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Thread: What is super-regeneration, why isn't it being used today?

  1. #1
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default What is super-regeneration, why isn't it being used today?

    Super-regeneration is an old pre-war amplification technique. It involves feeding the same signal through the same amplifier repeatedly (positive feedback) to amplify it by a great amount and then cutting off the signal (quenching) before it gets locked into oscillation. It produces very high amplification but can be a bit unstable and does tend to amplify noise a lot. One of Rife's descriptions of one of his early machines says that it used super-regeneration. But that statement alone doesn't tell us much about how it was used and in what context. In the absence of further information we can only assume it was only used for amplification and there are much more efficient modern techniques that are used in modern machines. So the reason it isn't used is because the only thing we can specifically assume it was used for in the past, can be done today using different and more modern techniques.

    There is also the possibility that Rife was confused about the use of the term "super" regeneration as opposed to simple regeneration. Even many professional electronics engineers are confused about the difference and so this is a feasible possibility. It is undeniable that Rife's machines were regenerative (i.e. used internal oscillation) and it is probable that Rife used super-regenerative detectors for measurement (a common technique in the 1930's), so it is understandable that Rife may have misquoted the role of super-regeneration in the machines.

  2. #2
    TM: Scientific Research Chat with me Anthony Holland's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is super-regeneration, why isn't it being used today?

    I found the explanation of Rife's possible use of "super regeneration" highly interesting. I'm studying one of the Rife type plasma machines. This machine uses "overmodulation" of amplitude modulated signals with a square wave input. Square waves produce many harmonics and there seems to be some interest in generating even more "sidebands" in the RF signall being sent into the plasma bulb. Maybe somebody should consider using a sawtooth waveform or variable duty cycle square or even a white noise generator fed to the RF carrier. A sawtooth would have lots and lots of high harmonics.... each of which would interact with the RF carrier. If Rif'es machine produced "lots of noise", people should not assume that the noise was a problem. Noise is considered a problem in RF reception but maybe "noise" was a good thing, beneficial to Rife's work (though he may not have known it... as I suspect that spectrum analysis was not possible at that time). In any case, somebody should consider sending a sawtooth waveform and then a white or pink noise signal into the RF carrier... this will generate many many thousands of sidebands.... into the plasma.

    Also, if you were to use a frequency modulated signal and send that into the RF carrier, you could adjust the parameters of the FM to produce an incredibly rich array of spectra at will and with tremendous control. Increase the index of modulation and you'll get more sidebands, choose a non integer relationship between the carrier and the modulator and you'll get a fully harmonic spectrum, use 3 oscillators to create cascade FM and you'll have access to a spectrum of nearly any complexity, even approaching that of white noise. Maybe somebody should consider modulating the RF into the plasma with some more noisy signals. Maybe it goes against the grain of the idea of "resonance" but maybe not. If we produce thousands of spectra/sidebands into the RF plasma, it probably matters not what the ampltude is.... one of those thousands of frequencies will surely match the size of a microbe we want to kill, and as Tesla pointed out.... that constant steady input of energy at the right frequency will destroy the cell walls through resonance. Noise may be the answer, not the thing to avoid. I would suggest not making the assumption that the early RF noise was a problem, it may have been the basis of success.

    Anthony Holland
    Last edited by Anthony Holland; 11-15-2006 at 07:28.

  3. #3
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    Hi Anthony,

    For may years now Rife researchers have been trying square waves of different duty cycles, and to a lesser extent triangle waves. This has been done without much better results than with a sine wave at what we believe to be the "right" frequency.

    I am fairly well convinced that the answer does reside in understanding super-regeneration. However, my current opinion is that original Rife machines were not white noise generators or multiwave oscillators to the extent of Lahovsky's (sp?) Multi-Wave Oscillator was.

