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Thread: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

  1. #21
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    Hello Forum

    Has you will know im a Shamanic Priest a real one,and ive spent life times and decades in this life time training,When some one comes to me with a entity inside them and they are ready for killing themselves what do you think i charge to remove this? and then have this entity in me playing with my mind thoughts and feelings?I charge nothing because i receive GRACE from GOD,Ive walked in many shoes Male and Female in many lifetimes,And ive come to realise when we serve others without any selfish motive involved or payment we redeem our Sins.I will say no more about these silly frequencies.



  2. #22
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    Dear Tyrone Thomas,

    I feel compelled to write a response.

    Yes, the information should be given freely, however, until the heart of a man changes little change will occur his head. You know that for most, a mans head creates his reality (and that reality is just as valid as another). Some people are awakening to another reality, one that does come from the heart first instead of the head. When the world first thinks from the heart instead of the head...this world will be a better place for everyone.

    Some people are genuinely seeking to help others in this forum, others are here because they seek a remedy for a loved one, a friend, or themselves. Others are here to make a buck and/or sell something.

    Without the dark field microscope everybody is using these devices blindly, except that we do have other peoples experiences in combating illnesses (and a few researchers). But, they didn't necessarily say what other treatments were used, what they ate, how much they slept. what "feelings" they experienced during the illness, etc. Most use many frequencies including sweeps of frequencies so that is all we have to go on for now.

    The Rife technology, IMHO (from studying this for a few years, not actually doing it) is as close to a silver bullet as any thing the mind of man has ever conceived. But, there are so many other factors involved in physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Wellness should be tended to with equal enthusiasm.

    From the heart,


    P.S. I probably should not have written this at all, but my heart told me to tell you that you are not alone!

  3. Thanks Leroy Dissinger (3x):

    Sarah-Jayne Seer (09-21-2016), Tom Basilio (01-13-2011), Tyrone Thomas (05-14-2010)

  4. #23
    TM: Scientific Research Chat with me CharBoehm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    Tyrone, sir. I also feel compelled to respond.

    You (and possibly others on this forum) have no idea the amount and level of work that many of us working to further this emerging technology put in on a daily basis, or the years we have spent getting to where we are now.

    You apparently have no idea where our hearts are and intentions are.

    You have no idea of the number of people that have been helped for a mere fraction of the cost of usual medical treatment, some of which never worked for them. Many of these people don't belong to any forums, so you will never hear about them. Knowing that their lives have been improved or extended in a good way is our biggest reward. I don't pretend to know all of what God thinks about that, but I have some clues.

    You have no idea of the hours we spend on email and phone assistance, to help people use this technology in an optimal way.

    You have no idea of the direct financial costs we incur doing this work, of the taxes we pay on the money that does get sent to us for services, of the little that is left over to help support us.

    You have no idea of the innumerable hours we have spent away from interacting with our families, doing this work.

    And yet you tell us we are selfish and ungodly.

    No system is ever perfect, but for now this is the best we can do. And yes, our families do have to eat and we need a roof over our heads. Or do you expect food to be free also? That tends to create a system called slavery.

    I respect that fact you have a gift and are able to assist with entities and do other shamanic work, and that you are in a position to do that for free. Many other shamans accept gifts. That keeps them fed and in shelter. I would assume you have other work that you do, to keep you fed and in shelter. The other work you do is your choice. Or perhaps you are independently wealthy - if so, that is wonderful.

    The work we all do is our choice, and I have chosen to do my work with frequencies in the most reasonable way I could come up with. It tool me a long time to figure out the structure of how to offer this service.

    However, it is not fair that you insult me in this way for doing what I do, on the basis of how you do things, or on the basis of what you think is Godly or selfish or not; or because certain frequency information has been free in the past. Everybody is free to use, or not use, the DNA-related frequencies. And somehow, this technology will go into the future - but like most other services, it won't be free. Nobody can afford to absorb the costs of such an endeavour. Even Rife was supported by Mrs. Bridges. Somewhere along the line, somebody pays in one way or another.

