features
    I have had a number of requests to add more E-mail features to the forum. I plan to implement the following new features as soon as possible in response to these requests:

    1. Forum Subscription - This allows you to subscribe to the forums that interest you and from then on, all new messages posted in those forums will be automatically E-mailed to you! You will be able to change the forums you are subscribed to at any time. This feature should answer the many requests to be able to receive forum messages via E-Mail.

    2. Email to a Friend - This feature will enable you to E-Mail any forum message to a friend (or yourself).

    3. Interesting News found from other Rife resourses - As there are a number of Rife related mailing lists that are E-Mail based, a number of announcements have been going out to these other lists via E-Mail and not to this forum as it is not possible to post via E-Mail (not yet, at least) to this forum. Such messages are often just addressed to a whole string of different lists. From now on, I will be reposting such messages, that I consider are relevant, into the relevant sections of this forum. This sho uld provide interesting news to the members of this forum and make it unnecessary to subscribe to so many mailing lists. The aim is to make this forum the number 1 resource for Rife related information!

    4. I will also be looking through the archives of the existing Rife mailing lists and reposting interesting messages, here. You can help as well by also posting messages you find interesting, too!
    The above new features will be implemented as soon as possible.

    Medica Trade Fair in Germany
    The annual Medica trade fair takes place from the 20th-23rd November 2002 in Düsseldorf, Germany. This event is the world's largest show for medical equipment and some professional Rife equipment has been presented there in the past few years. As in the previous few years, I will be visiting the show to find out the latest news and build up even more contacts with the manufacturers, scientists and researchers involved in serious Rife research I find at the show. If you plan to attend this year, let us kno w by writing in the "Rife Conference, Medica, etc." forum found under the "General Discussion" catagory. I will of course be reporting from the show in that forum, too.

    Rife Device Reviews
    Many people have been writing to my privately thanking me for the reviews of Rife devices and asking for more. I will certainly be adding more reviews as I can. Watch out for more reviews in the coming weeks!

    Posting Messages
    If you have a question, something to say, have an opinion on something written here - Just Post a Message!
    Communities like this thrive on an exchange of ideas. Other E-Mail based mailing lists revolve around the messages of the day, whereas messages written in a forum like this have much more chance of being read again and again in future as accessing the archives of this forum is so easy (if you have tried to access the archives on Yahoogroups, you will know what I mean)! This means that the quality of messages are potentially much better here as it is not usually necessary for the same question to be asked more than once.
    The most important thing about this forum is that it revolves around getting the truth about the world of Rife out there in an unbiased and professional way.

    Support this Forum
    Finally, setting up and running a forum like this costs money for things like charges to run this site (domain and webspace charges), costs for the research needed to provide interesting information, etc., etc.
    This forum is free of charge to the members and we also guarantee never to sell or give away your personal information. We also plan to be able to keep this forum free of advertising, pop-up windows, etc.
    However, if you find the resources found on this forum have been valuable to you, perhaps it helped you to choose the right Rife device or even make it possible for you to improve your health, we ask you to make a voluntary contribution by clicking on the "Donate" button found on the top right of the forum and following the instructions. Your donations will be put to good use in order to help provide an even better service in future and aid more Rife research.


    Peter Walker

    Newsletter dated 22. October 2002
    You are receiving this because you are a member of The Rife Forum.
    If you wish to unsubscribe from the forum, reply to this message with the subject line UNSUBSCRIBE.
    Last edited by Peter Walker; 06-01-2009 at 17:27.

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