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    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default The Rife Forum Newsletter - June 2017

    The Rife Forum Newsletter - June 2017!
    Latest news from the Rife Forum -

    Dear Member

    Welcome to the Rife Forum Newsletter that is now back after a long break. The plan is to release these newsletters much more often in future to keep our members up to date on what is happening in the Rife research world. You can read the previous newsletters here.

    First of all, a few details for those that are surprised to be receiving this. Every time I have sent out these newsletters, there are always a few who report it as being spam and that wastes a lot of my time getting the forum removed from various black-lists, so I am writing the unsubscribe details at the top of the newsletter, I thank-you for your patience.

    How to unsubscribe properly from this Newsletter and/or the Rife Forum:
    If you are wondering why you are receiving this, it is because you signed up to be a member of The Rife Forum and stated in your profile that you agree to receive our newsletter. If you would prefer not to receive any more newsletters, just reply to this email with “Unsubscribe Newsletter” on the subject line and we will remove you from the mailing list, yet you will still remain as a member of the Rife Forum.
    You can change your decision to receive our newsletters at any time yourself, here (at the bottom of the page – login required):
    If you want to completely unsubscribe from the forum, reply to this email with “Unsubscribe” on the subject line or join the “Unsubscribed” group here:

    IMPORTANT: Do NOT report this email as spam to your email provider. Doing so does not inform us that you want to unsubscribe, yet does have a negative effect on our ability to send newsletters to other members that want to read it. We only send this Newsletter to members that asked for it, so if you are reading this, you have joined the Rife Forum and given us permission to send you these emails. Please understand that any members, who do report this legitimate newsletter as spam, may be banned and their email address reported to the Stop Forum Spam database, which may make it difficult for you to join other forums in future. Please be responsible and we do respect unsubscribe requests.


    There is a lot to report on in this Newsletter and it marks the rebirth and start of a lot of new activities, with your help. I admit that I was too busy on other projects last year and did not give the forum the time it deserved. I hope to rectify that this year with a number of exciting new projects. I recommend you read the entire newsletter as there are a number of important changes and new activities.

    Independent Rife Device Testing Project
    We need your help, now!
    The historic “John Crane Report” has been almost fully restored!
    SSL Security Improvements
    The Rife Wiki
    Major new Project for 2017 - Device Testing
    The Rife Forum on Facebook
    Forum Software Upgrade urgently needed.
    Comet Chat system updated and can be switched off.
    Having Problems logging in?
    Your Login Details

    Independent Rife Device Testing Project:
    When I started the Rife Forum back in 2002, one of the main ideas I wanted to implement, was to provide a neutral location where the various “Rife” treatment devices can be neutrally compared and assessed, as the number one question I am asked is “Which is the best device?”
    Each manufacturer “claims” they have the best, most accurate, best features, whatever, device in the world, but they are hardly independent and who can verify their claims? This leaves a lot of people confused as particularly ill people are vulnerable to the manufacturers often highly exaggerated claims, but what else can they do? We do have a number of device specific sections, on this forum, which does provide some user-to-user guidance and even some of the makers take part in helping the members. I wanted independent testing of each device, but without funds to obtain and test each device, that is going to be difficult. After a lot of thought, I have decided to start a crowdfunding campaign to finally get this off the ground. With your help, we want to subject as many units as possible to a series of tests to determine how good they are. These tests include measuring the quality of the generated frequencies on an oscilloscope following a protocol put together by an experienced engineer. There are lots of important aspects we can test, giving us a reliable and transparent benchmark for each device. We want to orientate the tests on the European standards for testing such devices: medCE Class II, rule 9. However, we cannot fully test to that standard as the costs would be prohibitive.
    To get us started, we need the funds to buy some test equipment and the first units to be tested. The final reports will be made available for a fee on the website and the collected funds will be used to finance the following tests. This will be a bold, expensive and ongoing project and as the forum currently has no income beyond donations, we cannot do this without your help. Those that donate now will be the first to see the reports and can make suggestions as to which units to test. We also ask for manufacturers to donate units for testing, which will of course mean their units are tested faster. More details on our crowdfunding page:

    We Need Your Help, Now!
    The forum is funded almost entirely via donations that allow access to the premium area where high quality reports, audio and videos can be found. Donations have been behind our costs for some time and this led to an urgent appeal for help that was sent out in December 2016. The response to that appeal was very encouraging and went a long way towards covering our running costs and clearing some of the debts that had been run up to keep things running here at the time. A big thank-you to all who helped out then and the funds helped to keep the forum online.