    And as I have said before, and as might be obvious from other posts I make on this forum, it's never just the frequencies. Good and effective frequencies go hand in hand with high-quality devices.

    Tyrone, please stop making assumptions about our intentions. This is hard work.

    Best wishes,

  5. Thanks CharBoehm (7x):

    Christian Hag (10-09-2012), Jason Ringas (05-15-2010), Larry Fine (04-12-2016), Marshall Stanton (05-16-2010), Pankaj Mishra (11-21-2013), Randall Haislip (05-16-2010), Tom Basilio (01-13-2011)

  6. #24
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    Dear Charlene Boehm,

    I did not know about your site or method of calculation. I have read the paper and it does not seem to be too complicated (however, one may need to know some information that may or may not be obtainable via internet searches). Based on your method for calculating frequencies based on DNA, then you must have frequencies that could potentially be harmful to human cells?

    Have you calculated these frequencies? If so, how many of these frequencies correspond to published frequencies (or are very close to published frequencies) that could potentially harm people using frequency devices?

    It is an intriguing method, scientifically based and seems sound.

    However, based on the paper (and my calculation which could be incorrect), "The entire genome of Borrelia burgdorferi sains 910,724 base pairs", 112.58 is the frequency specified. This is 33 octaves removed from the actual frequency obtained. Would not a square wave (with its odd harmonics) have very little power this far removed from the actual or debilitating frequency.

    The reason for these questions is based on the title of this thread. It is also based on people getting herx it the bug that was killed, or is it cells withing the body. I do not understand why a "hit" as defined by some manufacturers would create a physical sensation to the user of the seems like it should only create a sensation to the little beasty...causing it to explode.

    Also, based on my 33 octaves lower calculation, it seems that buying a device that can produce much higher frequencies is the right way to get closer to those actual frequencies, i.e. less octaves removed from the actual or debilitating frequency.

    As a newbie asking questions, I hope you will not take this as trying to steal information or being questions that are just TOO stupid.


    Last edited by Leroy Dissinger; 05-16-2010 at 12:41.

  7. #25
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    Dear Charlene Boehm,

    I am no expert on you method. I've looked up human DNA, and I'm not sure that they know exactly how many base pairs are present, but they say around 3 billion.

    Using the method in your paper I calculated the following frequency using 3 billion pairs.

    So, the frequency of human DNA (based on that loose number) is :

    The lower octaves of that are :
    323.328769 161.6643845
    With debilitating frequencies respectively of:
    457.2559303 228.6279651
    Would these calculations be in line with yours, based on 3 billion base pairs?


  8. #26
    TM: Researcher Chat with me Randall Haislip's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    In response to Jason Ringas' question as to whether frequencies can harm tissue cells and or blood cells this page might be a starting point for those interested in that discussion.
    This thread is the proper place for such discussion.
    Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

  9. Thanks Randall Haislip:

    S M Drake (11-21-2013)

  10. #27
    TM: Researcher Chat with me Randall Haislip's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    Originally Posted by Randall Haislip
    If however you have information that suggest that frequencies are harmful to tissue cells or blood cells as your doubting remark indicates, I would be delighted to read that document.

    You never said "harmful" in your original comment. I understood you to be saying that frequencies have no effect on blood or tissues, not no harmful effect. On this point, however, I do recall an early study where they destroyed frog blood cells with sound waves. I don't have the study handy, but I think I may have posted it to one of the discussion groups over the years. I also recall someone making a post observing the same thing with a frequency machine. This was many years ago. I agree that the frequency machines that we use generally do not have harmful effects, but that doesn't mean that they can't have harmful effects. They're certainly not toys, so caution should always be kept in mind.