    Since the original machines were not super-regeneration receivers, but uniquely super-regeneration transmitters, there were probably only 3 starting frequencies that were continuously mixed and amplified. In the 1934 machine for carcinoma, there was 1) the master oscillator frequency 11.78 MHz, 2) the wave length of super-regeneration 17.6 meters (17.034 MHz) the RF output tank circuit frequency, and the super-regeneration coil frequency/quenching frequency, most likely 21,275 Hz.

    21.275 Hz is most likely the 3rd frequency, since it mysteriously appears from nowhere in the 1938/39 Beam Ray several years later. The frequencies emitted by the phanotron tube were probably bound by the quenching frequency on the low end and the transmitting tube (~30 MHz) frequency limit on the high end, being attenuated significantly outside of that range.

    I have had very promising results simulating the audio frequency (formerly quenching frequency) component by building high amplitude harmonic content complex waveforms as opposed to using just square waves and triangle waves.

    For highly advanced cancers/large tumors the energy of square and triangle wave harmonics seems to be absorbed in the outer tissues before they can reach the tumor. However, by simulating super-regeneration with high amplitude harmonics, I think we may finally be penetrating the tumor. (See my earlier posts.) See attached waveforms for differences in waveforms.

    As a secondary project, I am building a completely hardware super-regenerator, see photos and schematic also attached. The big tank coils (L1) are on moveable slides to adjust the coupling between the rf plate and grid tank circuits (adjusted for 17.034 MHz). The super-regeneration coils (L8 & L9) are wound on a toroid (black taped) underneath the unit and are adjusted via C19 & C20 for 21,275 Hz. I will remove the communications concept rf ampifier and replace it with the little MAX038 20 Hz to 20 MHz function generator with a Ramsey 20W QRP Linear Amplifier tuned to 11.78 MHz as the master oscillator feeding the grid circuit.

    By mid summer I hope to have this unit running, tested and my theory validated, or not.

    Jim Berger
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1934SuperRegen 2 001b.jpg 
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Size:	262.3 KB 
ID:	119   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1934SuperRegen 2 002b.jpg 
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Size:	164.0 KB 
ID:	120   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1934SuperRegen 2 003b.jpg 
Views:	3568 
Size:	234.9 KB 
ID:	121   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1934SuperRegen 2 004b.jpg 
Views:	3452 
Size:	197.6 KB 
ID:	122  
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. Thanks Jim Berger:

    Andy Martin (11-09-2016)

  5. #4
    TM: Scientific Research Chat with me Anthony Holland's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is super-regeneration, why isn't it being used today?

    Hello Jim Berger,

    Thanks so much for that highly educational post!
    You really seem to be on top of this technical side so
    I wanted to run yet another idea by you which I've been
    thinking about for a long time:

    If you were to feed a frequency modulated signal into
    the plasma tube you would have an incredible amount
    of control (assuming digital Frequency Modulation) of
    bandwidth of the generated sidebands (how many sidebands
    or frequency partials are generated) as well as the precise
    location of those sidebands.

    Specifically, using only 2 digital sine wave oscillators,
    let's call them sine wave generator 1 (SWG1) and Sine
    wave generator 2 (SWG2), we use SWG1 to modulate the
    frequency of SWG2. In this case, as in FM radio and
    FM electronic sound/music synthesis, SWG1 is called the
    Modulator and SWG2 is called the carrier. Now in this case
    I'm not talking about the RF carrier, this is prior to that.

    Using these two sine wave generators, or computer music
    composers would call them "unit generators" after John Chowning
    who held the patent on FM for many years: the Modulator and
    the Carrier, we can rather precisely control how many
    sidebands or frequency partials we want by controlling
    the FM "index". index is defined as the ratio of Delta F/FM.
    Delta F is the change or difference in frequency above and below
    the carrier. As the amount of change in the Carrier is increased,
    with the modulator (Fm) staying stable, you are increasing the
    "modulation index" which wil result in many more "sidebands"
    springing up left and right of the carrier, just like in Amplitude
    modulation. There are some differences between Amplitude Modulation
    (AM) and Frequency Modulation (FM), one of the primary differences
    being that Bessell functions control the amplitude of the sidebands
    in FM but not in AM apparently (I am currently studying just what
    controls the amplitude of the sidebands in AM, but it does not appear so far to be mathematical Bessel functions).

