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Thread: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

  1. #21
    TM: Merchant USA Chat with me Jeff Garff's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Hello Mike,

    I hope these answers will be helpful.

    >I just found this discussion, and now have a few questions for Mr. Garff:
    I notice that the GB-4000 is now being offered with an Emem-type plasma device.

    This site is one of our distributors site. We do not built the Emem-SRX.

    >1. Can you run the carrier from the GB-4000 through the Emem?

    No. If you use the carrier frequency it will damage it.

    >2. What is the highest frequency from the GB-4000 that can be run through the Emem?

    I believe that you can run up to 10,000 hertz through it.

    >3. Is the Emem-SRX 10Khz (as stated on one page of your website) or 10,000,000 Hz as stated on another page?

    The Emem-SRX can output up to 10,000,000 Hz if you use it as a stand alone instrument. But you need to understand that it only outputs 1/10 of one watt (0.10). This is all the FCC will allow. So the power is very limited. Dr. Rife’s 1934 instrument was 500 times more powerful.

    >4. Can the amp be used with the Emem?

    No. It will damage it.

    Best wishes
    Jeff Garff

  2. Thanks Jeff Garff:

    Richard Di Nucci (12-23-2013)

  3. #22
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    I have not read on the Rife forum in a couple of weeks, but received nontification about the recent post regarding Equipment. I also just this past week read what is loosly called the Copmparet papers or is the link to 49 pages of very interesting information abot freqs. and power and other intersting things Bertrand L Comparet was Dr Rife's attorney, and has very intersting information in his article.

    What is interesting and what I am Now asking.. I am beginning to understand carrier pointed out in the Comparet article. I am curios about several machines I am considering getting, as to how Srtong an output power the machines put out. One is the Plasma Plus, One made by Bruce Stenulson the SYSTEM 8CE EM+ and the 3rd is the
    GB-04000. I love the looks and compactness of the GB- 4000 and the price is also nice. The other two units use both plasma tubes with rays a well, as I understand it, you can use contact plates as well. There may be others but nothing has sparked my interest like these 3 machines. The GB has a great way to read freq, the other 2 units seem to have a thrown together way of reading Frq, but I do like other features of the other units.

    I have not read enough, or have understood RIFE long enough...only 3 or 4 weeks now... to grasp all that either unit will or will not do. But I do want a strong machine with high output. Using plasma tubes sounds like it "covers more teritory" where as the pads or plates seem less coverage or possibly peneration. I am not particularily worried about being discovered wtih broadcasting waves into the air as did occure in the Comparet article above.
    I have been told by one user of the 8CE EM+ machine that is is stong but the foot print is not that large, and fades after about 12 feet, but is very stong inside of that range. I do not know if the 8CE or the Plasma Plus use carrier I definitely feel this is something very valid that you need. I am a Physical Therapis, wanting to learn more and have volunteer research subjects , but have no plans to use any unit in my practic or with any of my patients.
    Any one wanting to comment or clarify my head or my questons would be greatly appreciatd. Also has anyone or many of you heard of the DNA frequencies being used and developed by Charlen Boehm.

    Thanks to all involved with this facinating information

  4. #23
    Specialist Chat with me Daniel Bergman's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    None of Bruce Stenulson's machines use a carrier frequency. He feels it is not needed and promotes electro-sensitivity. Although it may be possible to do it with an external frequency generator. I have thought of using my GB-4000 to drive it, but I need to buy one first.

    Of course, it would be totally illegal to run it that way.

    Dan Bergman

  5. #24
    TM: Researcher Chat with me Randall Haislip's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Dan is correct in that the 8ce EM+ unit does not incorporate a carrier frequency and it is also true that the unit does not need one.
    The plasma field generated from the double bubble tubes is similar to a pulsed magnetic field in that the field penetrates 100% without the need for a carrier frequency.
    Crane/pad devices, because they output dc electricity do require a carrier frequency to penetrate below skin debth though there is no garrantee that the "juice" will affect deep tissue organs. Though I hope it does.
    I will say that the 8 or 9ce EM systems are not for everyone, these systems are for researchers who refuse to trust some manufacture to do their thinking for them! As is promoted by the maker of the Plasma Plus II on their webpage:
    "The Plasma Plus II does all the thinking for you."
    Thats the same song the medical profession sings. Thats the same song Preachers sing, thats the same song Politicians sing.....everybody knows whats best for you but you.
    I realize many people do not have the desire to delve as deeply into frequency research and application as I do and it is indeed a Good thing that the mfg's. do. There are many other units out there that are excellent for normal people.
    Though I have incorporated the use of Atler Robin's F-125 frequency generator to supply frequencies to the "8" I could have used Ken Uzalls, Frex 16 software and saved a lot of money.Or I could have used the GB4000 as a frequency generator without breaking any known laws.
    The choices facing people getting into this field are daunting and am I glad I'm not one of them.
    Best wishes