    Unfortunately in January, hackers then decided to misuse the forum to send people to a download website. Luckily, no user data was taken as we have that secured. The hack affected people who googled for Rife and then clicked on the link for the Rife Forum. Instead of landing on the forum, they were instead redirected to a download website. As it was done in such a way that only people coming to the forum via Google and co were redirected, it took a while for us to discover the hack and even longer to work out what was happening. Once I had understood what the problem was, I had to hire cyber security experts to analyse the forum software and database to detect and remove the incursion. This happened quite quickly, but the fix then caused damage to key systems that resulted in some pages to stop working including the donation system. Without getting into a long story, it took several weeks and a lot of money for specialists to finally fix the problems and improve the security of the forum, including implementing the secure SSL (https) protocol that protects your data while using the forum. Even installing that caused problems which only allowed those using Chrome to be able to post on the Forum, as Chrome has its own JavaScript engine. Those using other browsers were unable to post at all. One member got quite angry when he thought he had somehow been banned… (he hadn’t).

    All those unexpected costs resulted in the funds collected in December being used up and the forum account is again at the point that we can barely meet our costs. If you can, please make an urgent donation to the forum and those that donate $50 or more from now until the end of June, will be given free access to all device tests as they come available in 2017, in addition to a prolonged premium membership (double the time until June 3 and 50% longer for the rest of June).
    What do we need the funds for? Apart from covering the running costs, we need to upgrade the forum software to the latest version of vBulletin 5 (we are still on vB3), obtain and create new content for the premium area, do more research work for reports here and on and lots more besides. Read the rest of this newsletter to learn what else we want to do. We plan to use those funds to significantly improve the forum for you to use.

    Some have asked why we do not use advertising to pay our costs. The problem with alternative health is that the manufacturers of devices are not legally permitted to have any financial connections with a forum where the health aspects of these methods are discussed. This has been a major problem for such companies to make themselves known and for us not being able to accept any advertising from such companies. The new device testing project is a way of getting around this problem as tested devices will be more prominent to the Rife research community without the companies having to pay us anything. They can donate or loan us units for such tests, however. Those who donate will have free access to the test reports, whereas we will be making a nominal charge to read these test reports and those funds will be used to help finance more testing of units. That solves the legal issues.

    We know there are some people who say that “all health related info should be free.” That is fine if you have an alternative source of funding, like selling devices for example, but we cannot do that and proper device testing will cost us a significant amount of money that has to be found and paid for, somehow.

    So please donate now so that we can recover from the unplanned costs caused by the technical problems. We have a lot of plans to improve and expand the forum with new ideas and services and these are only possible with your help.
    You can donate towards the costs of running the forum and these new projects here:
    If you cannot login to the forum, you can send a PayPal payment to or back our crowdfunding project, instead.

    A series of new services and the expansion of advertising on will be implemented, in the hope of improving finances in 2017. I plan to spend a lot more time upgrading the forum both technically as well as adding more high-quality content in 2017.

    The historic “John Crane Report” has been almost fully restored!
    John Crane worked closely with Royal Rife for a number of years. It is from him that the concept of pad devices came and without him, the Rife legacy may have been lost forever. An incomplete copy of the “John Crane Report” has been around for a long time, but unfortunately of the original 46 pages in that report, we had previously only had 30. I have been personally hunting down the missing pages and rebuilding the report to its former state. The report has now been fully restored except for page 40 (“Appendix T. National Cancer Institute position Mar 1972”). If anyone has that page, please send it to me. The pages have also been straightened out and OCR’d so that you can now cut and past the printed text. For those interested in Rife history, the restored pages are certainly interesting.
    Appendix Z originally consisted of just one missing page from a Nov. 86 patent on “a frequency healing of cancer” followed by a hand-written three page summary of that patent by Crane. I managed to find the original patent and have inserted the entire 8 pages into the document (pages 47a to 47g). You can view or download the updated Crane report here:

    SSL Security Improvements
    The Rife Forum and have now implemented SSL security. This encrypts the connection between your computer and our website in the same way this is done when you purchase something securely, online. This prevents hackers from intercepting your text, passwords, etc. between your computer or device and the forum. There were a number of technical problems during implementation, yet we are now confident that the forum is now working properly. The SSL connection is now fully activated and the insecure connection is no longer available. The forum mail server now also uses a secure connection to send all emails to the members.

    The Rife Wiki has also been attacked and unusable for some time, now. The concept of the Rife Wiki was to have a common Wiki for all Rife related topics that was under our control and safer from the kind of political bias that you find on Wikipedia against all topics. Only Rife Forum members were able to make changes to the text, in the hope this would keep things accurate. Highlights include the details of the Jim Folsom trial, that had a very positive effect on reducing the negative implications of what happened to Jim, by exposing the facts to the public, thereby reducing the spin from those trying to use it to attack the Rife world. Another highlight is the Rife machine table that listed a number of Rife devices side-by-side. Both of these pages have yet to be republished on and will be when time allows. Until then the archived version in being linked to.