    You and I have both been involved in this technology a long time. We both know that frequencies DO affect tissue cells and blood cells. I would never intentionally suggest otherwise.
    And yes I certainly agree with you:

    [Jason Ringas]" I agree that the frequency machines that we use generally do not have harmful effects, but that doesn't mean that they can't have harmful effects. They're certainly not toys, so caution should always be kept in mind."
    Yes, I'll say it with you, These machines are not Toys.
    Those with lyme disease don't need to hear that nearly as much as the newcomers who have never experienced a herx.

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  11. #28
    TM: Scientific Research Chat with me CharBoehm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    Leroy, please know I am not ignoring your posts about the DNA frequency and human DNA, but have not had time to properly address the questions. I will need to pull some references to give a decent reply, and will try to do that asap.


  12. #29
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    Quote Originally Posted by CharBoehm View Post
    Leroy, please know I am not ignoring your posts about the DNA frequency and human DNA, but have not had time to properly address the questions. I will need to pull some references to give a decent reply, and will try to do that asap.

    No worries. I was and am in the process of moving. Wish I'd known you were in NC before I moved from SC...oh well. Looking forward to your response. I'd think that using the DNA frequencies directly (or boosting those) would help a person, but using the square root of 2 * those frequencies could be bad. Anyway, I'm looking to purchase or build a system shortly (after some more unpacking) and doing some testing.



  13. #30
    TM: Scientific Research Chat with me CharBoehm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    Hi Leroy,

    Actually, I do not calculate DNA-related frequencies based on human DNA, because my focus is on pathogens. I am not sure using human cell DNA-derived frequencies could be useful, because there are issues regarding waveform, pulse length, field effects etc. that may come into play. You may want to read some of the material Randall Haislip has been posting about high-voltage nanosecond pulsed e-fields, and that such an approach may require eventual expansion of traditional electromagnetic analysis.

    In the meantime, here is a copy of something at the FAQ page of my website, it addresses the differences between human and bacterial cells. These factors - especially the matter of histone shielding of DNA, as well as bacteria lacking cellular components that are present in human cells - could be very important in figuring out why these technologies are not the same for all types of cells across the board.


    Will the frequencies affect the DNA in my cells, the same way it affects the DNA of the pathogen?

    This is a question of major interest and importance. It cannot be answered easily, because the various frequency delivery systems discharge their frequencies in different ways, with various types of emissions, waveforms and power levels. However, here is information that might provide basis for further discussion and research.

    There are many differences between bacterial (prokaryotic) and mammalian (eukaryotic) cells (3), some or all of which may have a collective bearing on how frequency delivery systems might influence them:

    1. Their DNA structure is very different. Mammalian DNA is bonded to proteins called histones, which wrap and fold the DNA into a manageable size. Bacterial and viral DNA do not contain histones. The histones may provide electrical shielding to mammalian DNA, as compared to bacterial and viral DNA.
    2. DNA in eukaryotic cells is surrounded by a nucleus and the nuclear membrane. Bacterial cells do not contain a nucleus.
    3. Eukaryotic cells are generally 10-30 times larger in linear dimension, and 1,000-10,000 times greater in volume than typical bacterial cells. This results in a much smaller surface to volume ratio in eukaryotic cells as compared to bacterial.
    4. Because of the difference in wall and membrane components, bacterial cells carry a much denser negative electrical charge on their outside surface than eukaryotic cells do. Also, the cell walls of bacteria are highly porous, and the pores are relatively large. These traits allow easy movement of ions and proteins through the pores. While these characteristics are necessary for bacterial metabolic processes to take place, it’s possible they can be used to advantage when influencing the bacteria with electromagnetic frequency delivery systems.
    5. The constituents of bacterial membranes are chemically and electrically different than those of eukaryotic membranes.
    6. Bacteria possess no internal cytoskeleton, as do eukaryotic cells. This would include microtubules and actin filaments. Furthermore, bacteria do not perform endocytosis or exocytosis.

    Individually or collectively, all these factors and possibly others may play a part in why certain pathogenic organisms are influenced more easily than eukaryotic animal and plant cells by frequency delivery systems. Recent years have seen many projects being carried out by major researchers at highly regarded laboratories and universities, all of which are too numerous to review in this small space.