  6. Thanks Randall Haislip:

    Richard Di Nucci (12-23-2013)

  7. #25
    TM: Researcher Chat with me Randall Haislip's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Regarding the 8CE EM+ and Power:
    I've been using this system for over a year now and at all power levels but never experienced anything to compare the last 24 hours.
    Last evening I decided to run a frequency set for Clymadia pheunomiae(available from Char Bohem at DNA Pathogen Frequencies)
    I set up the "8" to incorporate the use of 2, double bubble tubes and one grounding tube ( for the feet). I intutively chose the 4th power setting (150) from a possible 9.
    To my astonishment, this lower power setting I seldom use was very uncomfortable to hold on to.
    I surmised that the energy from tubes was being absorbed into my system by "something" like a sponge soaking up water.(hopefully Clymadia) Strictly a guess.
    There is no way I could have held onto those tubes at the next power level up, which is where I normall start a run.
    I went to bed that evening with my equaliberum "off"
    I awoke this morning with the same condition with the added phenomon of being slightly being very mildly drunk.
    After a few hours the conditions persisted...I called Bruce.
    He suggested a set of frequencies to assist energy stabilization which I ran and after a nap got up feeling 95%.
    Moral of the story: in your quest for more power, be carefull how you apply it. I certainly will be.

  8. #26
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Digital frequency using headphones do not work. And actually digital frequency from cds can cause a cancer. WHAT works is analog. But not all head phones are good. The best way is to use a subwofer the type with a front speaker at least 12 inch 15 is better. Play the ANALOG frequency (I am talking about low frequency I am not sure about high frequency. I think you can keep dividing it down by 2 to get the lower frequency. Play that. It wont harm other people in the room if your body dont need it, no effect. but best to be out of the room if you dont need the frequency.
    I have been studying it for a year (low frequency not Rife high frequency). I have had sucuess on back pain and I had a runny nose a few times and I listened to 22.02 (frequency for vitimin C) and with in seconds my nose stoped running.  I know that it is not a major disease but it WORKED!!!

    >ALSO does any one have any experience with using the CD programs and computer speakers, or headphones.. ?

  9. #27
    TM: Merchant USA Chat with me Michael Tigchelaar's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    What is the difference between using a sound card that are used by some Rife Manufacturers as a frequency generator as opposed to the Atelier Robin frequency generators used by TrueRife?
    The F-117 uses a true precision frequency generator as opposed to
    sound cards which have severe limitations.

    The most advance computer controlled frequency
    generator is the heart of TrueRife machines

    (The duplication of the F-117 Internal frequency generator represents at least a $100,000 investment to engineer. This is why some vendors use "cheap" ineffective audio sound cards within their system. The clue as to if a cheap sound card is being used is the manufacturer will advertise that you can run his system with a MP 3 player)

    This question was posed to our Manufacturer. This is the response:

    Hi Mike,

    The main difference between a sound card and our frequency generators is bandwidth. The other difference, not strictly related to the limitations of a sound card is programmability. I am not aware of a software as flexible as F100 that works with sound cards. As far as bandwidth, It is one difference that has major implications for the different features you use with our generators: square waves, duty cycle control.

    To produce a reasonable square wave at 10KHZ for example, you need a generator with a bandwidth of at least 200 KHZ. The higher the bandwidth,the more square the wave will be and the more harmonics it contains. A PC sound card tops at 20KHZ (180 KHZ short) The F117 has a square wave with a rise/fall time of a few nano-seconds. That translates into a bandwidth in the 800 MHZ region for the F-117 frequency generator.