    Very few people actually contributed to the Wiki and critical topics like "Urban Legends" were altered by trolls to have broken links, etc. The wiki was then further altered to work poorly and finally the text disappeared completely. Obviously, running a Wiki, where anyone can make changes, is going to invite the wrong people to try and ruin it. This was corrected when the contents of the Wiki pages was transferred to the website where only I can make changes.

    It will be easier to rebuild than repair the Wiki and for now, most of the contents can still be found on the original links at, yet these links redirect to the website, where the pages are hosted, instead. If the Rife Wiki can return as a Wiki depends on time and funds being available to rebuild it.

    Major new Project for 2017 - Device Testing
    One of the major reasons for running a forum like this, is to provide an unbiased platform for discussions of Rife methods and devices, independent of manufacturers. This independence has been maintained and is very important. The number one question, I am always being asked is: “Which is the best device to use.” I see a real need for independent testing of each device out there and that is what I want to arrange. The biggest issue will be funding as each device will have to be purchased and put through rigorous testing to determine the quality of each unit and its suitability. An initial budget of 20000 € (about $22500) has been set to help us obtain suitable test equipment and the first units to test. If possible, two test locations are being considered in the USA and Europe to avoid additional problems with customs duties, etc.

    The final reports will be made available in the premium area of the forum and for purchase on by the general public. The more funds that can be gained, the more devices we can test - this will be a great project. Manufacturers who want to ensure their devices are tested, can donate units to be tested (returnable) which helps us tremendously as we then do not need to buy them. The reports will be transparent and unbiased.

    Additionally, I am planning to start doing video interviews with prominent researchers in the Rife World.

    We have more positive things planned as well, which will be announced later as time and funds allow them to be done. There is still a lot of things which can be done to have a very positive effect on the world of Rife technology to help more people recover from serious conditions.

    The Rife Forum on Facebook.
    The world of social media has changed a lot since we started the forum in 2002. I have just started a Rife Forum page on Facebook as a means of reaching a new audience and spreading the word about how Rife technology can help people. If you use Facebook, you can find our page here:

    Forum Software Upgrade urgently needed.
    The Rife Forum uses the vBulletin forum software and the current version we are using is 3.8.9, which is coming to its end of life and it is time to upgrade to the latest version. The current vBulletin 5.3.1 is not only more secure, it will also work better on smartphones and tablets. As funding becomes available, we hope to upgrade the forum software later this year.

    Comet Chat system updated and can be switched off.
    We have had an instant messaging system, on the Rife Forum for many years. This allows users to communicate directly with others who are online at the same time. We recently updated this system, which itself caused technical problems for a while. It is now working correctly again and we have also implemented a system for switching it on or off as you prefer. If you just do not want to be disturbed, you can simply change your status to “Busy” or “Invisible”. To switch it off entirely, just go to this page, select Comet Chat and then Leave Group. It can be rejoined at the same location by clicking ”Join Group.”

    Having Problems logging in?
    With all the changes that have been made, including the switch to being a secure website (https), it is possible that the cookies on your computer might be confused and prevent you from properly logging in.
    If that happens, you will find instructions on how to fix that, here:

    Thank-you for reading this newsletter and we welcome articles you may have for our next one planned for August 2017. If you have not been to the Rife Forum for a while, then let us welcome you back where you will find a massive wealth of shared information about Rife methods and technology and much more. Here are some important details to help you get back online with us.

    Please feel free to sign in, there are a lot of interesting posts on the Rife Forum.

    Thank-you for reading this post and I look forward to seeing you back on the Rife Forum.
    Last edited by Peter Walker; 06-01-2017 at 12:04.
    Peter Walker
    Administrator = Rife History and Rife-related Research website = Replacement for YahooGroups with full migration. = New way to improve your cell-wellbeing with an app! = Directory and reviews of Rife related websites = Largest serious Rife Related Online Community = Rifeforum Email distribution on Info. = Health-Related YahooGroups Archives - 70 Groups archived. = New home for the former Rife YahooGroup = Peter Walker's Online Shop for Gadgets = SeeNano Microscope, successor to the Ergonom - Available in 2020 = Star Trek New Voyages Fan-Film Series - Peter runs the website.

    We now live in a world where doctors destroy health,
    lawyers destroy justice,
    universities destroy knowledge
    governments destroy freedom
    the press destroy information,
    religion destroys morals,
    and the banks destroy the economy.
    - Christopher Hedges

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