    1. Mattman, Lida H. Cell wall deficient forms, 3rd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2001.
    2. Takashima, Shiro. Electrical Properties of Biopolymers and Membranes. Bristol: Adam Hilger, 1989.
    3. Alberts, Bruce, et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell,, 3rd ed., pp. 22-25, 481-485, 521-523, 554-555. New York: Garland Publishing, 1994.

    Best wishes,

  14. #31
    TM: Scientific Research Chat with me CharBoehm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    DNA is without question the most densely electrically charged molecule in any living organism. It carries an intense negative charge along the length of the molecule due to the presence of phosphate groups.

    What I wrote in my previous post is not intended to imply that pathogenic DNA or RNA is "naked" as compared to human DNA. Pathogenic nucleic acids can have proteins which bind to its genome or genomic pieces. However, the histone electrical shielding is much more complete in human DNA, than protein binding would provide for pathogen DNA or RNA.

    There is a paper that mentions shielding at
    which is titled "Participation of Core Histone "Tails" in the
    Stabilization of the Chromatin Solenoid". The abstract states: "The inference is that the core histone tail segments function by providing electrostatic shielding of the DNA charge and at the same time bridging adjacent
    nucleosomes in the solenoid."


  15. #32
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    There is one additional mechanism about EM effects, or lack thereof, on human cells. This is from a short paper I wrote for people that want information about the DNA-related frequency method:

    When bacterial and other cells are dividing, they are known to be much more susceptible to electromagnetic emissions during the time of division. One research article states: “The observed electric field response of E. coli in different stages of their growth indicates that rapidly dividing cells are more susceptible to electric fields than cells which are not proliferating. If this also holds true for mammalian cells, then ultrashort high-electric-field pulses could affect tumor or cancer development significantly.”4

    4. Schoenbach, K., et al. The Effect of Pulsed Electric Fields on Biological Cells: Experiments and Applications. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Apr 1997; 25(2): 284-292.

    In short, the concept is that electric fields affect dividing cells more easily than non-dividing cells. When cells / viruses are dividing or reproducing, their DNA is much more exposed than in a resting state. This is why pregnant humans and animals should stay away from electromagnetic field emissions, and also why cell phones are not so smart for young children to continually use at close range, because their brain cells are still undergoing a lot of division. It could also be why cancer cells are more vulnerable than normal cells.

    And it's also why pathogens that are in a rapidly dividing stage (during acute bacterial or early stages of viral infections), may be more susceptible to EM field emissions than when they are in a latent or resting stage (for instance, spore and cyst stages).

    Best wishes,

  16. Thanks CharBoehm:

    Christian Hag (10-10-2012)

  17. #33
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?


    Thank you for your reply. I now understand why you do not calculate the frequencies based on human DNA and I hope you are correct. But the body is so complex is is really a guessing game, no (Our creator was a pretty smart dude/dudette)? I'm GUESSING that you are correct and that these frequencies do not harm "normal" body cells, but could (according to the manufacturer or one machine) harm non-normal body cells, such as malformed or dying red blood cells.

    Did you find my calculations to be correct for the human DNA, IF the number of base pairs was 3 billion?

    If these figures were correct, then some low frequencies would however, be just a very few octaves (or 0 octaves) from the DNA freq. and Rife did not use the low frequencies in his original machines. These lower frequencies were utilized after the AMA and FCC shut him down on the powerful machines. Maybe Rife never had any problem because his frequences were many octaves above the human DNA frequency? It is still a little scary, but I guess that people have been using these low frequencies for a while and died from use of these machines.

    Thank you for the research...I will read up on it more.


  18. #34
    TM: Scientific Research Chat with me CharBoehm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    Quote Originally Posted by Leroy Dissinger View Post

    Thank you for your reply. I now understand why you do not calculate the frequencies based on human DNA and I hope you are correct. But the body is so complex is is really a guessing game, no (Our creator was a pretty smart dude/dudette)? I'm GUESSING that you are correct and that these frequencies do not harm "normal" body cells, but could (according to the manufacturer or one machine) harm non-normal body cells, such as malformed or dying red blood cells.