    Duty cycle control is another feature that requires high bandwidth and precise wave form control simply not possible with a PC sound card.

    Best Regards,

    Patrick Robin

    These are the Specs of the board used in TrueRife systems:


    DDS square wave frequency generation controlled by internal 32 bit processor
    MS-Windows F100 3.0 software to control the F110 from a PC USB port.
    Program file format fully compatible with F100 2.0 and our previous generators
    2 internal channels: A:1.5 MHZ, B:100 KHZ
    1 output 5 V TTL.
    Channels A,B can be routed to the output in any combination (see note 2)
    Any of the 2 internal channels can be used as a carrier for the other channel
    Channel A,B frequency resolution: .01 HZ
    Reference quartz oscillator stability: 50 ppm
    Channels A,B duty cycle programmable.
    Can be programmed to automatically load and run a program at powerup in standalone mode without the need for a PC.
    Max output current 100 ma

    Bandwidth 800 MHZ

    Question: Why does TrueRife have so much greater Radiant energy output as compared to other systems?
    (Measurements taken at 200 Hz
    There are possibly two reasons:

    1. The device is not properly balanced to deliver maximum power to the Plasma Tube or the
    Electrodes or has too little power internally. Some devices boasting higher frequency ranges
    are using something similar to a high voltage neon sign transformer to generate high voltage to light the
    plasma tube (bulb). These transformers have very little EMF output but do light the tube. It
    is comparable to standing in front of a neon sign.

    2. Rife tube has no electrodes: The tube picture above has NO electrodes but attempts to deliver power by winding high voltage wire around the glass. This has a "choking effect" on signal input and output reducing a 300 Watt system to the output of a 65 Watt Light bulb. This setup also induces excessive heat on the internal components often resulting in early failure of the device. Bulb life is also reduced dramatically as the high voltage wire over time burns or arcs through the glass resulting in tube failure. __________________________________________________ ___________________

    TrueRife Technician Preparing Bulbs / We stock all of types of Rife bulbs built to our specifications

    TrueRife has worked with the leading bulb manufacturer in the world (Barry Allred).

    TrueRife uses specialty bulbs that are manufactured specifically for Rife applications.
    __________________________________________________ _____________________

    Question: How do Novelty Plasma Balls compare to TrueRife / Allred Bulbs?

    Novelty bulb Rife original double bubble TrueRife Double Bubble

    Some vendors are promoting toy novelty bulbs sold by Radio Shack or Wal-Mart as a substitute for professionally manufactured Rife bulbs.

    It should be noted that these inexpensive novelty bulbs are simply not the same "animal" as custom manufactured TrueRife / Allred Bulbs. Novelty plasma bulbs will produce a plasma photonic emission (light), but do not have "getters" incorporated inside of the tubes to guarantee clean and strong frequency emission. The Novelty plasma bulb output signal is inferior to say the least as it was designed for entertainment, not for Rife applications.

    This is an explanation of what is involved in the manufacturing of our bulbs:

    Barry Allred's Comments on the GETTERS incorporated into his tubes

    In answer to your inquiries about an internal electrode getter, here is what I can offer as to an explanation. The coating most commonly used is barium strontium carbonate, which is reduced to barium strontium oxide during the heating of the tube manufacture. The oxide coating is a good source of free electrons. In laymen's terms, the getter works as a scavenger inside the tube which is heated 100's of degrees to drive out and open the deep layers of the glass.

    As the glass is heated, the electrodes turn cherry red, thus breaking down the barium inside the tube, which is trapped within the walls when it cools back down. After the tube is vacuumed, then gassed, and pressured, then the tube is sealed. This can leave a small impurity in the tube, from the hand torch. Having barium inside the tube, enables the tube to age in on a burn in transformer, usually 60 milliamps. After the heat inside the tube dissipates and the tube begins to burn cool, it is ready to be shipped.

    A tube that has been properly pumped will have very little heat with better impedance for a cleaner signal. Ceramic collars are used to keep the gases clean and to keep down impurities.

    When a tube is properly pumped and aged, a tube will last 30 years. I have been bending and processing for over 30 years, and have tubes in service that are still burning.