    So, by controlling the FM modulation index, we can have more or fewer
    overall frequencies in our sound. These frequencies would more properly be called "partials" as we do not know for sure if they are true harmonics (integer multiples of the fundamental) because we must know the mathematical relationship between the the carrer frequency (Fc) and the modulator frequency (Fm) in order to determine if the "sidebands" or partials are harmonically related.

    When Fm and Fc are related to one another in exact integers, you will get a harmonic series, but depending on WHICH integer you have in this relationship, you will not necessarily get all harmonics. When the Fm/Fc ratio is 1, you get all harmonics, when it is 2 you get only ODD harmonics ( see now why I thought people might find this interesting, because folks are working with triangle and square waves which produce only odd harmonics. This effect is duplicated in FM with a Fm/Fc ratio of exactly 2.) A ratio of 3 leaves out every 3rd harmonic. The rule is that an integer relationship of n leaves out every nth harmonic from the harmonic series. You would certainly want to be aware of this if you are trying to be accurate in knowing what freuquences you are sending into the RF carrier.

    So, by controlling the Fm/Fc ratio, we can control If harmonic partials are generated and by controlling the FM Index (Delta f/Fm) we can control the overall bandwidth off the singal being sent into the RF carrier. That's a lot of control with only 2 digital sine wave oscillators. I tried to convince one manufacturer of a signal generator to enact this algorithm in their machine but they apparently were not interested or did not understand why I asked about it.

    Important to note also is that if the ratio of Fm/Fc is a non-integer,you get an inharmonic spectrum (I believe this is also the case in AM which I think may be very important!). Meaning, you get partials, or frequencies which are not in integer relationships to one another. This would also be important to be aware of. I don't really know if a harmonic spectrum or an inharmonic spectrum being sent to the RF carrier has really been studied in a plasma tube device, but it would be most interesting to study. Then of course lately I've been reading that the plasma tube itself is a nonlinear device so you get something else out altogether apparently than you put in, or at least something different. Then there seems to be some controversy over just what kind of EM wave is coming out of the plasma tube. A recent article on implies that Rife used tuned microwaves to achieve his biological effects, but I've read some reports that seem to suggest that the device puts out scalar waves (thought to be non-existent apparently by many in Physics) but there were reports somewhere on the waves penetrating a Faraday cage, which is highly interesting! Of course Tesla's attempts to transmit wireless power come to mind if this is actually happening (what an exciting prospect!).
    I'm told they also are likely to be classified as "soliton" waves, which confuses me a bit since the only solitons I have been able to read about exist only inside fiber optic cables.

    So with "simple FM" we have 2 unit generators with lots of control: bandwidth, harmonic or inharmonic spectrum. However, if you now add a third oscillator, you can have "complex FM" (either parallel complex FM or cascade complex FM) which in either case, allows you to grow sidebands on your sidebands. I believe this is what is happening in some of the overmodulation in the amplitude modulated signals now being used by some plasma devices... you are getting sidebands on your sidebands....generating a huge bandwidth with lots of frequencies, at least so far that's my understanding, but I need to do more research on that to be more sure. However, using complex FM, we would be able to generate almost an unlimited number of sidebands of such incredible complexity and with an almost unlimited bandwidth (simply increase the modulation index of one or both modulators) that we could have essentially a white noise generrator.... so by using FM synthesis with 3 oscilators, we would have the capability of tremedous control. The only thing you cannot directly control is the actual amplitude of those sidebands, as they are controlled by Bessel functions, but you could study the Bessel functions and develop a strategy for learning to work with them to create predictable sideband amplitudes.

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    Default Re: What is super-regeneration, why isn't it being used today?