    Did you find my calculations to be correct for the human DNA, IF the number of base pairs was 3 billion?

    If these figures were correct, then some low frequencies would however, be just a very few octaves (or 0 octaves) from the DNA freq. and Rife did not use the low frequencies in his original machines. These lower frequencies were utilized after the AMA and FCC shut him down on the powerful machines. Maybe Rife never had any problem because his frequences were many octaves above the human DNA frequency? It is still a little scary, but I guess that people have been using these low frequencies for a while and died from use of these machines.

    Thank you for the research...I will read up on it more.

    Hi Leroy,

    I am coming up with different numbers than you did, based on 3 billion base pairs.

    From your comments, I get the impression that you think that DNA-related frequencies are just in lower, audio-range octaves or regions. They can be in any region of the spectrum, including ultrasound, radio, microwave, and on up. The only reason I gave examples in the audio range in my 1999 paper, was because that's the range everybody was using or talking about back then.

    Also, if you were to give me any frequency at all in the audio range, including ones proposed to be associated with human DNA, I can assure you that I could find other items in my pathogen databases that relate to the same frequency.

    What I look for is not frequencies that might coincidentally match on a rare occasion, but frequencies that show up numerous times in a pattern, especially if they seem to be getting beneficial results, or have shown evidence of results elsewhere (i.e., even before the DNA frequency theory was proposed).

    You should never take my word as being definitive, and there will always be room for improvement of theory and hardware. There are many factors regarding frequency delivery systems that could have varying effects on cells, normal or otherwise. Many of these factors are totally out of my control.

    Some of us try to study existing reports and literature as time permits, to see if more patterns can be discovered regarding cellular and pathogen response.

    Best wishes,

  19. #35
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    Quote Originally Posted by CharBoehm View Post
    Hi Leroy,

    I am coming up with different numbers than you did, based on 3 billion base pairs.

    From your comments, I get the impression that you think that DNA-related frequencies are just in lower, audio-range octaves or regions.

    Well, it is sometimes hard for me to communicate in text, I guess. I have no doubt that your DNA frequencies are not JUST in the lower audio range octaves or regions. According to the paper as I read it, you could keep going down in octaves until you are in the lower ranges, and based on THE particular machine used, you would divide by 2 until you were in an acceptable frequency range for THAT machine.

    You are correct, my numbers were off...based on 3 billion base pairs. I should have used your numbers to make sure my calculations were correct. I hate it when I do stupid things...which is most of the time.

    The following is just for discussion, as you have given several reasons as to why a normal human cell should not be destroyed by frequencies. For the sake of this discussion, let us assume that we could be harmed, and that the number of base pairs in human DNA is 3 billion.

    That being said...then the following debilitating frequencies could cause a human harm:

    frequencies of: 198, 396, 791.9, 1583.8, (times 2 on up) etc.

    One of the most interesting (scary) things about this formula is that the more base pairs present in the target, the closer the lower octaves are to the "base" debilitating frequency, because the number of base pairs is in the divisor.

    Of course, the numbers for human DNA are not accurate, because I have not found any place that can definitively say an exact number of base pairs for human DNA. But lets just go with this discussion and say that 3 billion pairs is correct.

    HUMAN DNA DEBILITATION FREQ: 396 is 20 octaves from the base debilitating frequency.

    Plasmid cp9 containing 9386 base pairs - DEBILITATING FREQ of 482.8 is a whopping 38 octaves below the base debilitating freq.

    So, what I was trying to say, is this: The relative debilitating frequencies for human DNA (no matter what the actual number of base pairs) is at a lower octave than any of the pathogens we are trying to kill. This, without your excellent reasons as to why we are not harmed, would have given pause to using frequencies close to any debilitating frequencies for human dna....