    Barry Allred
    __________________________________________________ ___________________________________

  10. #28
    Normal Chat with me Richard Di Nucci's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    I am a newcomer to the Rife Forum, and will be purchasing a Rife System within the next few months.

    The title of this thread is "How are Rife Manufacturers Compared?" Hoping to see an objective, quantitative assessment of factual info, I was surprised, instead, to see:

    1. A Paradox: Over the past 5 years, there have been a number of new or upgraded Rife machines, while simultaneously, there has been a surge in genuine interest from all corners of the world in "everything Rife" . . . yet paradoxically, this thread has been dead since 2008.

    2. A Wiki Rife Machine Table, But . . . :
    Back in 2009/2010, there was a great attempt by the Wiki folks to create a much needed comparative analysis of different Rife Machines where newcomers like me are able to compare different machine features.

    And yet here's another paradox! This Wiki table has not been updated in four years (last update was in Feb 2010).

    This Forum Deserves A Comparative Table of Rife Machines:
    I'm sure that there are many other "potential Rifers" who frequent this site and who, like me, would like to obtain factual info on the various features of Rife Machines. I don't mean to sound ungrateful or offensive to anyone who has donated their time/ energy to provide helpful info within this thread; on the contrary, I appreciate the advice.

    However, I have observed that there are representatives of some Rife Machine manufacturers who have used this thread as their own marketing tool, instead of listing factual and truthful info about their product. In my opinion, the content within threads of this is no place for marketing hype or marketing ads.

    So How Do We Get There from Here? A Small Committee, Perhaps?
    A fair and objective way to build a factual Table of Rife Machine features would be for a few of us to volunteer to build such a table, then double check the facts before posting it (maybe ask a few Rife "luminaries" for their endorsement of factual data???) There's got to be a few simple groundrules; I can start the process by listing the most important groundrule at the top
    ( . . . this does not allow the fox to get inside the chicken coop!)
    1. No representatives or employees of Rife Machine Manufacturers
    2. The final product must be understandable by the average member (i.e. factual info that does not contain "technical priesthood" terminology to confuse or impress the non technical person)
    ( feel free to add whatever groundrules you believe would be appropriate!)

    As a retired electronics engineer, I'm willing to volunteer some of my time to accomplish this, if the forum believes it can be worthwhile. Comments, suggestions, or criticisms are welcome.

    P.S. One such criticism, for example, could be that the politics of creating such a table might not be worth it. Alternatively, the majority on this Forum may agree with my boldfaced statement above that this elite RifeForum deserves a factual table of Rife machines.

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  11. Thanks Richard Di Nucci (2x):

    Edward Ellis (01-09-2014), Russell Shipp (04-05-2014)

  12. #29
    TM: Scientific Research Chat with me CharBoehm's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Well, this is a refreshing change, Richard. Thanks for posting about it.

    Yes, the Rife Machine Table desperately needs updated. I printed out the left half of it shortly after it came out, added some of my own notes, and then gradually added more information about devices as time wore on.

    One thing that would really help the table itself, is to make every other horizontal row in color (not white). It's really difficult to accurately follow the material across the whole width of the chart. And maybe a vertical column could be added in the middle of chart that mirrors the left-hand column.


  13. Thanks CharBoehm (2x):

    Richard Di Nucci (01-10-2014), Russell Shipp (04-05-2014)

  14. #30
    Normal Chat with me Richard Di Nucci's Avatar
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    Thanks for your suggestions (As a side note, I've done quite a bit of reading here on the RifeForum over the past 6 weeks, and every time I see your name on a thread, I have always found very useful and practical information!!!). So needless to say, I was pleased to see your addition on this thread.

    Yes, we desperately need an updated Rife Machine Table, and I agree with your suggestions to make it a lot more easily readable. I had glanced at that Wiki table a few weeks ago, and asked myself if non-technical people would be better served by modifying the Wiki table to conform, to a greater degree, with many of the categories that Peter Walker had identified in the beginning of this thread (wow! that was waay back in 2002!). I also resonate (no pun intended!) with much of the process that Peter had identified back then.

    But this undertaking, while a challenge, must be done; it could be made easier to do if we can somehow minimize the politics and unsubstantiated info from folks who represent some of the manufacturers. I'm just a newcomer to this Forum, but I'll do what I can to contribute.