    Hi Anthony,

    My original background was not in radio frequency communications, so currently I can only somewhat follow what you are talking about. My specific knowledge of this side of electrical engineering is based on work with the Rife technology these last 4 and 1/2 years. I would be interested in perhaps working together on some of your ideas much later this year.

    Since I like most other forum members, must work a regular job to support my research, I am trying to stay very focused on what I do. Personally, I live right on the brink of bankruptcy, sending $20,000 to $30,000 a year, the last several years attempting to understand this technology. Living life on the edge sure makes life exciting.

    So right now I make a great effort to stay focused and on task.

    Before I try anything new, I am adamant in the belief that as a Rife researcher, I must first be able to duplicate the effects of the 1934 and 1935 machines. I am totally focused on the big "C" in its "advanced" "incurable" states right now. I figure if we can duplicate or close to duplicate the 1934 clinic results, then the offshoot to treatment of all other pathigenic diseases can be enhanced effectively by perhaps as much as an order of magnitude.

    1. I am currently building a dozen vacuum tube research prototypes based on the AZ-58 and Scoon Booster Amplifier, as all in one units. They will be tuned to work with Bill Cheb's phanatrons, of which I currently have just about every model. They will be operable with both LabVIEW software/National Instruments M-Series Data Acquisition Board (PCI-6221 or better) or for more portable use with the a Ubicom SX-28 microprocessor board programmed with disease specific complex waveforms simulating the modulating frequency waveforms for more portable use. So as soon as I get a handle on the way it was done in the 1930's, then I will be very open to modification based on all newer technology in the last 70 years. I am pretty sure we could implement what you are suggesting with LabVIEW software, which I am fairly well familiar with. I will be building 3 of these units completely (minus the SX-28 microprocessor boards over the next month. I will then be posting measurements from the circuit and plasma tube on the Rife Forum by the end of May.

    2) In June I will try to get my completely hardware Super-Regeneration system running, as a means to verify that my software simulations are really on track as to how super-regeneration works in a transmitter as opposed to receiver. I will try to post that information on the forum around July.

    3) In July and August, I will start summarizing all the data Marlene and I have put together about her self-treatment for ovarian cancer. Marlene is a Professor of Nursing (PhD) and an experienced researcher in her own right with a number of published papers. The two of us have an awesome amount of information to share. Because we have so much information I will focus on the work done since last July when we implemented the Super-regeneration simulation software. Look for this information toward the end on summer.

    4) This fall I will continue a complementary project called SADIE, which I hope to use to measure the effects of the plasma ray on the human body. It will also serve as my basis for testing the effectiveness of a pad device compared to a plasma tube device. See the attached document below on SADIE. Help on finding/developing the right transducers to measure scalar waves (see below) would be greatly appreciated. A scalar/magneto-dielectric/longitudinal/electric sound wave could be likened to a tsunami wave as opposed to a regular ocean wave which in turn is similar to the commonly known transverse electro-dimagnetic waveform.

    5) My goal by the last quarter of 2006 is to share a solid state design disease specific (for treatment of advanced stage cancer to begin with) for I hope under $1000 that is every bit as effective as the 1934 unit. It would probably use a phanatron tube.

    6} Once I have reached the above goals, I am open to work on many of the new ideas I hear expressed on the Rife Forum; frequency modulation, different plasma gases, send plasma ray, or other forms of signal through various transducers via energy channels of the acpuncture, meridian, chakra systems of which I am fairly well versed.

    7) I suspect based on John Bedini's experiments in December, and my colaboration and work with Marlene relating to her ovarian cancer tumor that we may very well be dealing with scalar waves. There are two really well done videos you may want to look at available at 50 min, VHS Video $19.95. Code TALV, "TESLA's Transverse and Longitudinal Electric Waves" , A Laboratory Demonstration Video, with Eric P. Dollard and 50 min. VHS Video $19.95. Code TLEV, "Tesla's Longitudinal Electricity", A Laboratory Demonstration Video, with Eric P. Dollard & Peter Lindemann. Upon viewing these videos, I wonder whether the acupuncture/meridian energy channel system might be modeled by a transmission line system that supports the longitudinal or scalar waveform. Also search for Dr. William Tiller's website and his theories relating to these waveforms.
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  7. #6
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    Default Re: What is super-regeneration, why isn't it being used today?