    P.S. Sorry about the screwed up numbers in the previous post and I hope this made more sense.
    Last edited by Leroy Dissinger; 05-30-2010 at 11:57.

  20. #36
    TM: Researcher Chat with me Randall Haislip's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    This is a bit out of the way; But I work in a industrial facility. My job at one time was monitoring very large scale systems, used for weighing up large amounts of raw materials in a very short period of time. In order to accomplish this, very powerful vibrators/shakers would come on to start the weighing process.
    I'm guessing these shaker systems run off of 440Vac and vibrate, I'm guessing between 40-60 times per second.

    It never failed to just amaze me that when I had to walk by that shaker that my whole chest/abdomen would vibrate to that vibration and much more than enough to felt kinda nice.

    There was definitely a sympathetic resonance event occurring. And though one can speculate about the exact frequency, the Amplitude of that vibration was a major contributor to that physical response.

    Though I didn't turn into a mud-puddle, some might argue that my brains got a little mushed up. : )

    Anyway, Amplitude should come into play somewhere in order to create a significant sympathetic resonance, I believe.
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    Quote Originally Posted by Randall Haislip View Post
    Anyway, Amplitude should come into play somewhere in order to create a significant sympathetic resonance, I believe.
    I'm still a newbie to actual therapy for illnesses, but from what I've seen (I believe it was on the John Bedini web site) amplitude (i.e. voltage) was also given for the various pathogens.

    So, it is just the frequency, or is it a combination or frequency and amplitude?


    P.S. I've seen frequencies specified (suggested) from various system manufacturers but not amplitude...or am I just missing it.

  22. #38
    TM: Researcher Chat with me Randall Haislip's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    Hi Leroy,
    Let me introduce you to Dr. Gary Wade
    Gary has published some of the best papers out there.
    The machine he offers uses physical vibrations to induce resonance with whatever the target is.
    So in trying to move back in line with the Thread title, it will be found by reading his website that his unit runs a range of frequencies from 0hz-80Mhz. I believe that will most likely cover the frequency range of your concern.

    Another analogy on Amplitude is the one spotlighting Ella Fritzgerald in that old memorex commercial.
    In that example Ellas' voice set up a resonance with the wine glass and when her voice was Amplified the glass shattered.
    But to your question regarding the amplitude of the devices on the market, it seems reasonable to me that the amplitude requirements of someone who carries 100lbs of body fat would be much higher than some one with a extremely low body mass index since lipids act as insulators to electrical current.
    I hope you enjoy Gary's papers

    Quote Originally Posted by Leroy Dissinger View Post
    I'm still a newbie to actual therapy for illnesses, but from what I've seen (I believe it was on the John Bedini web site) amplitude (i.e. voltage) was also given for the various pathogens.

    So, it is just the frequency, or is it a combination or frequency and amplitude?


    P.S. I've seen frequencies specified (suggested) from various system manufacturers but not amplitude...or am I just missing it.
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  23. Thanks Randall Haislip:

    Leroy Dissinger (06-04-2010)

  24. #39
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    I appreciate the direction to Dr. Gary Wades site. Bedini mentions him on his interview with Rense as well as the BCX Ultra and a non-descriptive mention of a few others.

    Dr. Wades approach is fascinating and very different from others i have seen, both in the scanning approach and method of delivery.

    In keeping with the title of the thread, Dr. Wade mentions that there are frequencies that are harmful to the human cell, but does not specify what those frequencies are. I guess we are left to our own devices to figure that out...or maybe someone (with a Wade machine) has or could contact Dr. Wade to find out what frequencies he believes are harmful.

    Last edited by Leroy Dissinger; 06-06-2010 at 13:51. Reason: clarification

  25. #40
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    Default Re: Does a Rife machine harm normal body cells?

    I read one manual that states that 1840 and 1910 can have serious long term deleterious effects and even stimulate growth in malignant tumors.

    Does anyone have information on these frequencies and a reason or confirmation of the above?


  26. Thanks Leroy Dissinger:

    Bruce Hewson (05-10-2012)

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