    To All: Please feel free to provide your thoughts, as well as constructive criticisms with the current Wiki format that I've referenced above.

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  15. #31
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    I am planning to take up that project again soon, probably in March. Just a matter of finding the time to do it.

    There are a number of articles I am planning to release on the wiki including device related ones.
    Peter Walker
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  16. Thanks Peter Walker:

    Richard Di Nucci (01-10-2014)

  17. #32
    Normal Chat with me Richard Di Nucci's Avatar
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    Members of this Forum are grateful for your continued hard work and dedication.

    With all that you do, it's a wonder that you find time for stuff like this. Please reach out to us if we can be of help, even in doing some mundane tasks. I'll be happy to help out in whatever way I can.

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  18. #33
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Its nice to see some life on this forum I was about to give up due to the older posts. I have only owned an Ultimate B3 Frequency Generator it is a 2.4 MHZ Sweep Function Generator. It is currently over 10 yrs old, I do not know how it stacks up to all the latest machines on the market. In fact I am lost as to what I could upgrade to that compares. Also is there anything out there that would fight infections etc thats affordable for someone on a tight budget? Thanks for any help.

  19. #34
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Q1) Besides Perl from ResonantLight & RobinF125 & other Robin models, can GB4000 and Doug Coil run frequencies with more than 1 decimal point, such as 705.86, 56.56, etc.?

    Q2) Also, what are the frequency range limitations of all these machine? What are the highest and lowest frequecy they can run?
    (A) Perl;
    (B) RobinF125;
    (C) GB4000 with or without plasma light;
    (D) Doug Coil

    Q3) I also heard that if a machine can't run a certain frequency, we can divide or multiple it by 2 until it reaches a frequency number one's machine can run. For example, if a machine can't run freq. 5.5, we can multiple it by 2, then by 2 by 2 to reach freq. 44 so that that particular rife machine which can only run freq. over 40 can run it. Has anyone had any postive and/or negative experience on this? Please share and/or give your 2 cents. Thanks.


  20. #35
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    they may run .23 for example but what is the range of accuracy for the frequency generated?

  21. #36
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    I know this is an old thread but what about the spooky2 with plasma? They state the original rife machine did not use a carrier hence way more power. New to this rife idea. Just trying to get my head art it all.

  22. #37
    Specialist Chat with me Stanislaw Chmielarz's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    "Rife" mean not one type of a machine described. As I know he used 3 types where 2 of them he made and the third was Hoyland's construction. So the word "Rife" mean a frequency machine with a plasma transmitter. Rife didn't use carrier modulation but the mixing of 2 frequencies in his second machine. Hoyland used carrier modulation with a modulation coefficient M>100%. Spooky and many other producers have a good marketing staff so You ought to filter an information.
    Who is the inventor? This is a man who does not know that everyone says that something can not be done and he just does it .
    Most people are like mice who see cheese but don't see the trap behind it.
    Thinking does not hurt .Stupidity kills .

  23. #38
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Ok thanks for the reply. So, is there a machine out there that comes the closest to his original design?

  24. #39
    Specialist Chat with me Stanislaw Chmielarz's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Whose design? Rife or Hoyland? Some people here try to build a replicas but I think that is worthless.
    You will find an other machies which have a good results in healing from a parasites but I don't look for a "rife" or "true rife" but on the individual testimonials. Some machines help some but not the other. Sometimes a proper diet and lifestyle change can do more ...
    Who is the inventor? This is a man who does not know that everyone says that something can not be done and he just does it .
    Most people are like mice who see cheese but don't see the trap behind it.
    Thinking does not hurt .Stupidity kills .

  25. #40
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Hi Jeff,
    Been reading your replys and also your replys to Mark Lipton which included you having to run fans to keep your machine cool. The pearl M+ states The ProGen 3 is the culmination of 23 years of extensive research by some of the best frequency specialists in the world. It generates frequencies up to 4,000,000Hz with stunning clarity and class-leading accuracy.
    They don't have heat issues as you can run their equipment 24/7. If I read your information correctly your machine goes up to 40,000Hz with heat issues but they go up to 4,000,000Hz with no heat issues. Am I missing something?

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