    I cannot seem to find the circuit and information for the 1934 Rife machine I thought it was post at one time ? is it available anywhere ?
    Can anyone help?



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    Default Re: What is super-regeneration, why isn't it being used today?

    Hi Terry,

    As far as I know, nobody has or at least if they do have, nobody is sharing knowledge of either the 1934 or 1935 frequency instrument circuits. Also as far as I know, nobody has had the success rate of the 1934 machine, especially with respect to advanced stage, incurable cancer.

    For the last four and one half years, I have been striving to understand how those original instruments may have worked, as I have no doubt, literally hundreds of others have also over the past seventy years.

    I have started sharing and will continue to share my work with others to this end on this forum over the coming months. Other interested researchers wishing to work toward that research goal and as well as openly share the results of that research when it is at leasy verified to some extent, I would be happy to work with. It is a big project and all types of expertise are needed, including just good plain common sense.

    Jim Berger

  9. #8
    TM: Researcher Chat with me Mike Fellows's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is super-regeneration, why isn't it being used today?

    Quote Originally Posted by Terry Charleston
    I cannot seem to find the circuit and information for the 1934 Rife machine I thought it was post at one time ? is it available anywhere ?
    Can anyone help?


    Hi Terry, have a look at

    Mike F
    Mike Fellows
    M-REP Technologies
    Tasmania, Australia

  10. #9
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    Default Re: What is super-regeneration, why isn't it being used today?

    If you look at it closely, it is a Hartley oscillator, in which the phanotron tube takes place of the capacitor. The benefit of this circuit is that the output amplitude is constant over a wide range of frequencies, which would be preferable if one were examining effects of modulate frequencies on a subject.

  11. #10
    TM: Scientific Research Chat with me Anthony Holland's Avatar
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    Default Attachments from Jim Berger

    Hello Jim Berger,

    I applaud your dedication!
    I would love to read your attachments but my computer does not seem to understand how to download them. I click on them and just git a .gif file. Do you have any tips for downloading your attachments?

    Anthony Holland

  12. #11
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attachments from Jim Berger

    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Holland
    Hello Jim Berger,

    I applaud your dedication!
    I would love to read your attachments but my computer does not seem to understand how to download them. I click on them and just git a .gif file. Do you have any tips for downloading your attachments?

    Anthony Holland
    Hi Anthony,
    you should have no problems downloading the attachments. However, to read pdf files, you need to have acrobat reader installed.

    To simply download an attachment to your computer, right click on the attachment and select "Save Target As..."

    I hope this helps.


    Peter Walker
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  13. #12
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    Default Re: What is super-regeneration, why isn't it being used today?

    Hi Anthony,

    You might ask Peter Walker how best to download from the Rife Forum.

    Over the next few months I will be sharing a lot of technical information on the work I am doing to recreate the "Rife effect" witnessed during the 1934 cancer clinic. My goal will be to first release and discuss among other interested researchers in a special research section on this forum, and as we have information worthy to share, we will also do that on the general part of this forum for all to see. Eventually I will also get my own website updated, which I haven't done in over 2 years.

    Sometime in the next few months I will completely revise my website to have all of my fruitful work summarized from the past 4.5 years in one place.

    However in the mean time, if you continue to have problems downloading, just send me a private message, and I will send you the requested info by e-mail or CD.

    Best Regards,
    Jim Berger

  14. #13
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Rob Cassteele's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is super-regeneration, why isn't it being used today?

    I have the same problem with Philip Hoyland as Mr. J. Berger has.
    I have one problem with the AZ-58 machine:The Orginal AZ-58 machine was built by Allied Industries owned by John Crane.
    I am no fan of John Crane either.

    I still hope Mr. Berger will find the truth soon.


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